Responses to Proposed Amalgamation Caedmon College Whitby & Eskdale School


Do you have any comments about the amalgamation proposal?

What is your interest/status?


Do you support the proposals?

Do you have any suggestions for improvement?

Date received


I disagree with the amalgamation proposal as it seems short sighted. There are decreased numbers on all sites CURRENTLY. Whitby also currently has 3 new housing estates being built, not including any new proposed sites in the coming years. Therefore it would be common sense that there will be more children needing school spaces in the next decade. It would make far more sense to keep all sites, move the 16-18 range which seems to be the smallest to the smallest facility and move the majority of children to the largest. If we close Eskdale all that will happen is in 5 years time we will have over populated secondary schools and the need for a new site which will then have to be built.  I would like my child to go to a secondary school which has a great reputation, one I went to as a child and one still needed in the community. Which is Eskdale.

Potential school for my child in the future.






After learning of the underhand behaviours of the governors in regards to our schools in Whitby I really feel further independent investigation needs to take place before and decisions are made in terms of amalgamation. The education standard and well-being of students seems to be be second to power play and money in this instant



Eskdale School


A full independent investigation into the endeavour trust needs to be first and foremost. I understand secondary education in Whitby needs improvement but I there needs to be more done about the corruption behind the people making these decisions about our children’s education



I am completely against the amalgamation proposal. Why are there no figures for closing the sixth form site and amalgamating them back into the caedmon college site? Has this even been considered? The children of this town should have a choice. What about SEN children, again this isn't mentioned? The traffic situation outside school is already dangerous and causes disruption and congestion, this will get worse. Why is the board of governors co-opting members, my understanding is that there she be a quota of parents- is the current board even legal? The lack of transparency in relation to the board is suspicious to say the least. Children who chose their particular school had their reasons for doing so. This will have a significant impact and children's mental health and education. A housing estate is currently being built next door to eskdale school which will undoubtedly increase admissions into Eskdale-why has this not been mentioned or considered? I would like my questions to be answered fully and truthfully, the children of our town deserve a choice of high quality education not a poorly thought out quick fix plan that only benefits the pockets of a select few.

Health Professional in regular attendance at Eskdale and caedmon college.



Include all information necessary for people to make an informed opinion. I.e. SEN, option to put 6th form into Caedmon College



Do not go ahead with the proposal!  Leave Eskdale as the excellent school it is and will be in the future.  Close the old Grammar School on Mayfield Road, keep the old Caedmon on the New Bridge and move pupils from there to amalgamate with 6th form, there’s plenty of space to add a new building if needed, and it will also have all the playing fields on site.  Explain to us why governors are resigning and then being co-opted back onto the same management board.  Explain to us why the board has 3 headteachers at the meetings as part of the board.  Examine the governors and the interests they fail to declare.  Remove all governors and reappoint those who have the interests of the pupils at heart, with a majority of parents and members of the community as governors and staff/NYCC reps attending in an advisory capacity only with no vote.  The governors at present are pursuing their own interests, not those of pupils, parents and the community as evidenced by the overwhelming number of signatures on the petition to save Eskdale.




It is rather brief is it not?




Agree totally with the amalgamation - finances have dictated this to happen. not enough students in the primary schools for the next few years to support having two sc


Caedmon College Whitby






Yes I believe an amalgamation would be detrimental to the school children of Whitby. I also believe that more children will seek education outside of this area if it were to go ahead. This will then continue to impact the intake levels and as a result the money given to the school.


Eskdale School





One school for a town the size of Whitby is indefensible. It’s leaves local people with no choice but to take what is offered. The school (if graded now) would be down graded from good, it’s not a school where I’d want to send my children. The net saving of £85,000 is a drop in the ocean for education and could easily be found if the Local Authority chose to. The loss of jobs, lack of facilities, lack of choice and adherence to a single curriculum cannot be justified for such a small saving. Eskdale has traditionally provided support to children from the rural areas in the district whilst Caedmon serves the town. Many people are happy for this separation to continue. It is very clear for all to see, Eskdale will be sold off to Barrett Homes for new housing. You only need to look at an overhead photograph to see if stands like an island among residential houses. The Local Authority is happy to sell off the family silver to make some cash, but once gone - it will never come back. Few people seem to notice that the more housing that gets built, the more people move into the area. Therefore, the more school places are required, as well as GP surgeries, hospital beds, police, etc etc. The Local Authority will sacrifice the education and future of our children in order to make a (one time) killing on the land. The impact upon the town will be acute, how many local people rely on the existence of Eskdale for their livelihoods? There is a knock on effect to bus companies, food suppliers, maintenance teams etc. None of which will have been factored into the £85,000 savings. Taken as a whole this proposal will negatively impact the town’s economy and we will end up losing much more than we have supposedly gained. I would urge a rethink and consider investment rather than short term gain.


Eskdale School







Eskdale School





This proposal is ludicrous! It is in no way in the interest of high standard education for all the children within the Whitby area but more about furthering careers higher up the chain. Much of the information i have seen and figures point to extremely bad management and misguidance. I am outraged that this proposal is being forced once again after being rebuffed in 2016. My daughter is due to sit her Gcse's in 2024 and my son will be in his options year. After the massive upheaval of covid i feel this really isn't necessary. Eskdale School has a smaller shortfall than the other two schools across the two sites at Caedmon. Merging the 6th form and the college hasn't worked and is losing money hand over fist. It makes absolutely no sense to sacrifice another school to try keep afloat this sinking ship. It makes more sense to merge the college and 6th form onto the one site and shut the other. Keeping an 11-16 on one side of town and an 11-18 on the other. Even if merged your proposed school will still run with a huge shortfall incurring more losses so doesn't fix the long term problem within education in Whitby. The children of this town and surrounding areas deserve so much more. The location of the  Scoresby site is definitely not ideal if creating a school with much larger numbers. Access is horrendous, no coach access whatsoever. Positioned on the busiest part of one of two main roads passing through Whitby. Caedmon Normanby site is also dangerous when it comes to turning traffic. Accidents are quite common here although probably reported. Its also situated on a 40mph road. I as a very concerned parent need to know what reassurance i have that this whole situation will not affect morale at these schools whilst all this occurs within my children's most important years at school. There is definitely another way! O


Eskdale School





The amalgamation proposal removes choise for students in the Whitby and surrounding area for generations to come. With the provision of schooling already poor in the area, especially 6th form education, with many students opting to travel as far as Middleborough and Scarborough 5 days a week for this it would seem that this should be the focus for improvement. This is a quick fix that does benefit the town and community. A large concern would also be the amount of students, teachers and parents trying to access one school from the entire area at the same time of day on an already congested area.


Eskdale School





These proposals I find absolutely ridiculous been a parent to a child who choose eskdale due to bullies attending caedmon she has also refused to attend the new school should it go ahead eskdale is a smaller school and suits children individual there is a lot of children who don't like big groups and would struggle with a large school a split site school has failed before so why try it again. Let's face it you will suffer a drop in pupil numbers by the amount of pupils already objecting to your offer. You need to listen to the voice of Whitby were not against change just want it done properly and give all children of the future a choice


Eskdale School


Yes I personally think the sixth form should be moved to caedmon and make it a 11-18 school and keep eskdale open it would be more beneficial to all students of Whitby keeping choice which I feel is important for all children



All Children deserve and have a right to an education in a safe and friendly environment, they therefore need a choice of which local school they attend. At present they have this choice both at primary/junior and secondary school. If Eskdale was closed every child in the area would loose the choice at Secondary (at a very important time in their education, development and life!! These children are Whitby’s future, this Country’s future and they deserve to have the choice of which Secondary School they are happiest at. Unfortunately, there is bullying in every school, if there was only one secondary school in Whitby, any child that suffered bullying would have to travel over 20 miles to attend another school!! This is NOT ACCEPTABLE!! There are many children in Whitby and surrounding areas who have various Special Educational Needs, these  already vulnerable children would be overwhelmed by a larger sized school, scared, lost, anxious and forgotten among the more academic children.  Having the two smaller schools, as now, gives these children a chance to gain an education and in most cases blossom!  This I have seen happen as I worked at East Whitby Primary for over 25 years, as both ATA and SEN ATA.  A great number of these children achieved great things when they went onto attend the 2 Secondary Schools at present in Whitby.  These children have all felt SAFE and WANTED at Eskdale. I strongly feel this would not be the case in a larger school with bigger classes, crowded corridors, playgrounds and dining rooms.  Please these children are IMPORTANT! As important as every other child, whether Academic or not…they deserve the chance to shine to their own level of ability and believe me they CAN and DO shine, they are amazing in their own right and I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to have worked along side them.  They actually taught me a great deal about life and I am a better person for it. Don’t let them down, or any child by pushing them into bigger c


Family in Whitby, born there and lived there until September 2022


If a school needs to be closed then …Caedmon Collage (the old Whitby Grammer School)….with its crowded entrance way from the main road, should be the one to close. There is havoc at the beginning and end of  every school day on this road and it would only get worse with more children attending it.  It is also in a prime location if it was sold.   Eskdale could stay as an 11 to 16 Secondary School and Caedmon (formerly Caedmon Secondary) could be an 11 to 18 Secondary/College. Both these have good entrances, parking etc. Making it a safer choice for all children attending both schools. Please keep CHOICE for ALL Children in and around Whitby.





Eskdale School


I do not support the proposal being put forward regarding secondary education in Whitby. Eskdale on paper is the most prosperous of the three. The larger shortfall and black hole regarding money lies with the 6th form and the college. 6th form education in Whitby is what should be under review. The 6th form should be merged back on the one site with the college. Leaving alternative 11-16 education within the town. We have two children entering their two most important years at school, GCSE year and Options year. They now have face this with huge uncertainty, perhaps being forced into premises they didn't choose as a school. They chose the smaller Eskdale School for several reasons over the larger Caedmon School. Is education really the key behind all these decisions being made? How can you be so sure that adding yet another school to a merger that clearly hasn't worked will be a success? You the same as I cannot guarantee anything. There are many more options and avenues that can be explored instead of a rushed proposal papering over the cracks. A permanent fix is what is needed here. Merging these schools will not solve the problems facing education in Whitby. Do you really think split site schools are the way forward. I urge you to reconsider!





Eskdale School


I am a pupil in y10, set to enter y11 in September 2023 after two years of highly unsettled schooling due to the pandemic. Just when we thought we were all gaining ground on our school work after homeschooling we now face a limbo situation as to what will happen in regards to our Education with these recent proposals. How do you think the situation you present will benefit myself and my fellow pupils? Should the decision be taken to close Eskdale School and merge in 2024, what is to happen to the pupils of Eskdale in that last year, especially my age range. Will the school be ran with the due care and attention it deserves or will it be run on skeleton staff neglecting us all knowing it only has the one year left of service. The whole situation is unfare. Eskdale was my choice of school not just because it was in my catchment area but because of its smaller feel and its ethos. I just think we deserve the best education money can buy after the years we've lost and this to me isn't what is on offer at the moment. Closing a school with a state of the art sports facility which was campaigned long and hard for also makes no sense. The playing fields and sports facilities at Scoresby site are virtually non existent. What would the emphasis on class sizes be when a whole year groups will be merged. We are familiar in our surroundings at Eskdale too and if we should have to start our GCSE year in unfamiliar surroundings i feel it will just add to the stress and pressure of our penultimate year. Give us children a chance, the shortfall would still be a huge factor in the merger of these three schools that will still be running on only 70% capacity thus still losing money. I would like to see out my time at Eskdale happy, settled and prospering under a full set of staff as was always intended to be.





Eskdale School


I am a pupil in year 9, soon to pick my options. A decision made a little harder as we have courses at Eskdale that are on offer that aren't at Caedmon and vice versa. I love my sport and hope to choose that as one of my options and love the new 3g pitch facility that gives all weather, all year round use. This is a great facility for any school i just do not understand why you would close this school and leave this facility standing alone having pupils split between two sites on the opposite side of town lacking in these kind of facilities. It certainly wouldn't ever make sense transporting children over to use the 3g, it would be non cost effective as well as very time consuming. My 1st choice of school was Eskdale and still is Eskdale. What ever the outcome we need it to be run with 100% dedication. A school of 1200+ pupils is not suited to the area of Whitby. Should problems occur in a large merged school what happens then? No alternative schooling for miles in a very rural town, cut off in winter by the elements. All factors that have to be considered



The amalgamation proposals are preposterous and based on skewed budgets and forecasts. Binning a successful school in  eskdale to prop up the diminishing pupil numbers at the caedmon site is plain unfair and a terrible decision for the pupils and residents of the town. Children leave caedmon school because of fundamental flaws in their ethics and care for children who are less independent, there is a culture of bullying and abuse that is not resolved suitably, and despite a 'good' ousted, there is serious neglect of pupil wellbeing. Selling off the eskdale site, in all likelihood destroying the best football/sport facility this town has seen in the process is also a crime I  irs seld. We are surrounded by moorland, extend the town boarders and build there rather than destroying more green space and harming pupil sporting aspirations. Whilst this proposal has been pushed out, in all likelihood the decision has already been made and the rights to the land sold off for more housing that won't sell (just as the housing development adjoining). Do the best for the pupils, leave them with choice and allow them to thrive with 2 school options.


Eskdale School


The headline figures are ok but you should provide more background into the calculations. These numbers are clearly manipulated to support your proposal without any grounding.



My son currently attends Eskdale school, he is on the SEN register as he is visually impaired. I feel the amalgamation is not in my sons best interests, due to a few reasons. Moving to a new sight means he would have to have mobility training to get over to the new site (which I am very uncomfortable with due to his poor vision) and lots more transition work again, which with a bigger school he will struggle with. He struggles in crowds of people,  and finds it hard to find his friends already. The two schools joining will mean he will find this even harder to cope with. He has settled well at Eskdale, all the staff know him and his needs well. He feels comfortable and happy at eskdale, now he feels anxious about the two schools joining together. A bigger school will mean he will struggle to find classes and may cause him some confusion. My son chose eskdale because it was and is best for him and his needs, the amalgamation will not be the best for him and his needs. It would mean his choice was no longer important and that his feelings arnt valid. The walk to school would be much further if the schools join together, which I feel is my biggest concern due to the amount of roads he will need to cross and how sometimes he becomes gets confused as to where he is. Eskdale is much closer to us, there are main roads for him to cross currently… right now my sons route to school is safer than it will be if the schools join together.


Eskdale School


Not suggestions for improvement, but I just really hope you have each child as individuals best interests as a priority. I personally believe currently that this proposal is not in the best interests of the children.



1. Why does Whitby in their eyes need a school on a split site with 1698 pupil capacity when they are saying in 2024 there will only be 1186 11-18 pupils?? This number decreases to 1016 in 2034

Why have a school with 500 spare places at start going to nearly 700 in 10 years.... HOW IS THIS LONG TERM PLANNING?

2. SPORTS FACILITIES - ESKDALE has a 3g Pitch that Is used by many organisations in Whitby,  the only mention of it Is NYCC will have to take it in to consideration when disposing of the Eskdale site!!

There has been a massive drive about getting children more active for years.

ESKDALE has 3 fields, what you see at Caedmon College (Mayfield Road) is what the kids get for fields. Have a look when you are out.

WHY get rid of one of the sites with the most outside space, with sports facilities???

3. Whitby use to have 3 thriving schools, when we had a lot less housing, have SECOND HOMES allowed by the council really destroyed the future generations of Whitby that much?

4. BUSINESS OWNERS - if this continuous drop in Students continues where are you getting staff?

5. WHO GAINS FROM ALL THIS - it's certainly not the children or the community.

If like many people think will happen and Yorkshire Endeavour Academy Trust (YEAT) take over the proposed new school, it will means all secondary education Funds plus 6 primary school funds will go through them..... Academies do not answer to NYCC... they are a business...

Do WEST CLIFF, AIRY HILL, CASTLETON, GLAISDALE, LEALHOLM AND OAKRIDGE parents and communities really want funds for their children's  primary education being used to fill the black hole in secondary school finances - they have already used ESKDALE with NYCC watching.

NYCC has always seen Whitby education as a problem - let's make them realise how much of a problem we can be.






The proposal isn’t thought out as a best for education in the Whitby area. By placing the kids from Eskdale school to Caedmon school will create a hazard at the start and end of the school day which will result in a serious accident even when the speed limit is reduced to 20 mph, which hasn’t happened yet probably due to red tape or brexit, Covid or the war in Ukraine but more likely people been lazy since the lockdowns. It has also been known that Caedmon cannot feed the kids they have in the allotted dinner time so adding another 300 plus kids won’t help unless this is to be used as a way of getting the kids fitter by not feeding them so therefore not having to do PE lessons as Caedmon has the least area of playing fields available. I have stated 300 plus pupils and not the 400 plus pupils now at Eskdale because I know some are not going to use Caedmon so schools at Pickering Scarborough Stokesley Guisborough will see pupil increase not Caedmon as what the governors executive head might think. If the people in power realised this instead of of creating posts for themselves at extorted salaries and not thinking about the kids education then we’d all be in a better place, and as for kids with SEN issues then if moving school think it’s helping it’s not there couldn’t be a worse solution than what is been proposed. Hopefully common decency will prevail but in all honesty I’m not thinking it will.


Eskdale School


Yes I have 1 suggestion, do not go ahead with it, thank you for letting me voice my opinion.



It's obvious that the 6th form college is the problem. Your numbers tell me this. Offering very little choice to students who have no option but to go out of town for their further education at 16 this isn't such a bad thing as their next move could be University out of town. The current proposal will force 11 year olds out of town if their only choice is Caedmon. The make up of The Governors shows a massive bias to Caedmon hence no one fighting the cause for the Eskdale children. Your "forecasted" figures for both schools is a complete reversal of how Eskdale and Caedmon have performed based on ACTUAL figures .  Eskdale's rolling balance at the end of year 2016-17  was -£23,600 and at the end of the year 2021-22 was a surplus of £44,200 therefore an upward movement of £67,800. The school lost £70,700 in 2021-22 with the staff salaries responsible , remaining the same value as the previous year with a staff of 28 which was 9 less than the previous year . The only explanation I can see in the figures is that the average staff salary went up from £52,600 to £67,600 which I know won t be correct so has someone had a big pay off from the money meant for our children's education or has Eskdale been subsidising Caedmon or alot. Caedmon started the same period of time with £885,000 in the bank and ended it at -£394,000 a negative movement of £1,279,400. I firmly believe that wherever possible this year's budget is for this year's children not previous or future years children. What s the plan for the children s safety when arriving / leaving a school split by Whitby s busiest road junction when its current capacity are been warned about the site s inadecuate provision for parking / dropping off. What's the plan for SEN children? In my opinion Eskdale isn't the problem . It looks like the whole of Secondary Education in Whitby is broken and the children , teachers and tax payers aren't responsible but The Governors , NYCC and The Government are.


Eskdale School e


It's a one sided propaganda document lacking important information that worried parents are awaiting with forecasted figures going forward and no ACTUAL figures.



The handling of the proposed closure of Eskdale School in 2016 was a shambles and this latest proposal is even worse. For far too long their have been attempts at Empire building by Senior members of the Whitby Secondary Partnership. This lates attempt at Academisation by the back door is shocking in its methods. There are people at NYCC who need holding to account for their lack of clear direction for Whitby, and the Governing Body for their underhand methods.  Years ago Whitby should have pushed forward its idea of 1 Secondary school. Choice is not required if you have a GOOD school catering for the needs of all of its students. As things stand the former Caedmon School site is underused, despite money being thrown at it. This would be the obvious site for a brand new school. It has the space and is much safer in terms of traffic. A new school could be built without any students needing to be on site during construction. Once complete the new school could then be properly staffed, renamed and all the towns students start in it at the same time. Yes, it would cost millions of pounds but how much have NYCC wasted in the last 20 years in their piecemeal approach to education in Whitby. Their needs to be a much clearer vision as well as long term planning for future students.  As things stands, if this current proposal is allowed there is going to be a vast amount of upset, wasted time and money, as well as long term damage to the current student body.  The town technically already has 1 school! If it has an Executive Head (complete waste of money) and one Governing Body, then it is one school on 3 sites. Split site schools DO NOT work, ask any teacher who has ever worked in one.  Please NYCC, for once, do the right thing and get it sorted properly.

Former long serving teacher and parent

No interest is saving either







Caedmon College Whitby


I think both the breadth of curriculum and financial forecasts, with and without amalgamation, make the most compelling argument. I'm not sure if the community as a whole are fully aware of the consequences of not merging, regarding a drop in provision and lack of funding going forwards.  Could this be more clearly spelled out?



Move the 6 form site back to CCW site if draining funds from 11-16 education. Eskdale site should not be closed because of this error and only 136 pupils at the 6 form ? Very concerning Eskdale site is taking the fall for this! Also Eskdale site better sports facilities


Eskdale School


listen to the children



we do not want the closure of Eskdale,we want choice and not a bigger school especially for our special needs children like my daughter who freaks at change! We want a school for the east side children without the walk over to Mayfield road which is really busy.If I am reading the budget correctly then eskdale is in less debt than Caedmon. Also back in 2010/11 eskdale actually had less pupils now has 100 more whereas Caedmon are down by a third and college less than half the numbers so why punish eskdale?


Eskdale School





I am very much against the closure of Eskdale School

Retired Teacher

Eskdale School







Eskdale School


Do not remove that school! Our children need to learn!



The amalgamation is an overdue outcome for education in Whitby. It is absolutely the best option moving forwards to improve the educational opportunities for young people in the town and surrounding areas.


Caedmon College Whitby





Proposal should be adopted. Long overdue and although this is a change to the long established traditions of the town we need to look to the future.


Whitby Grammar School as it was when I attended! Now Caedmon College.













i think that it is a bad idea to amalgamate eskdale and caedmon school  i dont want this to happen because  my children choose there schools for there individual needs an now there choice has been taken away. it is also because the governors of said schools are trying to keep the 6th form a float with money from said schools and that why they are now under financial notices


both eskdale and caedmon parent


to hared to get to. only for peolpe who use the internet there are no paper copys



i worry about to many people in my school and how its going to work i wanted to come to caedmon thats why i didnt choose eskdale i do NOT  this to happen


Caedmon College Whitby


no my mum had to help me find the page



i chose eskdale school be cause i have sen issues  and they are properly dealt with here i  feel comfortable here.i love my school and i want to stay here  my teachers are great. why is it that eskdale is the school they want to close?????? i just hope that ypou will listen to what students want.


Eskdale School


was not easy to get to




Former pupil/grandparent

Eskdale School





many issues with this amalgamation 1 t-here is no mention of sen provision any where on this proposal. 2 - the financial issues at both schools are primarily because the wsp governors are using money to keep whitby 6th form afloat when the supposed to have separate budgets. 3 -safety issues with buses and traffic at the Normandy site no turning circle for buses that the other two sites have no proper drop off zones  4 - lunch time 45 minutes for lunch 900+students how will this work 5- not enough  out side area for 900+ students at lunch time  6- moving students between two sites for PE and outdoor activity's 7-  a big 6th form is not needed it draining money and doesn't have the student numbers 8- what about children who have had problems at this school who do not want to go back and would rather be home schooled or have to find  an alternative miles away. 9. what about children that have been bullied in either school and left said school now they are going to be put back together again 10- will all of the teachers get to keep there jobs or just some of them.


both eskdale and caedmon parent





the financial position of both schools is a concern, but by giving Eskdale site back to the LA, would there be some additional building investment available at Caedmon (Normanby site) to enhance some older parts of the building?  When both Eskdale and former Caedmon were 11-14 schools and students in years 10 and 11 came together at Whitby Community College, and earlier as Whitby school, this worked well.  Students just got on with it.  I can't see why combining 11-16 can't work just as well.

support staff

Caedmon College Whitby







Eskdale School


Both my grandchildren attend Eskdale School as did myself and my husband. Im appauled as a Whitby resident to find the closure of this school is once again on the agenda all because the land upon which it stands will soon be surrounded completely by new housing. It clearly has to be the fate of the land there at Eskdale. It beggers belief that this school along with the community fought tooth and nail for a much needed state of the art 3g facility. One now who's fate perhaps also hangs in the balance. Not one of the other sites you propose to house all secondary children offers facilities anywhere near as good. But can the closure of those school's not be considered, is it because they are not at the heart of new development as Eskdale is? The most sensible option here is to stop ploughing money into a failing 6th form and house a basic 6th form merged in with the college on the one site. Eskdale has always been an exceptional school until many a bad decision has been made over the last couple of years. The children could do without all this disruption at a time when they are just bouncing back after the pandemic. You really must start putting these children 1st.




Grandparent and ex manager of fishburn park

Eskdale School


My name is ##, i ran fishburn park for a couple of decades until i stood down and passed the baton to someone else. I still remain on the committee.. I now support my grandson who plays for Fishburn. What is the fate of Fishburn Park  FC to be if the land at this site were to be sold for development? We also use the school playing fields as well as the 3G and Bromfield. How is it justifiable to close a school the campaigned with the public and local businesses to provide this area with this much needed facility. Caedmon college only has an outdated hockey astro turf where you intend to keep a failing 6th form, and Caedmon College Scoresby site has an outdated sports hall and only a couple of playing fields. Its outrageous what you propose. Running a school from split sites is not viable. We also dont want to see the oldest run football club in Whitby fold all because land and money mean more to some.



Eskdale school isnt massively lacking in pupils and I wouldn't want it to be full to capacity to be honest. There must be cut backs that can be made without having to close the school. There has just been a road accident on the 19.02.23 on the New Bridge at sixth form junction. There have been plenty more crashes along there. Adding more pupils to both Caedmon and Sixth form is not the answer. Bigger class sizes, more stress on teachers, more traffic congestion,etc. Parents will home school rather than take their child to Caedmon if it amalgamates. Councillor # said joining the schools will give better education. Where is the evidence for this statement? As everyone I've spoke to does not agree with his comment. Why do we have to have one great big  secondary school? Eskdale school.has a fantastic all weather pitch. It will take too long to take kids over from Caedmon to Eskdale to use it. Plus too costly. NYCC you need to listen to every parents view. I dont know a single parent who wants this to happen


Airy Hill


Yes NYCC needs to listen to each and every reply. Making one big school is not the answer. It creates so many problems. All the pupils cant be monitored well  their full potential cant be reached.Bigger is not always better.caedmon does not have enough playing field for P E to be carried out for all secondary years. There is nowhere for coaches to turn round. It's an accident waiting to happen if too many coaches on that Mayfield Road. I'm all for prevention that's why this will never get my go ahead as it's not properly thought out. The dining room at Caedmon is far too small, with massive queues as it is! Some pupils dont even get lunch, as they cant be bothered to queue for so long.  better! reply



Having has a child in Eskdale school for a year where he was bullied mercilessly and the 'leadership' were frankly useless in helping, I am delighted the place will be closed. None of the 'leadership' should be employed in any capacity in education ever again.


Eskdale School





My concerns are the current lack of space for drop off/collection at Caedmon is bad, whilst Eskdale has ample pick up drop off sites, at front and back of school, which if managed properly and efficiently would cause minimal impact on the community. Ie parking/ congestion problems. Caedmon cannot do this without losing valuable outdoor field space which will be much needed, due to lack of outdoor space at that site. Eskdale has a much bigger outdoor site, for break times and lunch. They have access to a large playground, tennis court,2 courtyards and a seperate quadrant area for SEN to use. Caedmon have very minimal breaktime areas, without going on grass. They have a handful of small hard standing areas for break and lunch. Nowhere to play sports during those break periods, where as Eskdale can use tennis court areas and 3g pitch during breaks without getting muddy. With correct investment and use of land/buildings providing no use to the school, it could be extended to accommodate a greater number of students whilst at the same time not losing valuable outdoor grass areas or playgrounds. Providing an East and West secondary school is the more sensible option, having an increased capacity at Eskdale would take space from Caedmon which could be once again used to house the small amount of 6th form students currently using the 6th form site. Or keep the 6th form site also and include year 11's from both secondary schools to keep student, who will statistically stay on site and continue to A levels due to it being a familiar site. The solution is there at all sites, helping each other and serving each side of the Town to the best of their abilities. The schools currently have a divide between them because they have only just been federated and now have good strong headships in place. Both schools are so important to each side of the community, they just need guidance and investment to be able to work in unity to provide for the 6th form and further education

Federation Site team member and parent of 2 secondary school and 1 primary children

The Federation as a whole but the need to keep all sites open to serve both ends of this large town


Being a parent and a staff member the information seems to be facts and figures that don't really make sense when read, the figures dont show Eskdale to be in a bad position. The information needs to be condensed with summarization, bullet points & Pro's and Con's for parents to understand, so they will have a greater understanding of the massive impact it will make for both schools to combine not just financially but practically and logistically. How they are going to resolve the Eskdale vs Caedmon fighting/bullying between students, which will be massive, What is going to happen to the large SEN population at Eskdale when combined with Caedmon's small SEN provision and small pastoral services. Lots of parents are concerned about their children. They all chose the schools they have for a reason, be it facilities, locality, bullies at primary school, bullies at other secondary school. We need practical questions to be answered before the consultation finishes. Parents don't have the time to read through pages and pages of tables and figures, distances from different location etc. They want to know their child will have the same chances, opportunities and support they would have had before any such amalgamation.



Biased as usual, take everything from the eastside community as usual!  Underhand practices come to mind so let’s get rid of the governing bodies implicated and start again from scratch.  Why are governors allowed to resign then be co-opted back on immediately?  It stinks. A large school can in no way compete with the way in which those pupils with special needs are so well treated.  Bullying will no doubt be a bigger issue in the proposed amalgamated school, and will be much easier to miss.  Eskdale is far closer to capacity than the one on the west side.  There is far more land being developed close to Eskdale, where family sized houses are being built, surely this will increase the number of pupils attending Eskdale.  It’s a stupid time to want amalgamation, leave it until all the new builds are occupied and then evaluate again if it’s still needed.  Easdale has far more playing fields, no need to walk alongside and cross a very busy road to reach the playing fields. There is something dodgy going on here.  Please stop it in its tracks and leave the east side alone.







I do not think this is in the best interest  of children at all,they are not taking into account welfare of the children at all and has been very rushed and secretive.what about children that have sen needs as well as mental health issues,they have settled into an environment where they feel comfortable and my son has come on in leaps and bounds at Eskdale. Every child and parent should have the right to choice,some children are going to be forced into situation they thought they had escaped due to changing school because of bullying etc.This has not been researched properly as Caedmon is at more of a shortfall than Eskdale especially the sixth form site.The huge concern as well as losing Eskdale is the safety of so many children using a dangerous extremely busy Mayfield road,an accident waiting to happen.With over 1,000 new houses near Eskdale,where are all these children going to be schooled. Maybe it’s time to get rid of the governors with vested interest and get someone who is interested in the children and their choice instead of all the backhanded goings on which are coming out of the woodwork now.


Eskdale School


Close one of Caedmon sites and retain a choice for children where they can be comfortable in their education and not stressed at the changes pushed upon them to satisfy the governing bodies desires.sixth form offers nothing new to when I was there in 2007 or my siblings before me,hence the reason so many travel out of town to further sixth form and apprenticeship.





Caedmon College Whitby





The schools should have been amalgamated in 2016. The excuse that the government intended to academise all schools was, to say the least, a rather limp cop out by NYCC. Consequently, the schools have continued to drift under poor governance and leadership and standards are poor. The town deserves better. Any resulting capital receipt from the sale of the Eskdale site should be reinvested, in its entirety, to make secondary education in the town fit for the future.







The distance the children will have to walk over the new bridge to Caedmon is too far they will be soaked in winter. Close the sixth form to save money.


Eskdale School





I feel that there is not an open and transparent discussion about this amalgamation from the onset. It reeks of 2006 where this was attempted previously. It’s quite honestly appalling how this amalgamation has been ‘set up’ once again making leeway for Eskdale school to be closed. The discussion should be around choice, having 2 secondary schools in Whitby. The 6th form doesn’t offer choice and the surrounding 6th are good quality allowing for older children to attend. The 6th form was never wanted. The council have consistently and sneakily pushed this narrative with one result, the closure of Eskdale. I am angry that the community of Whitby have been asked to make this stand yet again, under these circumstances. The board of governors is biased towards Caedmon College and people have not been honest about where there intentions lie. I don’t agree with the amalgamation of the schools and I certainly don’t agree with the closure of Eskdale. No matter how you paint these statistics you are not being honest about how it has coke to this situation. I honestly feel that the site is just going to be sold as you originally intended. By doing this you are ripping the heart of of Whitby and you are not thinking about choice. Whitby is an expanding place where places will be needed. Please stop this narrative, be honest and stop the amalgamation.


Eskdale School


Yes, stop trying to baffle us with information to cover up the fact that this was your intention all along. Be honest this isn’t a consultation you are just ticking the box for your own conscience.



Why has not the option of keeping eskdale land but improving it with size and open space and transferring 11-16 pupils to eskdale closing the old 16+ site putting the new £10 million fishing school in there and super plus funds to creating a bigger better school?


Eskdale School


A slightly biased form when other options especially for children with special needs should be taken more into account



As a retired education advisor I have some issues here. I fully appreciate the cost saving aspect of an amalgamation. That's hard to ignore. But other things which are worth considering are: Pupils currently able to walk to Eskdale School from the Helredale/Larpool residential areas may need to be taken by car to Caedmon. Not good. Housing is going up everywhere in Whitby at the moment, notably in Helredale. Presumably there is no way of knowing how many children will be moving to the area. I can find no data on Primary School pupil numbers. Are you absolutely certain that these are falling and will continue to do so? How can you tell? In Primary there is plenty of choice for parents and pupils and that will always be seen as a good thing. With just the 2 Secondary schools in Whitby the proposed amalgamation removes ALL choice for parents and pupils. Can that really be a good thing? I have seen no data on classroom availability and size for Caedmon. I understand that teaching staff might well be able to simply move schools (a good thing), but can you produce analysis of classroom availability and impact on class sizes if the amalgamation goes ahead?


Eskdale School

Don’t know

No, it was clearly laid out and I found it via a link in an email you sent me. for those going directly to your main website, well done for making the Search function so good. Found the consultation by searching either "Caedmon" or "Eskdale".



My children should be going to Eskdale in September due to our home being close to it. However they will be going to Caedmon instead. The wider choice of GCSEs and better staff at Caedmon mean our children will get a better education there. Eskdale currently has fewer GCSE options and non-specialist teachers teaching core subjects. This is not what we regard as a good standard of education. The money allocated to the town for secondary education would be better spent on improving Caedmon than keeping crumbling Eskdale open. We know that good quality staff will not wish to work in a school that is threatened with closure - then remaining good teachers at Eskdale will leave and not be replaced. Eskdale offers a poorer quality of education than Caedmon and should be closed and the schools amalgamated.


Caedmon College Whitby





More asset stripping of the East Coast. Reducing choice. Huge increase in local housing. Eskdale not currently recruiting as looking to strip choices. The case was made for this recently and it was decided against - so this should not be happening they should be making it work. More years of disruption for more generations how is that fair? The insecurity, the lack of investment and the lack of understanding. What a mess and what a start for a ‘local’ new council.


Eskdale School


Why not use the public facing Let’s Talk format?



It seems to me that the key driver behind this proposal is an attempt to prop up the 6th Form which year on year has had a falling role number, indicative of either a poor provision offering subjects nobody wants, poor teaching, poor facilities or poor management. To then lump the numbers for this cohort into the reasoning behind the choice of sites & the financial statements used to justify the reasoning used to close Eskdale, distorts the true figures. To then leave the same management in play that have overseen the sixth form debacle is baffling. Not once in any of this has there been mention of the chaos & danger to students from traffic that will occur by lumping over 1000 pupils onto the one site. To contemplate discharging the increased number of students onto one of the busiest junctions in the area to board buses lunacy. Has anyone really thought this through, I assume those behind this proposal have conducted a peak traffic survey & risk assessment strategy which is available. As a business case this is about as poor as any I have read & the net savings are guesstimates at best. Building a new out of town, one site provision must surely make more sense & the net income from selling three prime pieces of real estate allied to building an energy efficient provision must surely be the way forwards or leave well alone, close the sixth form & sell the site.




It was a jumble of numbers presented in a format to deliberately make understanding it difficult.





Caedmon College Whitby





I believe that for education to thrive in Whitby we need to have a school system which offers expert provision and a wide range of subjects on offer for ages 11-18. In order to do this effectively ideally I would like to see a new building which is 'neutral' e.g. not Eskdale, not Caedmon but Whitby Community College.  However as a new build is not on the cards, the current pupils of both schools need the best deal, and the bigger site. So in principle I agree with the proposal. I do wish we would start to use the language that both schools are closing and becoming a 'new school'.  Feelings are highly charged in Whitby and often in a very negative way, and in many cases by community members who have no current connection or positive input into either school, but do seem to carry some animosity to past school Heads etc.  This needs to stop and we need to put our young people first. The provision of further education in Whitby is essential, why should our 16-18 year olds have to make a 40 mile round trip to access level 3 subjects. As a community we need to be able to defend and provide an excellent 'further education'. Whitby Sixth Form has an excellent track record of progression into good universities/colleges and apprenticeship and employment. Students have gone on to study at some of the top universities in the country and many of our students work within our local NHS and Community support services, giving back to their community.  Times are changing and we need to move forward and we need to do this in a cohesive and supportive way. Are we not the adults in this situation and frankly some of the online 'chatter' is ridiculous and unhelpful.  I support the changes suggested and as parents and adults within this community we should too.


Caedmon College Whitby





Not thought out. My son has ehcp. Nothing relates to sen who already at Caedmon. Nothing about staggered entry eg yr6s could start September rather than all eskdale at once.


Caedmon College Whitby


More openness from governors and schools before it came to this



Re: Proposal to amalgamate Caedmon College Whitby and Eskdale School from 1 September 2024.


1.0  Introduction

The proposal to NYC by four governors of the Whitby Secondary Partnership to amalgamate two schools is, in fact, a plan to reorganise secondary education in Whitby.  In my view, it is not the collective view of a Governing Body and as such it is has, no more legal authority than the views of any four individuals.  I understand that the ‘Federated Governing Body’ should consist of thirteen members.  How can four governors be considered a quorum?

A reorganisation of this magnitude should have been a topic for consideration by all the students, parents/guardians, teachers, support staff and significant members of the local community before the proposal was presented to elected members.  The proposal ‘came out of the blue’ on the first day of term in January 2023.  Worse still, the original date for closure of Eskdale School was September 2023.  What did this do to the confidence and morale of children, carers and staff in our two schools?  Thankfully, the time frame has been extended but the original proposal had none of the hallmarks of good, strategic planning.  How did the parents of Year 6 students feel when they had just made their choice of secondary school?


The management of change is a complex issue and good practice dictates involving the gathering of opinions, consultation with a variety of interested groups and the consideration of several options by the community.  As far as I am aware, none of this has happened.  To say that the consultation is happening now (February/March 2023} is both insulting and naive. In truth, the young people and their parents/guardians have been treated with contempt. The damage has been done, and it could have been easily avoided. Now there is uncertainty and young people, parents and staff are angry, and some will vote with their feet.


Most upsetting of all, is the fact that educational standards can only be further damaged in the short term and there is only one plan on offer in the longer term.


Some members of the local community will undoubtedly feel that Eskdale is an easy target  for closure because of its proximity to a new housing development. It is  critically  important that  elected  members  absorbing information from this consultation understand  that their decisions must be based on sound educational principles  rather than financial expediency.


2.0  Pupil Numbers

Supporters  of the ''Save Eskdale" campaign are correct  to emphasise that 73.8% of the Eskdale total capacity has been realised, whereas only 51.2% of the Caedmon College has been reached. Why?


North Yorkshire County Council has a proud record of keeping small primary schools open even when numbers fall dramatically. It has long been realised that young people from rural backgrounds thrive in small schools which are integral parts of their community. Why are the same principles not applied in the secondary sector in Whitby? When Caedmon and Eskdale were 11-14 schools they enjoyed considerable academic, sporting, and creative success because they had strong community support around them and they were in friendly competition.  During the 1990s both schools were in the top ten percent nationally for Key Stage 3 results for several years and each school won a series of kite marks for sport, art, drama, and journalism. Both schools were also at the forefront for careers and healthy schools' status.


Why have two small 11-16 schools on the  Eskdale and former Caedmon site not been considered?


The pupil numbers over the last ten years have decreased and to some extent, young people are showing us why this happening. At sixteen, young people   are attracted to   the   broader range of   subjects   on offer in Scarborough and Teesside/Redcar/Guisborough. They vote with their feet! Who can blame them? It is very unlikely that Whitby will ever be able to offer such a broad post sixteen choice.


3.0 Choice

In making decisions about secondary education in Whitby, it is imperative that the sites for education are future-proofed. We must have sites which have decent playing fields, are capable of expansion, have reasonable access for buses and are not too near the town centre. We know that there are several housing developments in Whitby, and we know that since Covid more people are working from home and gradually people are relocating from urban centres to the country and coast. A choice of 11-16 schools is an important and attractive feature for any family considering relocation to Whitby. There is real concern in the Whitby area about holiday homes and the tendency for older people to settle here in retirement. We are more likely to improve this demographic if we preserve choice at primary and secondary level. An influx of young families could bring new businesses, new ideas and energy and this could bring about a more outward-facing community.


Of course, we cannot always have choice at secondary level and Pickering is a good example, but it is much smaller than Whitby and Whitby has the buildings and space at the moment. We do not want to find ourselves closing or moth-balling school buildings to then re-open them as happened in Northallerton. This created a lot of anger; frustration, upset and it was costly on several levels.


It is not an accident that today's parents are demanding choice in Whitby. They grew up at a time when educational reform was a priority for UK governments. The 1988 Education Act gave schools their own budgets and a raft of subsequent legislation was underpinned by concepts of diversity and choice. The "Every Child Matters" agenda focussed our attention on the individual, and aspired to bring educational, social and health agencies together.  It was a laudable enterprise, and the principles are still worth pursuing. The current amalgamation proposal appears to have little regard for these worthy educational principles. It has become a matter of: -"We have too many buildings, not enough children and not enough money. let's close Eskdale, call it an amalgamation and use the money to improve the other two sites." Have we tried looking at this scenario through the eyes of a learner? What do they think? How can they be proud of their school when people keep wanting to change, close or sell it?


The campaign groups in Whitby are rightly fighting this proposal because they want choice at 11+ but they also want a quality experience for their children now. They no longer regard school as a 'waiting room for life'; they want school to be a safe, happy and productive experience now. In fact, exactly what was enshrined in the legislation mentioned above.


4.0 Post Sixteen Provision.

Whitby Sixth Form is currently housed in a large building with very large playing fields. The move to the former Caedmon School site was an attractive option but has it provided value for money?


We know from the financial reports that the present 11-16 budgets have propped up the sixth form provision for some time. There are only 136 students in the sixth form at the present time- 42.5% of its take-up in 2010. This is not an effective use of limited resources.


Caedmon School housed between 450-550 students when it was an 11-14 school. Admittedly, the staircases are narrow and access to the site could be better, but it is hugely better than the access to the former Whitby School. Congestion on Mayfield Road at the start and finish of the school day are a matter   of real concern.  The former   Caedmon School would make an attractive 11-16 site.


In my view, most post sixteen students can travel for their courses. Most of these students will have to travel for their training and HE opportunities at 18+ but given the current numbers and the likely future numbers, continuing to preserve post 16 courses in Whitby is an expensive luxury which financially damages provision for students in the 11-16 sector. Scarborough has a Sixth Form, a UTC, and a 'TEC' college, how can Whitby compete?


I do appreciate that some post 16 students with special needs may need to stay in Whitby but there are opportunities at the Whitby Sea Fishing School, the Ropery, Coliseum and through a variety of educational support services which already operate in the schools.


5.0. Buildings

In the ideal world, a brand new 11-19 comprehensive built over the next five years might solve some of the issues.  However, it would cost about 30 million and as far as I know this is very unlikely to materialise, particularly in the present economic climate. I remember this being talked about by the Joint Governors' Committee of the Whitby Schools in 1999.The first Whitby Secondary Partnership was created in 2001, and this was a 'soft' partnership where we sought to share resources, ideas, equipment, and staff. All schools were equal, and the emphasis was on partnership rather 'take-over'.


Although the former Whitby School has the greatest pupil capacity, it has dreadful access and is very close to town. It has very limited playing fields, a mixture of newer buildings, including the ROSLA block which is an eyesore and a sports hall. Of course, originally it was a two-form entry grammar school, and it does have a beautiful facade. In my view, this site is the one to sell for affordable housing for young, local people to begin their journey on the property ladder. Other projects in the town seem to be falling short on this area of need. There is sufficient space for play areas, communal areas for groups, sufficient space for parking and residents can walk into town for shops, as well as the bus and train stations. There may also be scope for some sheltered  housing  on this site. The school's original facade could also be retained like the convent/lower Graham building in St. Thomas Street, Scarborough.


6.0 Conclusions

I am firmly of the view that two small 11-16 schools on the Eskdale and former Caedmon School sites, is the best solution to the long-term problem of surplus places. This option gives choice back to parents and children. It is also the least disruptive  to this age-group. Each school can develop its own family atmosphere/ethos and young people will be on one site with plenty of fields and facilities. Importantly, each school will have to work hard to maintain and improve standards because they are competing.


It would be sad to have no sixth form in Whitby, but, events elsewhere have left us with little choice. Closure of the sixth form is more easily managed over a limited period than the amalgamation of two schools over two sites. I have led schools on split sites, and it brings a range of issues which detract from teaching and learning.

I have nothing but admiration for all of the staff who have been working in the Whitby secondary schools through the pandemic and through this extended period of uncertainty. The uncertainty must stop soon because it is damaging for our community. It is also having a detrimental impact on standards of education.


The former Whitby School site is a valuable one. Many local people have fond memories of it. I am disappointed that the consultation document does not provide us with market values for any of the sites. I am also genuinely concerned that new housing developments pay lip service to the need for affordable housing and young, local people are priced out of the market.


We need some strategic thinking - no more quick fixes! Our young people need to feel proud of their schools, not ashamed of the shambles. Let's put young people and their learning first.


P.S.  I was  Headteacher  of  Eskdale School  1991-2005,  Headteacher   of Haughton Community School (later the Darlington  Education Village) 2005-2006 and Headteacher of Allertonshire School, Northallerton, 2006-2010. I have lived in the Whitby area since August 1991.

Ex Headteacher






I agree with it


Caedmon College Whitby







Caedmon College Whitby












I wish this had happened 6/7 years ago when the proposal was issues last time. The quality of education and the increased subject choice is very much needed in our small town. More teachers means more subject specialists, less teachers needed for supply, children can be provided with so much better education. The two schools are currently struggling, children aren’t getting access to the resources, teachers and subjects they could do if this proposal goes ahead. 1 school = 1 vision for Whitby students. The sixth form needs to stay, it would be a perfect addition to one large secondary school, students get to choose from a wider range of subjects at GCSE level would lead nicely into a sixth form which can offer subject choice too. 1 school means children growing up in whitby have certainty and a sense of collaboration, working together to thrive in the Whitby community.

Current staff, but ex pupil (pupil at the time of last proposed amalgamation)

Caedmon College Whitby





An idea that may look good on paper but there is no benefit to the children who are the main subject of this.


Caedmon College Whitby


Keep 2 separate schools. No need for separate 6th form



This is not a balanced consultation involving all stakeholders and encompassing all possible options that would be if it the community most. The consultation only looks at one option devised by a tiny unbalanced in skills governing body who have in turn not declared any conflict of interest in the decisions made. Yes there are financial issues within the structure of education in the town and it is common sense that one site must go, but you persist in going against everything the federated body promised by sacrificing one of the secondary to try to preserve a failing vanity project that is the sixth form. For years as a body we tried to make it work but the lure of prior and scarborough amongst others will always take students away from whitby. These sixth forms have the draw of multiple secondary, they have 2000 plus students and the funding to make a far superior offer to students. Whitby is an insular town and the ability for our post 16 to mix with students from there towns is a first stepping stone to university. But some students are not ready to leave town at post 16 and that is why we need a sixth form, but not one that houses 600.Our 6th form needs room to grow but with the best will in the world it will never grow to the extent you wish for. It can easily be rehoused in its former home at the Normanby site. If this happens, Normanby becomes financially stable offering 11 to 18 education, eskdale offers choice of 11 to 16 education in the town and financial stability. Now I know you will be saying but numbers are dropping there, but that is only down to bad decisions at governance level, bad appointments, huge pay offs and governors resistance to take notice of what has been happening in their schools. We now have a governance of too many fingers in too many pies and the town knows. Do the right thing for christ sake, be open, offer the town options and run the financial forecasts alongside those options. You're letting the town down, #, #, #


Overall education in whitby and surrounding areas.


Not the easiest consultation to find, makes one wonder why......... Maybe not.



Biggest mistake ever suggested to amalgamate all schools into one,no thought given to the children whatsoever and certainly no thought gone into the safety and education of children in large classes,so much footfall on an already extremely busy and dangerous road.The board of governors should hang their heads in shame and resign post with,some children have moved schools to escape bullying etc and are being forced back to that unpleasant situation,no thought or provision for the number of children with mental health stress and anxiety as well as sen children.It would make more sense to close one of the Caedmon sites and have a secondary school on either side of the river  which will be more beneficial given the amount of new housing and therefore more pupils across both sites,sixth form offers nothing new from when my children went there in 2001,focus on the needs of children who are already settled and comfortable in their choice of school and let the next generation also have choice in their place of education,after all it is about their choice not dictation by governors to satisfy their own needs


Eskdale School


Having looked at everything it would make more sense to close one of the Caedmon sites which are just as much under footfall if not more and the sixth form is just a bottomless drain on finances. With over 800 new properties due on the Eastside around Eskdale school,it makes more sense to keep Eskdale and improve the school and its facilities for future generations,it would also benefit from a less underhanded board of governors of which the present ones should resign or be sacked.Children and parents still have the freedom of choice and Eskdale has always been a good school with good teachers.Children will always travel out of town for sixth form education and apprenticeships as there is no choice in whitby,stop messing with vulnerable childrens education and do what is right keep Eskdale open and spend money to improve it just like the Caedmon sites have been done.keep the choice to choose



For all you say about declining numbers of pupils, with all the new housing being built, that will obviously change. If Eskdale School is closed, there will, no doubt, be another 400-500 more houses built which would add to the number of pupils requiring school places.


Eskdale School


Leave the schools as they are. There has just been hundreds of thousands of pounds spent on Eskdale School field.



It should not go ahead. Based on the roll numbers of both schools and the amount of pupils in each school, Caedmon has the lower count of pupils against the actual places than Eskdale does.


Eskdale School







Caedmon College Whitby





Larger class size will reduce quality of education. Increased amount of traffic on mayfield road at start and end of school will lead to issues. Head teacher is asking for reduction in drop offs with current level. Current catering facility’s at Caedmon cannot cope with current levels how will they cope with increase numbers. Reports of a student with a knife within Caedmon school recently, has security with increased student numbers been addressed. Multiple sites with major road between them. How is this going to be made safe. Not a school originally so why are increased student numbers suddenly going to make this work? Why was money lent from Eskdalr school to bail out the sixth form? This has made a school managing its budget look like it can’t.


Airy Hill


Keep it 2 schools and put the sixth form back onto mayfield road site.



My child is under SEN at eskdale school and the reason why he attends Eskdale school because that was the 1 he CHOSE as he felt comfortable there and us as parents felt it was the best choice for him aswell because he struggles in crowds .The SEN side of eskdale school sounded more positive to us rather than caedmon because to tell you the truth the lady who we TRIED to see was not interested at all and said well I will talk about your child's needs when he comes here..Big mistake..How are you going to to cope at dinner times when you can't cope now at caedmon..How on earth are you going to manage all the traffic on Mayfield road and you think this is actually safe for children .The school is dropping to pieces and there's no way my child will be attending caedmon if this silly amalgamation goes a are not thinking about our children at all..I'm a very angry parent


Eskdale School


Il respond to this at the consultation on the 8th of march



It is time to pool resources and staff for the good of Whitby education. It is time to stop blaming others and move education forwards to give students greater curriculum choices with staff timetabled appropriately. I am hoping that a new structure and bigger teams of staff working together will promote improved learning outcomes and experiences for students, 11 to 18.


Eskdale School





I think this amalgamation should happen as it will provide a secure education in Whitby. As a tax payer I also don't want to think that my money is going towards a vocal few people intent on disrupting this proposal.







I believe this is a wrong move for the future of education in Whitby. My son has special needs and would not be comfortable in a larger school. Also with so many pupils I fear he will just get lost as a number


Eskdale School





Eskdale and the Sixth form site should remain open and school the 11 - 16 children. The idea of having all this age group at the old Grammer School site doesn't work numbers wise and especially space wise....give the children choice and space to grow, not cram them in like sardines.


Eskdale School







East whitby





We haven’t been told anything. I have autism will it upset me. My friend left eskdake because of bullying now the bullies are coming here. We won’t have anywhere else to go. Dinner times are too busy already. Cars park all over.


Caedmon College Whitby


Tell us kids stuff



I am against the proposal because if it goes ahead it would be a risk to every student there and would be unsafe to put all students together


Eskdale School


Keep our choice





Caedmon College Whitby





Yes I fully agree with it having just come through the education process in Whitby, I think there will be more choice from one school than it all being split. I went to Whitby sixth form and it was brilliant as the teachers made it a good place to be and the level and support and help was amazing.

Previous student

Caedmon College Whitby





I went to eskdale. It was small and friendly. I have autism and adhd. The sixth form has /had no courses for me. I have to travel to Scarborough. It’s impacting my health. Do the two schools do the same courses and exam boards? Why is money spent on sixth form but there was nothing there for me? At all schools why do not teachers take lessons and why do teenagers be teaching assistants?


Eskdale School


Involve us kids



I gave my son the CHOICE what school he wanted to go to. He said Eskdale because it felt smaller. How will the two schools get on together will this cause trouble them and us. I don’t want to be worrying is he ok is he safe while he is in school.Larger classes won’t this cause stress on teachers stress on pupils. I here story’s of Caedmon school it totally freaks me out. What effect will this have on pupils doing there exams different school different teachers this will have a effect on there grades. All these people wanting change what would there opinion be if they were disrupting there child. It’s so wrong . I feel for the parents with children with special needs. They don’t like change it’s so sad.


Eskdale School





My concerns are there is no proposal for SEN children or any thought for the impact on them, as a parent of a child with Autism I am aware of the impact of large schools and the sensory overload that can bring. I do not agree that SEN children should have to be segregated and should have the right to attend a main stream school that is suitable for them. I have seen no evidence of any impact assessment or any inclusivity in the plans and SEN children have not been mentioned. As part of the Public Duty Act there should have been consideration of reducing discrimination and increasing inclusion. The plans exclude SEN children as a parent I would not be choosing a larger school. Whilst I understand there are financial diffultied and reduced teachers another solution needs to be sought. Children have the right to be educated in the best environment which suits there needs rather than a cheaper option. Less children per classroom enhances learning and individual children's needs can be met. I am against this proposal


Eskdale School





I disagree with the proposal, the families and future families of whitby and surrounding villages deserve to have a choice. Both schools are good schools in their own right, but joining them is not fair. Firstly the size of the school, children will be crammed into classrooms, the corridors and halls will be filled. Just because it has the space, doesn't mean its the right thing, children leaving small village schools will be thrust into a school with 1000 children. Their mental health will drastically drop. The green areas are very minimal. Whereas the eskdale site has large fields, playing areas, and the incredible new 4G pitch. The location of the school is ideal for children walking to the school, there is currently a bus for children on the West side of whitby to safely arrive at eskdale. The school entrance is on an estate so children that walk to school (my child is one of those), is safe. Caedmon school does not have designated bus stops/car parking/ even walking to the school poses risks. It is on the main and busiest road in whitby that is grid locked. It is not a safe location! My other concern is the current GCSE options. The schools both provide different options. One of the reasons we chose Eskdale was so my daughter can do the GCSE she needs for her future career. There has been no mention about the current subjects being taught at the college. Whitby sixth form is equally a large school with ample parking, bus bays and many clubs and activities run from there. However based of the current costs and pupil numbers, it clearly shows that is the school loosing money. Not eskdale. A better option would be to move caedmon over to sixth form. I would like to know that the staff will all keep their jobs, however if you run a class to capacity, will you need all the teachers? I beg of you, to put the views and futures of this town first. Listen to the parents. Listen to the children. Eskdale school deserves to run, children deserve to choose a school.


Eskdale School


Smaller chunks of information with easy to read answers



I believe the reason isn’t to better our children’s education which is wrong. It is also short sited to close the Eskdale site which has more room for development and sports and has the wonderful 3G pitch that the good people of Whitby raised funds for. The current Caedmon site is the worst for space and very split up. That should be the site to go if any. There hasn’t been any information on how this will benefit the children, how it will be managed to minimise disruption etc. The children of Whitby should come first but aren’t. What happens to choice or options of moving schools for children who have issues with one school. Bigger is not always better. Will the teachers know each child as well as they do at Eskdale now? The choice should be for the people of Whitby and their children!  The fact that no reassurances for the children and no reasoning as to how this betters education for our children has been mentioned indicates that they haven’t even thought about this aspect. That surely is wrong. Their whole reason for being in their roles should be to give our children the best possible education. This isn’t a business!!!!!!


Eskdale School





This amalgamation will remove choice for all children in Whitby and will force children in to secondary education with no comparison.


Caedmon College Whitby





Freedom of choice of schools, we need doctors, dentists, schools NOT MORE 2ND HOMES – HOLIDAY HOMES







Freedom on choice.  To many new houses not enough schools, traffic


Eskdale School





Children in Whitby deserve/need a choice of schools much more than holiday homes for tourists.  As a former student I had a great time at Eskdale and achieved 8s and 9s in GCSEs.  Its such a waste to shut 1 only 2 secondary schools.

Former student

Eskdale School







Eskdale School





The congestion around the main Caedmon College site on Mayfield Road at drop off and pick up time is already a nightmare. This also applies to the Rosemount Road/St Andrews Road/Mayfield Road residential streets where parents park up on pavements and grassed areas whilst waiting to collect their children. This prevents access to roads and property in these areas for at least half an hour at collection time, often longer. The school have actually encouraged parents to park in these residential areas rather that at the school. Should this merger go ahead then I feel that consideration needs to be given to the parking situation as it is bound to increase and it is already a problem. The buses pull up on Mayfield Road often long before they are needed to collect children at the end of the day. This causes a bottleneck on Mayfield Road which is busy at the best of times. There is a wide footway where the children gather waiting to board the buses. This area should have been converted to a layby to allow the buses to park without impacting upon normal traffic. Children waiting could wait on the school field as there is an access gate onto the area where the buses pick up. Children also try and cross the road between the buses, walking into the road where cars are overtaking the buses, it is very dangerous. I have had to brake sharply or do an emergency stop before as children just ran across without looking. I sincerely hope that these matters are addressed prior to the merger and not left until there is chaos or even wore a serious accident.


Caedmon College  Whitby

Don’t’ know






Eskdale School


Yes you should of asked the parents and children which school they thought should close. Especially when Eskdale is running at 90%. Caedmon and the six form are the ones with low numbers. My opinion is to close Caedmon college on Mayfield Road. Move the children from caedmon to the six form. Leave eskdale alone.





Eskdale School







Eskdale School







Eskdale School







Eskdale School







Eskdale School





Eskdale School needs to be kept open.  There needs to be two secondary schools in Whitby.  Children need choice.  Secondary education should be prioritised before the sixth form, their education comes first.


Eskdale School


Paper copies should be sent out to all local residents.



I think it should be kept as one school.


Eskdale School





I do not agree with Eskdale School closing.  I went to this school and it is the back bone of this community.  Children need choice.


Eskdale School







Eskdale School







Eskdale School







Eskdale School







Caedmon College Whitby





It’s a mess. Very calculated playing the long game, waiting a few years after last time and carrying on regardless. The people making the decisions are miles away, not interested in the town or the community, just where the money can be spent elsewhere.


Eskdale School


Sharing the dates of meetings people can attend rather than trying to keep it quiet so you can say no-one turned up.



We expect our son to start at Caedmon in September 2023. Existing parents have expressed concerns over the problems feeding existing numbers at the school, especially the long waits for school dinners. If numbers are significantly increased isn't this likely to get significantly worse? In view of his evening sports we would prefer him to have a proper meal at lunch time than have a daily packed lunch.


Caedmon College Whitby


Don’t know




I fully support the proposal to amalgamate both schools.


Caedmon College Whitby






I fully support the proposal.


Caedmon College Whitby





I don't believe this is being done for the right reasons or in the right way. I think 2 11-16 schools would be better, one on each side of town. The 6th form is the true financial burden, not the 11-16 schools. Clearly, Whitby is too small to offer ac6th form with enough choices to be viable. I believe pupils are much more ready and able to travel at 16+ to Scarborough,  Middlesbrough etc. Forcing all pupils into one school which already has issues with parking,, lack of toilets, lunchtimes and behaviour seems an odd decision. Moving pupils in their GCSE years will not ever be the right decision. My own child is very happy and does not wish to move. What if lots of pupils choose to reject the new school and leave Whitby for their 11-16 education. The finances would then be even more dire. The executive headteacher has only been in post since June and is already forging ahead with such a huge change - he hasn't even seen a complete academic year though. How about consulting on other proposals such as a new build school for everyone? Or getting rid of the 6th form to keep 2 11-16 schools? Or just a small SEN hub for those 16+ pupils who cannot travel outside of Whitby. I feel the whole thing is very rushed, and is all about money, rather than education. Is this right? I certainly don't think so.


Eskdale School





I feel it is needed to safeguard jobs and education in Whitby.


Caedmon College Whitby


A quick solution to any staffing changes which is completely transparent



Questions re the future of the sixth form provision need to be answered as i am keen for my children to make use of it


Caedmon College Whitby


More clarity about options offers and practicalities of this and plans to promote the sixth form provision



This is Shocking News, I went to Eskdale school, There is some very wrong about, It started when a headmaster was brought in, to run the school into the ground, He bullied staff and pupils, the threat of  a teachers strike forced him out, also the govners were made aware and sat back and did Nothing, also NYCC were aware and did Nothing, In my opinion they should be a public inquiry, You are Dealing with children's futures.


Eskdale School


Public inquiry



Caedmon College on Mayfield Road is clearly not designed for the amount of traffic it currently receives twice  a day, never mind the proposed increase in attendance. There are numerous buses that transport children which have no where to park, essentially they hold up the traffic on Mayfield Road as they stop on the carrigeway. The local roads of Mayfield Road and Rosemount Road have become the overflow car parks for parents dropping off/collecting their children.  They are  single lane roads and are an accident waiting to happen, its not acceptable that the traffic will increase by 50% with the addition of Eskdale children. Parents block the roads now  (i live on Rosemount Road) there is no hope of an ambulance or  fire engine getting down if called out during school drop off/collection hours.


Caedmon College Whitby





My opinion is that the amalgamation should have taken place the last time it was suggested. A better standard of education will be provided to all students with one school. I believe this is true for many reasons for example: Easier recruitment and retention of quality staff - for example one english department rather than two. Greater choice of subjects - By having more students a greater number of subjects can be offered as these will be more cost effective and practical to run. Economies of scale - Greater purchasing power when making purchases in bulk, greater numbers for trips etc. Falling numbers - Unfortunately school budgets are shrinking as student numbers fall. One school with a healthy budget must be better than two struggling to balance a budget.  As a preference - where money is no object (and I fully understand it isnt) The best solution would be to build a new purpose built school on either the Eskdale or Sixth form site as there is plenty of land available and both offer sites offer off street solutions for dropping off students from the many school buses used for students to attend. This said I understand the reasons for needing to maintain the site at Normanby.


Eskdale School


Make the link to this survey more prominent - make the link say 'Click here to have your say......' as this was not immediately obvious.



Firstly, I question the legality of this so called amalgamation. It appears to have come "out of the blue", and is the product of four governors. How can this be quorate? Why were concerns not flagged up earlier? This will have had a hugely detrimental effect on students, parents, carers, staff and the community. This proposed restructuring of secondary education in Whitby robs the community of valuable choice, vital to meet the needs of young people where one size fits all is inappropriate. Financial issues were cited with regard to closing Eskdale. However, Eskdale remains the school with the healthiest intake compared to Caedmon and the dwindling sixth form numbers. A cynic might think the Eskdale site is preferable for more unaffordable housing developments - because that is what the excessive building in Whitby is about. In other words, we are set to loose more green space as well as school and choice. In addition, the congestion around the Mayfield site would be dangerous and cause severe  congestion at peak times. In terms of the curriculum, training and skills, this appears to be woefully neglected. When pupil numbers first started falling several years ago, why were issues not addressed then? Surely the County Council is aware of the decline in the fishing industry and low wage hospitality economy, and needs to encourage aspiration through technology and the introduction of T Levels to prepare our young people for the skills shortages that exist in the current climate. Many  sixth form students in Whitby have opted to study out of the town. I have been told by several students that this is due to a lack of choice at this level. If financial issues are part of this decision, why not throw in the towel with sixth form provision to release the school premises and save money on propping up provision that appears to drain finances from the other schools? How long would it take to turn around the sixth form curriculum? Chicken and egg - employ fully qualified sta


Eskdale School


A much larger window would be better, in order to review one's comments clearly.



What an absolutely ridiculous proposal! Can't believe this is even being considered. The knock on effects for the pupils, parents and the residents of Whitby will be totally devastate and the impact huge. For goodness sake come to your senses and look at the wider issues that this amalgamation will bring . 100 % opposed to this proposal.


Eskdale School





The closure of Eskdale School would be a tragedy.  As a farmer pupil who has gone on to study, fine art, criminology and psychology, I owe it all to Eskdale.  Whitby needs two secondary schools, one on each side of town. Not a mega school where pupils get lost in the crowd. I went through the first campaign in 2016 and the anxiety it caused to all pupils at Eskdale was horrendous.  The mental health of all these children will be affected. Eskdale has a high SEN intake.  These children cannot be pushed into unfamiliar surroundings. Who will feed all these children at lunchtime? Who’s paying for new uniforms? what if they don't fit in?   Why fix something that isn't broken? (Eskdale I mean].  Eskdale Should stay as it is. Caedmon Should go back to its original site, where the sixth form is based. Close Mayfield Road site. Add the sixth form in.  All other opinions matter. Not just the ones that's been proposed.


Eskdale School





Again council thinking profit for themselves yes we need better housing cause the **** *** of Corner Terrace is another council failing.


Eskdale School


stop taking back handlers from developers to spoil what we have in Whitby





Eskdale School







Eskdale School





Should never have thought about the amalgamation in the first place.


Eskdale School


Keep Eskdale School open



Whitby is growing, more houses being built, our children need options and choices.


Eskdale School





Strongly disagree Eskdale should not close. It is a lot more modern than Whitby Community College. There is more  land for development at Eskdale rather Caedmon College and Eskdale amalgamate makes more sense.

former pupil

Eskdale School





I think that it would be a very bad decision if Eskdale were to close and amalgamate with Caedmon. The proposal seems to be based solely on financial issues without considering the effects it will have on children's welfare, increased traffic and loss of green spaces, etc.


Eskdale School







Caedmon College Whitby

Don’t know




Yet again council seems to take profit for themselves both any needs of the community. Yes we need better housing in Whitby cos the flat that I live in is a **** *** people shouldn't be living like this with the money that go through this town you keep Church Street looking good for all the tourists but behind the front there is people living in squalor.


Eskdale School


Stop taking backhanders from developers to spoil what we have in Whitby.



The children of Whitby need choice. Graham/Raincliffe school amalgamated and that hasn't worked, why do the same thing here. It is a disgrace.


Caedmon college Whitby


Paper copies must be sent out.





Eskdale School





The children need choice, the town is growing massively.









Caedmon College Whitby







Eskdale School





The proposal as it is being currently presented, does not make much sense in terms of a structured plan to develop education in Whitby. As previously it just seems the solution is 'close Eskdale and that will solve everything'! Surely any decision should be made on maintaining choice and standards for families who live in the town. Fully appreciate there are significant financial reasons for the proposal , but why are the schools in this position; is it mismanagement or the fact that there is a 500+ capacity site been run as a Sixth Form with just over a hundred students? The communication of the decision to staff and students was also very badly handled and the lack of information coming forward from governors and WSF. Something obviously needs to be done, but this just seems like a ill judged decision without the appropriate insight to make it effective.







It shouldn’t go ahead


Eskdale School







Caedmon College Whitby


Drop off at caedmon. The top carpark needs looking into as currently busses stop on the main road and cars drop off pupils into the car park, if a small section of field from near the road was allocated to make a drop off/turning point this would alleviate any traffic congestion and all transport, busses and cars could drop off children safely. I think the amalgamation is a fantastic idea and should of happened a long time ago. Whitby 6th from is also great as travelling early and getting home late to colleges out of Whitby is a lot to ask any 16 year old. The new college and proposals are very much needed for Whitby.



My son attends WHITBY Sixth Form and has attended Caedmon through his education. He did not want to travel further afield to find his was in College. The Sixth form provided his courses and allowed him to thrive in a a smaller college. Funding and a greater course  selection would benefit and possibly allow more to attend rather than travelling further away( think about environment, costs etc) Whitby having 2 schools isn’t really working and the pupils and staff are the ones that suffer because of lack of students in each school, which results in less money per student. Choice is great, however plenty of pupils have chosen to travel to other areas for their secondary education. 1 school focused on pupils may work with the right investment. Many examples of other areas not having a choice and a town if our size doesn’t warrant having 2 schools under resourced and a lack of pupils. Whitby needs a fantastic school and sixth form that is fit for purpose and pupils and staff at the heart of it.


Whitby Sixth Form


The FB page set up by parents sometimes is very aggressive and many in Whitby are fearful of showing any support for the proposal. Because of repercussions.





Eskdale School





Whitby is ever expanding and the phrase like sardines in a tin is exactly what will happen if you close Eskdale into Caedmon college.


Eskdale School





Strongly against the closure of Eskdale school. Would leave parents in Whitby with no choice and all the children crammed into one school possibly over two sites. If it's not broken don't fix it and it's not broken. What if the other school which would be the only school goes into special measures then the parents would only have the choice to send their kids to a failing school or travel at least 30 minutes each way to another school which they may not be able to get into anyway. Ridiculous idea to save money start looking at other ways to save because I can assure you in the council most people could work it out very quickly







On the whole i think the amalgamation is a good idea. However, I think the best way forward for KS4 and KS5 education in Whitby would be the construction of a new school on a different site. There is available land on the whitby sixth form site, perhaps the funds for this build could be partially raised by the selling of the Eskdale and Caedmon College sites to developers.

EO and Data Manager

Caedmon College Whitby





Eskdale School needs to stay open. What about bullying? Children need choice. If they haven't got it children will have to travel over 21 miles will this be refunded. What suits one child will not necessarily suit another. Over 12,000 plus children on the main road at tea-time disastrous.


Eskdale School


Don’t do everything online.



I am against the closure of a well located and amazing school. My first child attended Caedmon, my second child chose Eskdale, I was delighted to send 3rd/4th/5th  children to Eskdale. Formerly my children attended this school and were better for it (4 children out of 5). I believe keeping two secondary schools for each individual's choice is completely logical. I am a former governor of Sleights CE School and feel it is imperative to keep Eskdale School open.


Eskdale School





It is obvious from the figures provided that the biggest falls in numbers are seen at the sixth form, and former Caedmon/Whitby School sites.  Now known as Caedmon College your data shows an excess capacity of 48%, while that of Eskdale is 27%. Eskdale pupil figures are higher at the end of the series than they were at the start with a significant period when they were significantly higher.  In contrast Caedmon College figures show consistently falling figures.  It is totally obvious that any problems exist at Caedmon College. Since it is Caedmon College that has mismanaged the resources allocated there it would be inappropriate to close Eskdale. Close one of the Caedmon College sites and preserve choice.  The council has a responsibility to promote choice. It also has a responsibility to respond to and serve residents - not the management team at Whitby School nor those who can only eye the land at Eskdale which they think should be used for housing.  The council also has a statutory duty to promote choice and diversity.  Whitby is isolated and it is not acceptable for pupils to have to travel to neighbouring towns to access an alternative to Caedmon College.  The message is clear - leave Eskdale School alone and sort out the problems at Caedmon College. If necessary combined primary schools at Caedmon instead of operating so many separate sites but Eskdale must remain open as an alternative parents and pupils to choose over Caedmon College if that is what they wish. It is NOT acceptable for the council to fail in its STATUTORY DUTY to promote choice.







We need schools, doctors, dentists not anymore houses for second homes, children are precious they need education.




























The normal way to have a consultation is to present proposals, and the relative advantages / disadvantages of each. This consultation is simply "proposal 1" and its advantages. Readers are left to work out the disadvantages for themselves and think of what other options there are. If this is an example of how the new North Yorkshire Council will operate "with local issues as key" then you have difficult times ahead!  About the proposal, it proposes to put 1000+ pupils on Normanby site. That means that circa 500 pupils from Whitby east side will need to travel over Whitby New Bridge (40mph) on pavements that are not wide. This represents a clear health and safety issue. A recent NYCC Overview and Scrutiny Committee motion was passed that outside all schools and areas of high footfall should be 20mph. Consequently Whitby New Bridge would need to be downgraded to 20mph. Similarly a section of Mayfield Road near the Normanby site should be downgraded to 20mph.   Then we look at crossing points on Mayfield Road so these pupils can get in to the school. There is a single pedestrian (light) crossing on the full length of that road (busiest road in Whitby for traffic), and those lights take 3 mins to change for pedestrians (quick changeover also). Utterly inadequate for that number of pupils to get safely to school. Consequently interventions need making on Mayfield Road to provide more crossings.  Then we get to access to the site. It is inaccessible for coaches, so they have to block the carriageway on Mayfield Road. This road is gridlocked in the morning at school start time, and again in the evening. That is with 600 pupils, so to increase the school to 1000 pupils would multiple the problems. Parents take kids to school and have nowhere to park up, similarly at going home time, so the surrounding residential streets get this traffic, which would only get worse with such a proposal.  Regarding the disposal of a school site, let's say Eskdale. This comprises 1.75ha brown


Eskdale School


As said, a consultation should provide options with advantages and disadvantages, not just 1 option fait a compli. A consultation should provide all information up front, so that there is informed consent, and not have people scrambling around with FOIs just to find out basic things, it is dishonest.



The financial positions of the schools as separate entities say it all. Untenable. As a member of staff, I would love to work in a school that is not under financial constraint from the LA, and can actually offer students more than the bare minimum, because we are bankrupt.


Caedmon College Whitby





Need for school in WHITBY for all 11-18 year olds who should not have to commute 40 Mile  round trip


Caedmon College Whitby





Agree needs amalgamated provision to keep education in Whitby for all 11-18 year olds


Caedmon College Whitby







Eskdale School





Yes I do I have attended the meeting today as I did 6/7 years ago and it is clear to see that it is not financially viable to keep both schools open . There has been mention of the W6F closing as a possibility as a suggestion of those in favour of keeping Eskdale School open I am very opposed to  this. One of my children attends W6F and does not want to travel put of town to continue his education. I spoke in defence of W6F today at the meeting and found a lot of people who weren't in favour of keeping Eskdale open didn't speak as they were intimidated by those that were in favour of keeping Eskdale open


Caedmon College Whitby






Student at Whitby 6th Form

Caedmon College Whitby


I am a student at W6F and believe that although the proposal doesn't mention shutting pur 6th Form that it has been mentioned by some of those who are in support of keeping Eskdale open that they wish our 6th Form to close. I do not wish to yravel to continue my education along with many of my friends and those who do attend colleges out of Whitby would of attended Whitby if the courses they wished to study were available



Closing Eskdale School/Site should have been done the first time round 7 years ago.


Caedmon College Whitby





Having attended both the consultation presentations today it seems obvious that the 4 governors were totally unprepared for today, I can’t recall any questions been answered properly, always following a script. Mr #, who I hope isn’t pulling the wool over your eyes is a liar and that I have from teachers first hand isn’t fit for purpose in carrying out this kind of business, he and the rest couldn’t compete with the questions from the audiences at both briefings.


Eskdale School


Please listen to people with more experiences and knowledge than the existing governors that in my mind have been lacking in “duty of care for students”.





Caedmon College Whitby





My children attended Caedmon College during the previous Eskdale closure/one secondary school consultation (6/7 years ago). This caused secondary school disruption for some time. The consultation was not successful, this was an incorrect decision, in my opinion, and we now find ourselves back at the same point.  I would like the executive committee to consider how they would prevent this same situation happening again in another few years time if the amalgamation does not go ahead.The amalgamation should go ahead. If the decision is not to go ahead, NYCC must provide an alternative robust plan to prevent Whitby secondary system having a 3rd mirror of events in a few years time.


Caedmon College Whitby





I am strongly against the amalgamation ,my son chose Eskdale for a reason. He would not cope in a bigger school ,it would also mean he has a long walk to the new school and have to cross very busy roads. If the amalgamation goes ahead. He will have to be home schooled,which is not ideal when he is already settled in a school.


Eskdale School






This is not thought out in anyway the slides shown at the meeting on 08/03/23 were biased and misleading. The numbers were not explained in their entirety. Any proposal for change and correct change management would be a well thought out process with more than one option to consider not a biased view of 4 people who may or may not have financial gain from said amalgamation. The  current caedmon college site access is abissmal and unsafe without a further approximate 400 daily pupils. It is situated on a main road into whitby which is consistently busy and blocked with traffic.There is no forethought for changing dynamics and population of the area. Currently the management is appalling there is drugs ,drug dealing, knives, bullying and fighting, racism and self harm been undertaken at both schools but with no leadership and management at caedmon for support of the victimised pupils. Why?Last night it was heard of sexual assault at caedmon college site again with no reprimands. What about the 3G pitch which is on the eskdale site? It is incoherent to beleive that children will be transported 1.3 miles in a tourist town to access this, loss of teaching time,more risk assessments and safeguarding to be undertaken. Also what would be the cost implications of this? Has this been factored in? Where will the extra children on one site eat their lunch? Play sports? I feel dismayed at the zero response from governers at the meeting, there inconsistency and lies are quite frankly disgusting.Maybe we should be looking at a full management restructure as opposed to making children of whitby suffer and be in turmoil once again!! Let's look at the amalgamation of schools in scarborough which had dire consequences, dire ofsted reports, upheaval and unrest. Unfair on the children!!







I am against the proposal for several reasons. I’m fortunate to live on Mayfield road and my child attends Caedmon a short walk from home. I moved to the particular area of town bearing in mind that a school was close to home, safe for my children to get there on their own and back. That would no longer be the case for children who currently go to Eskdale and live on the east side of town. Also more traffic would be created and become west I expect a nightmare on mayfield road. I get people now parking in front of my drive dropping off/collecting from Caedmon. It can be frustrating! Families buy homes and look to be near a school, all the new houses that are being built opposite Sainsburys, having Eskdale open would be a reason to buy there. I worry the classes will become too large and children who need extra support will get left behind. Teachers will struggle to cope and end up leaving their roles. I worry about an increase in bullying. The food service at school will struggle as my child tells me the ques for dinner are already ridiculous and he often comes home daily only having had a cake! There are so many more negatives to the proposal as there is positives. I was at the meeting and heard the pupils would have to walk to the sixth form site to complete certain PE activities!!! Ridiculous! More cost also to parents for new uniform for new school. From the consultation meetings I went too the general view I got was a lot of people do not want the schools to join.


Caedmon College Whitby


Is the whole building at sixth form site used? Could it be made smaller to accommodate costs?



I do t want this to happen I want to feel safe at school and enjoy my education, I don't want to walk on unsafe main roads over 1 mile to go to school. I want to stay at eskdale and look at other options s like closing the sixth form site and getting rid of the executive head who we don't need


Eskdale School


This is not clear and not much time to fill in





Eskdale School


Leave it alone



I think the whole idea to close Eskdale School and move all pupils to the Caedmon College site on Mayfield Road is completely ludicrous.  It has not been thought out properly. No questions were answered properly at the consultation meeting. I can guarantee now that the governors who have proposed this have one interest only and that is to line their pockets. I can guarantee now that the next thing on their agenda if this gets approved will be for Caedmon College to join Yorkshire Endeaver Academy Trust which a certain co chair is CEO of. There has been absolutely zero consideration for the mental health and wellbeing of the students nor any thoughts on their education. I think its absolutely disgraceful this has even been considered. The Whitby community is absolutely disgusted by the was this has been managed. I urge for this to be thoroughly investigated before a decision is made. There was so many points made at the consultation meetings that the governors could not answer. I was disgusted.


Caedmon College Whitby





I would just like to start by saying I aren’t against change happening and can see from information put out that something needs to happen with regards to the schools and money been spent. I do however feel from information I’ve read that all angles haven’t been explored and that closing Eskdale seems like a rushed decision. I could like a good education for all children but I do think choice should be available. I understand student numbers seem to be down at both schools but to have no choice if you aren’t getting on in the new school would mean a lot of years been unhappy and unable to do anything about it. I also cannot understand why they seem so intent on keeping a sixth form college when from numbers available there are just over 130 students. Surely running a big building for such few pupils is very draining on the funding. Like i previously said I am not against any changes and all for giving all students the best education but I don’t feel closing Eskdale with the best fields and sports facilities is the best option.


Eskdale School





Providing pooling resources creates great opportunities for local children I support the process.







It’s just absolutely ridiculous to even consider this! Houses are popping up everywhere in Whitby and to take two schools into one at this time is bonkers. This would not benefit one single child ! This is clearly about money . What isn’t these days? People are never considered in these situations. Staff would struggle to really get to know a child , children would feel overwhelmed, the issue of bullying - that can never be just swept under a carpet. To take a choice away from children , especially everything children have had to endure these past few years is terrible. I really hope the publics views are actually taken into account rather than pound signs.


Eskdale School


Re consider and perhaps do away with 6th form instead.



I had one child at Eskdale school and a current child at Caedmon college I looked at both schools for both children and they picked their own for different reasons my son is severely dyslexic and got bullied in primary by the children that had picked Caedmon so he picked Eskdale which was the best choice by far for him to escape the bullies that tortured him for years. Eskdale school ethos is second to none and my son grew in confidence and enjoyed school and has flourished in his now chosen career which he would not of done if he had to attend a school with the bullies. My daughter however picked Caedmon and she is flourishing there because it’s the right school for her I think choice is so important as no 2 children are the same and what works for 1 doesn’t necessarily work for them all I think it’s a MASSIVE mistake joining the schools mentally this is a disaster for some of these poor kids !!!


Caedmon College Whitby





Less choice, kids mental health, more houses getting built and Whitby getting more populated yet the schools getting less. Underhand dealings within the governors.


Caedmon College Whitby





I whole heartedly support the proposal. Neither of the two secondary schools are fit for purpose. I also agree with the decision to retain the sixth form; Whitby students deserve the right to a high quality education from reception to Y13 without having to travel 45 minutes by public transport.







Having read the proposal and attended one of the meetings, I have no confidence in the proposals and the short term vision the governors have. We were here a few years ago &  back here again - how long till we’re in the same situation with a quick fix that won’t work?    The whole of secondary education needs looking at in particular the 6th form and it’s inability to attract students, not surprising when there are more favourable options available. At a recent poorly attended apprenticeship event at the 6th form, as a parent I was shocked to see a presentation taking place by Prior Pursglove!!!! Why on earth were they there? It beggars belief when Whitby are struggling to increase numbers a rival 6th form is invited.  I was shocked to hear a pupil from Caedmon raise the issue of going without lunch some days as not enough food is available - are children in receipt of free school meals also going hungry? The pupil wasn’t the only one to raise the issue of going without food. As a parent I have no faith in there being enough food should this proposal go ahead when they can’t even feed those poor children there now. Sadly to hear of the bullying and drugs issues some are having to endure that are not being tackled with 3 sites at present gives no faith in what will happen going forward.   The oldest of the 3 sites is the old Whitby school site which has no room for further development without taking away the little green space that it has.  It is also located at the side of a major main road feeding the town and adding further pressure to this area at peak times when vehicles are not allowed on the site adding to congestion on nearby roads - an accident waiting to happen.  Why are the governing body not looking at alternative options?  Close the old Whitby school site(the oldest and possibly the one requiring more funds spent on maintaining it) and move all the 11-16’s to the old Caedmon site which has a safe areas for school buses and plenty of green space for child


Eskdale School





This is absolutely ridiculous to combine 2 schools together there's going to be to many in one class health and safety issues for a start . Children and parents need a choice where they want to go what if they are bullied in one school and want to move schools closer one is Scarborough. There are to many houses being built in whitby we don't need any more if that's what they plan to do with eskdale but has anyone thought where are all these children that will grow up go to cademon if it goes ahead will be over crowded leave the schools as they are if its about money then I'd pay 20 pound a month to put towards the up keep my child does not want to go to cademon she's down for eskdale and that's where she is going stop this madness and let the people of whitby have a choice


Airy Hill







Caedmon College Whitby


Opportunity to say why you do or do not support merger



No! Makes perfect sense when considering budgets. Two schools is not viable!!!!!


Airy Hill





I totally agree with the proposal

Support Staff

Caedmon College Whitby





Need 6th form in Whitby not fair to have to travel for any age


Caedmon College Whitby







Eskdale School


Give all children a choice! The only infrastructure of Whitby warrants two schools:



Whitby Secondary School Provision. IS THERE MORE THAN ONE OPTION THAT SHOULD BE CONSIDERED? NYCC has the responsibility and opportunity to provide the very best educational provision that our students need and deserve. Only when all the information is freely available and a proper, thoughtful, and meaningful timeframe is in place should any consultation be undertaken. Parents and students must have total confidence in the procedures being adopted. A quick fix to reduce costs is certainly not what is required. At present there appears to be only one option for any consultation. Do NYCC Officers, our Councillors and/or the Governor have a predetermined view with their minds closed to the merits of any other option? Yes, everyone agrees cost savings need to be found but surely not at the expense of our students. OPTION 1 (Governors current proposal?) Close Eskdale School and amalgamate Caedmon and Eskdale on the two remaining sites - Normanby & Scoresby. There are 900+ places at the Caedmon College (Normanby Site), which is the smallest (4.5ha), but there is no play area, limited sports fields, and is without road access for coaches. However, this proposal means shoehorning all 900+ 11-16 students into a confined space whilst leaving 350+ available spaces on the Scoresby (6 th Form) site OR creating a split site school ie 11-13/14 on one site and 13/14-18 on the other. A large 11-16 1000+ school on split sites could be created but split sites schools have been shown to fail in North Yorkshire and more recently in Whitby. This proposal is all about money rather than the students. Teachers, in a larger school, will find it difficult to know all their pupils and this could result in increased bullying, with more disciplinary and safeguarding issues, as well as larger class sizes. Parental choice and competition, and comparison would be lost.  Traffic chaos at the beginning and end of the school day with the extra pupil and traffic movements will increase. Caedmon Coll









Eskdale School


Yes do not close eskdale school





Eskdale School





Children should have a choice the primary school intake is at a all time high, meaning in a few years the classes will be even bigger my children are in primary school and their  classes are full to capacity now so how can one school accomode all these children in the next few years.


Eskdale School





I have a daughter who is currently in Y10 at Eskdale and two younger sons who had hoped to follow in her footsteps and attend Eskdale School in the future. We chose Eskdale over Caedmon because my child felt it had solid pastoral care, a warm atmosphere and friendly staff. What will happen to all of the above with such an amalgamation? The decision does not seem to consider this. Data shows that numbers have dropped slightly but I am not sure that closure of a full site and million pound 4G pitch is the best option, just to appease a building company and create houses for families. Families with whom would have children who need a school place. College places are also less popular in Whitby as other colleges in the area offer much more choice.  The current college site could house Eskdale children and staff and perform a straight swap with current Eskdale site. Our community is growing yet we are closing down many public services. I am annoyed and disappointed that money has won once more , over pupil wellbeing and academic education.


Eskdale School





Closing Eskdale is ridiculous, all the extra houses going up and shutting a school.







Its a terrible decision after attending the supposed Consultation evening last night I am very angry that all the people on the stage seemed to be advocating the closure of Eskdale and not considering the rooms views, they were not unbiased I my opinion  the only exception were the 2 NYCC Counsellors at the end of the row who didn't speak. Not one person has any long time contact or knowledge of Eskdale or the Whitby area, maybe apart from one whose daughter is at Caedmon college. The current Executive head seemed like a bad Politician who just evaded nearly every question asked.He certainly didn't give us any confidence in the proposals. It appeared like they needed to look at a lot of issues in the future and not able to tell us what the overall plans are other than Eskdale closure for financial reasons. Safety is a big problem to me as our children will have to walk approx 1-1.5 miles to Caedmon schools in all weathers and in the dark at times on an extremely busy road this is not good in bad weather or for the longer ones i.e. new year 7's. When we raised concern about the business of the roads at school times particularly we were told it would be our choice to take our children to school by car hence we would be  increasing the problem . Cycling was suggested?! On the new bridge year 7's seriously? SEN children are known to be happier in smaller schools and as my daughter has very special needs I am aware that one of the worst things for SEN children is Change.The Senco dept at Eskdale is excellent. WE want a school for the East side kids. Money is a factor admittedly but our children deserve options and quality schooling where they are content, It is known in the town that Caedmon has quite a bullying problem and I can't see this becoming less with 405 more kids whatever policies may be put in place. There was also a mention of the fairy new 3G pitch being still used by Caedmon by shipping them over by bus? Traffic again. We know Caedmon has little outside spa


Eskdale School


not sure it was always relevant though





Eskdale School





 As # of local football Club Whitby Fishermen's Society FC , i would like to voice  strong concerns regarding the possible closure of Eskdale 3G football facility along with the school.  We as Club rely heavily on this facility to provide football for over 200 junior players across 14 teams plus 60 adult players over 2 teams. We use this facility for both training during the week and match play at the weekends.  If this facility was to be removed it would impact greatly on us delivering at our present levels and in turn on the subsequent physical and mental health of the people of our town . For the Town, getting to the point of actually having its own 3G facility has been a long and hard fought journey over many years,  to have it taken away after less than 2 years of  opening would be an absolute tragedy. Regards ## Whitby Fishermen's Society FC #          









Eskdale School





Absolutely under no uncertain terms support this proposal. It is a sure to cover up staffs errors and mismanagement of money to now be covered over and generations of whitby children will suffer . Get rid of the sixth form it is hemorrhaging money




longer time frame , unbiased statements. Factual evidence



Worry about large class sizes...year 9 is already a large cohort at Caedmon.  Dining facilities at Caedmon will not accommodate the extra pupils.  Pupils need choice.We need a 6th form in town....children should not be expected to travel to do A levels.


Caedmon College Whitby

Don't know






Eskdale School







Eskdale School





Yes I think eskdale school should be left alone there is no need get rid of the school...I went to eskdale some time ago my children went there too.choldre  should have s choice of school.


Eskdale School





I think this has not been thought out with the childrens best interest in mind. Firstly children need options. What if a child doesn't settle or gets bullied in the one amalgamated school what other options do these children have if every option has being exhausted within that one school. Also what about these poor children that say have settled at Eskdale in year 7 then has to move over to the amalgimated school is there going to be stigma for the children that will carry across. Also how can all these children fit under one roof and get the best education when it has been practised in scarborough and failed misrably our our children guinea pigs??


Eskdale School





I believe this is a poor idea for many reasons, More than anything i feel for the people who have had to escape and move to another school due to bullying! merging schools together you are not thinking  about how this will effect those children.


Caedmon College Whitby





Don’t do it


Eskdale School







Eskdale School





I think it disgusting to close a school that give the children choices of where to go, it is the best school on whitby and I really wanted my children to go there just like my dad, auntie's uncles me and my brother, its a big part of whitby town and it will be disgusting to lose a brilliant school







I feel this is totally the wrong decision, based on a bias agenda, by a group of 4 with a self interest. The fiscal information was flawed at the very least, the projected figures were unfathomable. The Governers did not inspire any confidence in going forward, they appeared unaware of what is happening to the children in their care, the children who spoke out about the bullying, substance and sexual abuse was breathtaking, I do not attach sny blsme here to the teaching staff, who are working under extreme pressure, but the many, many layers of senior management. The lack of adequate food and drink is horrific. It appears the 6th Form College is the drsin on finances, I do not understand why Eskdale had to bail out the 6th Form, and is now in difficulties because of this, its gross mismanagement. If this was a private sector buisness, those in charge would be dismissed. E


Eskdale School


The proposal should have been made public long before sny consultation meeting. As should any Impact Statement. NYCC  should have investigated the travel logistics of moving over 400 children to an already heavily congested area. The children of the outlying villages cannot walk to school.       cong



How can a growing town like whitby be cutting back on education houses are getting built not knocked down the infrastructure of the town can barely cope now but instead of improving education and improving things ...... its going in the opposite direction taking away pupils and parents choices...... the whole thing stinks from top to bottom and these people making the decisions  know nothing of the town and its residents .......


Eskdale School


No it was clear




Other - Aunt to pupils and grandchildren will be attending in a years time

Eskdale School





I disagree with the proposal. Parents and children in Whitby should have a choice of secondary school. The site at Caedmon College Whitby isn't suitable for this number of children. Future generations of Whitby aren't being considered in all of this.







Kids need choice. If they fit in a school, bullies. Eskdale has proper parking facilities, Caedmon doesn't, it's disgusting you think the people from Whitby are daft. It's all about building more houses for the rich.


Eskdale School



keep Eskdale School.



I cannot believe this is a serious proposal, it goes against any logical thought! It certainly does not benefit the children of Whitby. Why is Eskdale still being proposed for closure when it is in an ideal location for its pupils, who mostly live in the east side of Whitby.  With a further 600 properties proposed the area it is even more important to keep it open. The school has a good Ofsted rating and an excellent special needs facility.  There are no traffic problems Eskdale, with parking for school buses and no issues with car pickups. This would not be the case that Caedmon which already has traffic issues at the end of the school day and inadequate parking to which the proposal will add all the buses and car pickups from Eskdale.  Traffic problems are already back at Mayfield Rd junction, this proposal will make them much worse along with increased pollution from killing vehicles.


Eskdale School


Finally it is well known that there is already insufficient capacity in providing school meals at Caedmon, what happens when all the Eskdale School pupils are added?





Education for the whole of Whitby’s young people


To put forward an option the amalgamate then schools with a saving of Just £85K and a financial plan that the governor’s actually said in a public meeting “Will hopefully be successful”, a plan looking just 3-4 years in front, yet pay for an executive head, a position that is definitely not needed at this level, is an ABSOLUTE DISGRACE.  I’m sure that the Heads and Deputy Heads of both schools are more than capable of working together to provide the choice of education and schools the pupils deserve.  One immediate action to save more than the governor’s proposal would, would be to remove the Executive Head and streamline the management structure.  After listening to the reports of Bullying, Drugs, Lack of subject choice, Sexual harassment by student on more vulnerable girls, Lack of such a Basic as FOOD!  The governor’s have failed in the very basic provision for the schools, how can their plan to amalgamate schools be taken as a serious option when they have, and are continuing to Fail in the basic provisions young people have a right to expect when attending school.  When an Executive Head sits in a Public meeting, listening to his own students and a local nurse telling him about the problems with Drugs then answer back that he Doesn’t believe there is any problem it is Definitely time to remove him from post before he ignores any more warning signs.





West Cliff Primary School








West Cliff Primary School





This can not happen ,we need rid of #, #and all the secrecy and backhanded ways of management


Grandchild currently at Eskdale School


More advertisement of the proposed amalgamation and more than one option to consider





Lythe cevc school





A few things wrong here. Firstly having attended the public consultation the reason behind this isn't low numbers at eskdale. The reason is the failing 6th form and this is the best way you can think of to generate more money to pump into that so please stop the lies. Secondly bit of a knee-jerk reaction, if you cant run the school on x amount you're getting currently per pupil then won't you get more potentially at next general election? Thirdly the impact this will have on traffic from east to west and pulling up potentially on the opposite side of a very busy road to drop kids that will have to walk back to the crossing to cross the road (we all know they wont do that)  let alone buses dropping off. This is dangerous from a road safety point of view. Also the buildings at what was whitby community college are mostly temporary buildings, freezing in the winter and probably very environmentally unfriendly. So here's my proposal to you. Keep eskdale as it is, move caedmon college 11-16 into caedmon school site and re think the sixth form. Either scrap it (less unhappy people thwn closing eskdale) or make both caedmon and eskdale 11-16 plus sixth form at both, giving people further choice. Some courses at one and some at the other. Your plan is full of lies and quite frankly dangerous!


No school


See my original response on previous page





Eskdale School


The presentation by the representation at the public meeting by the campaigners against the proposal was a perfect example of why education in the town needs to be improved. The realities of change are such that  there is no practicable alternative than to embrace progress, and remove the LEA and uninformed and hysterical social media idiots from doing any further damage to the educational provision of the town.



If the amalgamation goes ahead, pupils in Whitby will no longer have a choice. The single lane road into caedmon college and the land on the main site cannot accommodate more cars. More pupils mean more buildings, therefore less land for outdoor sports. A smaller budget would mean less opportunities- not more. I am completely against this proposal and so are my two children who are close to moving to secondary school. There are no advantages regarding this plan in our opinion and if it goes ahead, both my children are considering travelling to a different school further afield, which would have a negative impact on pupil numbers and also the environment. There are so many second homes and holiday cottages in the Whitby area. It is wrong to sacrifice more of the land in Whitby and the education of the children in Whitby to accommodate more people who don’t permanently live in the area. I believe this is about making money, not the education and wellbeing of the children of Whitby.


St hedda’s primary school, egton bridge.





This is a complete and utter predetermined takeover bid by Caedmon College. Having used all of Caedmon School's surplus monies when they amalgamated, having got Eskdale into a disastrous Federation and now having used up all their money and more they want to take over education in the town. Our present and future children need choices promises made with no substance. The 6th form has continued to loose money over the ten year period they state and they is no surety that amalgamating will secure its future. Why close Eskdale? Close one of the two sites on the west side that are both half empty. Start behaving like proper professionals and don't spend money you haven't got on overpaid expensive executive head who can't even answer straightforward questions - just reads his notes!! There has been no alternative options looked at - this is not a consultation it is a prepared done deal. Too many overpaid staff in the college who do nothing to improve the 6th form. This management structure does not enhance the students learning, it takes valuable resources away from it. As for the disgusting issues with the previous head at Eskdale, the governing body have proved inefficient and useless and their mistakes have cost Eskdale far too much money. They need to go, they have no idea how to run a school. The lack of transparency to the community, the parents and the Eskdale staff is unprofessional to say the least! If this deal is to go ahead, the matter needs to be taken to the powers that be and exposed for the total illegal and financial mess that it is.  This is a plan invented to raise the statue of the governors to move to an Academy with vested interest of at least two of the 8 governors. It is a career plan for them not a plan to enhance the education of our students. When they have moved on and got what they want, it is the future students who will suffer. Hang your heads in shame WSP and NYCC for even putting this biased, probably illegal, one sided  piece of fiction


Member of community


Truth and transparency, allow people to have the real information to make a decision and don't hide behind excuses. Answer questions properly and don't keep repeating the same old info from the information you have concockted. And don't say 'when' it happens though we know you are making sure that is correct




Former Pupil Eskdale County Modern late 60's - 1970

Eskdale School


I didn't read it



It is time for this to happen. Children of Whitby deserve one, new, outstanding school. With a range of subjects on offer, a broad curriculum which promotes aspirations for all. As a parent of a child in y7 and a baby on the way, I am excited about the opportunities for our children that will come from this. The only thing I will say, is will NYCC be giving money for new facilities and money to build on what is already there. An exciting time for the people, children and young people of Whitby and the surrounding areas.


Caedmon College Whitby





Whilst this can be a concerning time for staff, I genuinely believe this is the best time for change for the children and young people of Whitby. I look forward to working even more with my colleagues at the other school and providing a new and exciting school and curriculum offer for all our young people. I am excited to be able to have progression opportunists and a clear direction for all. It makes me disheartened that the children of Whitby and surrounding areas do not get the best offer at the minute. And believe the amalgamation is the next step in ensuring this happens for all. I believe this is the best move, moving forward.


Caedmon College Whitby







Eskdale School





Children and Parents should have a choice which secondary school they go to. To be thrust into a huge school after the comfort of much smaller primary school is a daunting task for a lot of children. It is a massive change for them anyway but to go from one of several schools to just one for every child in the town and surrounding villages is mad. More and more houses are being build in Whitby- a whole new estate just a stones throw away from Eskdale school (and apparently not for second home owners) so surely now more than ever is a need for more schools not less. I attended Eskdale school and have amazing memories from a great school. The children of today have already had to deal with a global pandemic and more and more have issue with anxiety because of it. Let them have the same stepping stone that I had growing up before going to Whitby College. It is a big deal and the mental well-being of children shouldn’t be dismissed for monetary gains.


Eskdale School


I have had to hunt for information. Nothing had been forthcoming and people say it’s a done deal anyway regardless of how many people oppose it



Yes! As a very concerned Whitby local and mother, i urge you to reconsider the closure of Eskdale School. This is the second time my family has been through this. In 2016 the whole Town pulled together and fought the powers that be. Eskdale became an 11-16 age school and the people of Whitby were elated and very much relieved. Here we go again!  The merge of the two schools means a new name and a new uniform. In the middle of a cost of living crisis parents who are already struggling will not be able to afford this. Will uniforms be provided for all?  The parking on the Mayfield Road area at Caedmon College is already a disaster area. Caedmon College sent correspondence only recently with the concerns of children's welfare and not to mention the angry residents nearby. All this nonsense of no more traffic at school times, which was mentioned at the consultation is a load of rubbish. Eskdale has a lot of pupils that are bussed to school, plus the driven children. Over 1200 children on the busiest road in and out of Whitby twice a day! Disaster waiting to happen. Eskdale School already has its own bus turning area which was purposely built for this.  Dinner time, how will this work? Over 1200 children! Parents with pupils already at Caedmon are already complaining that their children are coming home hungry because there isn't much left after last sitting. How much time will this take up?  Where will they all play at breaktime? Caedmon hasn't even got a playground!  What about the SENCO side of things. Eskdale has the highest SEN intake as it provides the best for children with Special Educational Needs. These children that are often left behind are thriving at this school. Parents have looked in to this deeply and Eskdale provides the best. Not to mention the extra wide corridors and staircases that give ease of access to all classrooms, plus a lift. What if the schools do amalgamate onto two sites, how will children with disabilities manage to cross over between two


Eskdale School


Yes. Paper copies should of been sent out too. I know loads of people that do not have access to a computer. Lots of people have told me they couldn't find it online.



It is morally and ethically wrong. The govrerners actions are abhorrent, the lack of clarity is astounding .


Eskdale School


The consultation information was inadequate and provided in such a way it bordered on dishonesty, the alleged figures did not add up.





Eskdale School







Caedmon College Whitby


It would seem that many questions remain unanswered. If this merge was to be implemented this coming September, then why are parents not given complete disclosure. This would include class sizes, the impact upon the students, staffing considerations, the list continues. It would seem that there are many concerns regarsing this merger from many people. Perhaps published clear plans would be appropriateand appreciatedto enable parents and other xoncerned parties to make a reasoned decision whether to support the amalgamation moving forward. .



Yeah disgusting




Keep Eskdale open and keep choice in Whitby




Fishburn park representative

Eskdale School


Keep Eskdale open! It offers a state of the art 3g pitch which Eskdale jointly helped secure. Within the school grounds they offer much larger green outdoor space than the proposed Normanby site. As a representative of Fishburn Park who for many, many years now have used the fields and changing facilities at Eskdale School for our home games pledge that the decision of this absurd idea to have kids in town taken to and from this facility using transport and draining funds more urge a much needed reconsideration. It would also give not just Fishburn Park but other clubs in the town a dilemma when there would be nowhere for teams to change or use WC facilities. As a club that has run for decades we would be letting the youth of today down without the proper facilities to move forward as a club. We heavily rely on this amazing school. There certainly isnt the facilities at the Normanby site to compensate the loss of the use of this all weather pitch. Traffic in this town would not allow much time for PE moving from one end of the town to the other. No thought has gone into this proposal whatsoever. Your lack of knowledge in this matter and ability to avoid answering much needed questions is astounding considering this was to be rushed through originally in just weeks. Close the Normanby site and have 11 - 18 education at the Scoresby site. This leaves Eskdale a secondary 11-16. Much needed in my opinion.





Caedmon College Whitby





My daughter is neurodivergent, she wouldn’t qualify for a place in the SEND provision but will be totally lost in a bigger school. Students need to have a choice of school, not be forced together with the whole of the rest of the town. There isn’t enough space for everyone on the new site. Busses, lunches, SEN provision; it is a porky thought out plan that is purely about saving money. Last Wednesday at the open meeting governors said it would save  less than £100,000 a year by shutting… less that they pay the Executive Head. Eskdale has had to pay for ##, other members if SLT in long term leave, temp Heads and the # for an extra term when he started at Easter instead of September. Leave Eskdale to recover from # and it will do well. If a school must shut, it doesn’t make sense that it is Eskdale. What will all the students living on the East side do? Eskdale is a very green site with excellent sports and SEND provision. I’m so worried for all the students, present and future; the mental anguish this is causing already is intolerable. ## isn’t fit to be a governor, she has proven time and time again that she doesn’t know what she’s doing and has no real interest in the students. Please reconsider before you ruin the education in this town completely.


Sleights, children in y5 and y3


There should have been options, not just one terrible plan





Eskdale School





I wholly agree with the proposals as I believe that our children will be offered a better experience if both schools are merged. Particularly in relation to GCSEs, I hope that a good range of curriculum choice will be maintained through a breadth of subjects, and that quality will be guaranteed across the board for all children in Whitby


Caedmon College Whitby





My first question is about the employment of an executive headteacher, if both schools were running at deficit budgets, why did NYCC approve the spending of money on this appointment? Surely two professionals, the headteachers of both schools, could have worked together to improve secondary education in Whitby? We have two schools running on three headteachers wages.  Are there costings for other working models? Keeping two schools across two sites and closing one of the Caedmon College sites, ideally the site on Mayfield Road so we have two schools with sports facilities and the potential space to develop the sites further. The Mayfield Road site is old and outdated with small corridors and lunctime facilities that are currently not fit for purpose so how would it be able to deal with an influx of pupils? Does each site need a headteacher if they are working as a federation? Could a way to save money be with an executive headteacher and then senior leadership teams and a deputy head at each site? If there are already bullying, drug, vaping issues at each site - as reported by parents and children at the meeting - what is being done to address these now before we increase pupil numbers with an amalgamated school? At the meeting, we were just told, in the future and at the amalgamated school there will be... What is being done now, if these issues cannot be addressed with smaller numbers, what chance is there of fixing them when the school is bigger? Again another issue that was not addressed at the meeting, was more cars attending the Mayfield Road site at school drop off and pick up times. They panel addressed buses and how there would not be any more in use but the number of cars will increase and to say that bikes and walking will be encouraged is not a solution, parents drop off now so why would they change? It is already very busy at this site at these times of days and many a social media post about parents not using the carpark, or parking on private property


Eskdale School


Too much to read through and not enough clarity.



We have a year 10 (now) in Caedmon and another son who will be year 7 in September 2023.  The year 10 child has Autism, he hates change, will NOT ask questions, and hates eating in a crowded room, seriously struggles with his work being approximately 4 years behind, even though Caedmon do NOT record him as such.  We don’t have the regular meetings for him with SEN department, why I do not know.  He seriously struggles with lunch time, missing lunch all together due to lack of food / choice, space to sit safely (for him) or queues, or he grabs a sausage butty and leaves.  When the school cannot cope while ensuring every child has the ability to have a full cooked meal within the allowed time and you want to add another 400+ kids to this un-organised chaos.  Although he be due to go to 6 form at the point of this ridiculous idea, the change he’s already going to have to go through will be very emotionally challenging for him, new building, new teachers, new dinner routine etc and new timetable.  This proposal does NOT and will NOT protect the kids in this type of position.  As for the year 7 child.  You expect him to go to Caedmon for ONE YEAR then rip it all up and start again, new uniform, new routines, maybe new timetables, new teachers.  What about the emotional upset, upheaval on him and his peers, you’re NOT thinking about that side of it at all.  As much as he is much better than his year 10 sibling, he will still struggle enormously with this change.  Also, we care about the future of Whitby as a whole, including education.  This amalgamation proposal is all one sided, that is to the satisfaction of the WSP and NYCC and the both of your pockets.  There where other options put on the table from outside of those two bodies but was ultimately all turned down because they don’t fit into the remit and ideology of their own needs.  This attitude is totally 100% wrong, the child’s welfare should always be paramount, their safety should be protected at ALL times, pare


Caedmon College Whitby


Lack of clarity, honesty and forthcoming in giving answers.  Refusal to answer verbal or written communications.  Posting false information about the history of the Exec. Head.  If you truly want people to be any closer to excepting this, then cancel it, put all the other ideas back on the table and allow the public effected by this to have a say on it all.



NOT IN SUPPORT. Putting childrens lifes at risks and jeopardising their education and future prospects for a decision based on money


Eskdale School


Separate schools to remain



My interest in this consultation is based on the support my company has been giving the students of Eskdale School over the past three years, raising for them an EU grant of €39,855.00 to support them in developing their own social enterprises. As the project comes to an end we have secured contracts with two of our partners, LocoSoco PLC who have set up a Community Store and Fairbnb who have agreed to launch in the UK in Whitby making the Eskdale students’ social enterprises their main beneficiary. So we anticipate that in the next year we will have a further income of £50,000 available for these enterprises rising to over £300,000 over the next three years. Other potential partners are being approached.


We have also started working with the students planning the building of what will be a student led Eco Centre and have applied for funds to build such a centre using an innovative building method from The Citadel, another of our partners


Having invested in students of Eskdale school, the future of the school is of interest to us and we are willing to help in whatever way we can to ensure that the best decision is made in the interests of both the young people and the community. My interest is also furthered by being a Whitby resident (######## Robin Hoods Bay) and having had one daughter educated at Eskdale school.


I attended the consultation event held on Wednesday 8th in Whitby and listened carefully to the discussion and presentation. So I thought I would share my thoughts.


It seems to me that the key problem is reducing funding for all the schools and it is assumed that by closing Eskdale,! savings will be made to make the education provision more financially viable in the short term. It was clear that the majority of those attending were very dissatisfied with the proposal and I think there may be other solutions.


The proposal makes the case that savings will be made in two ways, by reducing the administrative costs of supporting two ( or three if you count the High school) by having only one school and the running costs incurred by closing the eskdale site.


On the first count, I do not think that the administrative savings will be much, but if you kept both schools there may be a way of restructuring the admin support in a way that it was one unit serving different schools, by using cooperative and social enterprise methodology to reduce the hierarchy and give more responsibility and autonomy to those actually delivering. This approach would have the potential of making savings comparable to those in the proposal. Our experience is that this approach too is more efficient as it increases the motivation of those delivering.


In terms of helping with the running costs of Eskdale School, some time ago I was a Principal Officer in the Economic Development Department of Walsall Council responsible for community based enterprise. In Walsall we had an education system whereby each of our senior schools had a Community company and a Community Director attached. The community company was awarded a lease or licence giving it ownership of the school building and land outside of school hours. These community companies were very successful in making full use of all the resources, putting on community and commercial activities during the evenings, weekends and school holidays, bringing in revenue and accessing new funding, not only contributing significantly to the running costs but also funding major improvements to the building and playing fields. By bringing local people into the school building frequently they improved the relationship between the community and the school leading to other benefits.


We know a lot more about community companies since those days. We already have a base thanks to the efforts of a few dedicated teachers and the embryo of a successful community enterprise based at Eskdale with significant funding. Such an approach fully

supported by the Council could bring in supporting funding that would grow year on year as the community got better at making full use of assets, it would bring the school and community closer together and by involving the students would enrich their experience and expand their skills. It would also go a long way to not only deal with the deficit but also give hope that funding thought this avenue will improve year on year which the current proposal does not.


I also think such an approach would deal with what I think is a fundamental weakness in the proposal. My impression is that the growing deficit was seen as an outside problem and a solution was snatched at. Instead much earlier discussions should have started with the community about the problem and an understanding of what was causing the problem before going on to explore different solutions. In the solutions that I am suggesting, we would have a vehicle, free from school restrictions, to work with the community and the other sectors in looking say at one of the causes of falling rolls, the increase of holiday homes and holiday lets in the town, and act together to rebuild Whitby as a place for families and not just tourists. The school would become a leader in solving a social problem not just being a victim of it


Sustainable tourism is not just a Whitley problem and my company is working with a number of international communities including Dubrovnik and Venice to find social enterprise solutions, one of our partners working with us on this is Fairbnb who would be more than happy to work with the community and have already agreed to support a still school. There is an opportunity to share experiences and with support other communities suffering for very similar problems.

So I would make the case that these ideas, the restructuring of administration and a community enterprise approach are worth looking at, perhaps through a feasibility study in the next few months involving all stakeholders.


A couple of other points. In my company’s business training we help entrepreneurs identify areas of the business not central to the main purpose that is running at a loss and potentially bringing the whole business down. It seemed obvious that the High school venture was such an example and the best thing to do was to close it down, re-examine the case and the market and look to re launch it in the future if there was a strong enough business case. But at the moment the business model with the High school does not seem to work.


My second point is that for whatever solution to work you need trust between the community and the Governing body. It seems to be that trust has been irreparably broken and that the current Governing body now represents a barrier rather than a conduit to a successful future for all the schools concerned.


Eskdale School





I think the amalgamation is a good idea and should have happened years ago. It is clear there is not enough money to maintain two schools and more money needs to be invested in the sixth form provision.

Support Staff

Caedmon College Whitby













Eskdale School





This proposal is the worst thing that could happen for secondary education in this town. We need choice and we need the 2 schools. I have 4 children all of various ages and academic abilities and one school would not suit all 4 children. I have had different priorities when choosing a school for each of them. Eskdale is fantastic for SEN children and also sporty children. Caedmon is a lot busier and offers more in the academic areas. If you take away this choice then I and many others will look out of town or look into private education for our children . Eskdale has around 50 spaces at present . That is averaging 10 per year group. This is not an unreasonable shortfall . The shortfall at Caedmon could be helped by making the school site fit for purpose and pupil numbers. For example removing on of the mismatched buildings freeing up a much needed outside space for parking and also saving costs heating and lighting an additional building that is clearly not needed if the school is running at half capacity. Poor management is the problem and combining 2 schools with history of poor management is only going one way and it would be catastrophic for the children of this town. At least with 2 schools if a problem I'd encountered at one then a child can have another chance of success at the other. Please do not remove this choice!


Eskdale School





I totally agree with the amalgamation, if it's going to give our kids and grandchildren a better education in Whitby. I hope it will also give 6th form a better chance to do more courses and improve. It makes sense to have one school with higher educational learning than two schools at a good rating. So sooner the better for me.


Caedmon College Whitby





I think that the wrong site is been looked at with this proposal. Whitby is getting larger all the time. As a hgv driver in town I think its only a matter of time, before there's a serious accident on Mayfield Road, or the major junction below the entrance to the old whitby community collage site. Why try and squeeze more into a already full and struggling school. My opinion is the same as most others in this town. Put the 11 to 16 back into the 6th form. Then extend on the 6th form site. Close the old whitby community collage site and sell for development. Modernise edkdale and the 6th form site. Also big sites like these should be using renewable energy i.e solar panels. To help save on running costs. Why sell and demolish a perfecty located school. Eskdale is in a perfect place for making school collection and drop offs easier. There's a large layby and parking to the rear that's brand new. Also eskdale was always the school for the esk Valley when I was there. Why did the catchment change. Was this done in anticipation for what's happening now. I suggest that a group front nycc and any other authorities spend some time looking at all 3 sites. At the busy times aswell. This will prove what and why the locals don't support this. Also it needs to be two sites two heads. Not a large management.  There's your saving. Sitting in the wed meeting watching the governors, was in my opinion. Them looking after there big salaries and not the children off this town. Also this isn't a very good start to nycc taking over the running of the town in my opinion. Whitby has already been beaten down for years by s.b.c. thank you for this opportunity to have a say. I've never done this before.


Eskdale School


The opening part for comments doesn't let you see the all your comments so have to scroll back alot.





Eskdale School





This should not happen children need choice.


Eskdale School





What we really need is a brand new school on the Caedmon Scoresby site. The three school we currently have are far too old; they are too hot, or too cold, blinds are broken, the heating doesn't work properly, the classrooms are too small, there are not enough toilets and they are not fit for purpose. Currently there is increasing division between Caedmon and Eskdale and this is very bad for the young people of Whitby. I do not believe that Caedmon Scoresby site should be for sixth form only, we do not have the pupil numbers to support that, but that site has the very best access. Whitby is becoming increasingly busy and the Normanby site is not fit to accommodate another 300/400 pupils either by road or foot. We also need more teachers and teaching assistants, it is utterly ridiculous that we have so many in management roles and yet our SEND pupils are under supported, often 3 or 4 in a classroom with only 1 teaching assistant. We cannot supervise toilet visits or keep control of behaviour in a rapidly changing Whitby. The town is increasingly stressed, poverty stricken and depressed. There are no jobs or houses, the people are completely demoralised and their children have a run down, broken school and barely adequate teaching in overcrowded classrooms with disgusting behaviour. We need a new school, we need respect, we need a modern approach to modern challenges and a support system for teachers and assistants so that they have the time and facilities to do their jobs well. The whole of Whitby needs bringing together and stop the toxic fighting once and for all.


Caedmon College Whitby

Don't know

What we really need is a brand new school on the Caedmon Scoresby site. The three school we currently have are far too old; they are too hot, or too cold, blinds are broken, the heating doesn't work properly, the classrooms are too small, there are not enough toilets and they are not fit for purpose. Currently there is increasing division between Caedmon and Eskdale and this is very bad for the young people of Whitby. I do not believe that Caedmon Scoresby site should be for sixth form only, we do not have the pupil numbers to support that, but that site has the very best access. Whitby is becoming increasingly busy and the Normanby site is not fit to accommodate another 300/400 pupils either by road or foot. We also need more teachers and teaching assistants, it is utterly ridiculous that we have so many in management roles and yet our SEND pupils are under supported, often 3 or 4 in a classroom with only 1 teaching assistant. We cannot supervise toilet visits or keep control of behaviour in a rapidly changing Whitby. The town is increasingly stressed, poverty stricken and depressed. There are no jobs or houses, the people are completely demoralised and their children have a run down, broken school and barely adequate teaching in overcrowded classrooms with disgusting behaviour. We need a new school, we need respect, we need a modern approach to modern challenges and a support system for teachers and assistants so that they have the time and facilities to do their jobs well. The whole of Whitby needs bringing together and stop the toxic fighting once and for all.





Eskdale School







Eskdale School







Eskdale School


Being open so far it's been back handed and undermining parents, teachers and the area as a whole, it is not needed to close a school that is successful and that has been propping up a failing school numbers wise with Eskdale budget! Why hasn't an impact study been done, what are the impacts on SEN students? Students that have changed schools due to bullying? why hasn't a proper investigation into why the governor's are so set on closing the school what's in it for them - register of special interest by any chance? Caedmon college has an increasing problem with behaviour which can be seen by the recent incidents.  Problems with parking/transporting kids with accidents frequently happening outside of the caedmon college site.  I have already had to fight this closure once before it made no sense previously and doesn't now either.  There is no clear safety plan for the kids at all. This plan has no basis and also has no positive impact for the kids, teacher, parents, area in general.  It is clear to all that the main reason for wanting to close eskdale is to build on the land and where do the kids from all the new housing going to go overfill a school that needs more support? Why hasn't the question been raised about why the sixth form is under used? My two eldest would not entertain this sixth form and decided instead to go to prior pursglove due to the lack of subjects and also the college itself, I have no confidence in the head, the governors or quite frankly NYCC for even entertaining such a badly thought out proposal yet again! Other ideas should have been openly explored first with town input to find the best available option not just closing eskdale so the land can be sold to builders and propping up the school with the most free spaces and the inept budgeting!



7 years ago i was a student at Eskdale when my right to a choice was trying to be revoked. We fought for choice, we fought for our own choices and we won. If Eskdale had closed, I would wouldn’t be who i am or where i am today. Kids deserve a choice. They deserve to have some control on where they study. The schools aren’t meant to be joined. Not all the students will get on and after the fact of a dangerous incident at caedmon how do you think people from eskdale will be treated? Do you not see they will be targeted. You are setting up an environment for students to get hurt and targeted for no other reason that being from a different school. Right now there is nothing like that because the schools are separate. Let children have choice, let them be safe and let them choice their own future.

Student from the prior attempt

Eskdale School





I feel that taking away the right to choose a school for our children is not right. The reasons for the merge are understandable, however closing 1 campus and creating 1 school is not the answer. They have not even considered closing either if the 2 campuses the caedmon college whitby have. This feels like a very rushed decision by a minority few and not what is right for the children of Whitby and the surrounding areas.


Eskdale School


Keep two seperate schools with only 1 campus each.



I worry about the schools amalgamating, my daughter attends caedmon in year 9 so due to covid has had a lot of disruptions in key stage of her education. I think more disruptions in their year group will be very detrimental to their gcse outcomes. Also I don't particularly want my children at a school with hundreds more pupils, I also have a son in year 3 primary and I will be seriously considering going down a more private education route as I don't see how an amalgamation of two schools will improve the standards, when caedmon first became 11-16 and teachers were running between two schools, my step son had several times where he was sat waiting for teachers that were late...


Caedmon College Whitby





I think this idea is ridiculous and there will not be enough space for all the children


Eskdale School







Caedmon College Whitby







Eskdale School


To the Secondary Whitby Partnership, The big issue her for me is BULLYING! I ask each of you, have you ever experienced bullying i.e yourselves or your children? If that answer is no then you couldn't possibly understand the distress bullying/intimidation can cause. My granddaughter has suffered years of bullying throughout her primary years bringing on anxiety. So much so she changed schools several times, listed as follows:- East Whitby- attended infants here until encountered bullying from estranged half sister. Airy Hill- after moving to escape bullying after a long period of happy learning bullying from a different child occured. Hawsker School- after settling well, my granddaughter became subject to malicious and vindictive comments written in a book which is then circulated for all to read and add vile comments. My granddaughter chose the quieter and smaller setting of Eskdale which helped her escape her previous tormentors as they all chose Caedmon. Here she feels safe, settled and happier than ever. How ever you say that now that all has to change. As you can imagine her anxiety and that of my daughters (who is taking antidepressants worrying about what is to come) is through the roof. As that of my own is too. Are you able to guarantee her safety? Especially when she is being forced into a school these children from her past already attend. A school that upto now is proving safe guarding really isn't up to scratch. A drug abuse incident and a brawl between two boys three years apart both of which supposedly filmed to be broadcast on social media scares my family and myself out of our wits. The drug abuse episode happening after you told a room full of parents no such things take place in either schools, or not to your knowledge. Which don't you really think should be? Especially Mr # (executive head). Attending Schools with previous bullies will have a dramatic effect on many children's mental health, my granddaughter included.



I attended the public consultation last week where I quote from Mr # ( executive head of WSP )that there is NO DRUG problem at Caedmon College Whitby.   He later contradicted himself and stated that those involved with drugs had been sanctioned?! I beleive he is either hiding  the truth or failing at his job as an executive headteacher or both?   I already knew this to be a blatant lie due to my professional role within the NHS and multiple times I have cared for these said children.  Yet today I am made aware from a parent of a child currently at Caedmon College that indeed a child from said school has today ended up in intensive care due to taking drugs at school. I am led to believe this is also a police matter and unfair of me to speculate further however I sincerely hope there is immediate action undertaken. I strongly oppose this amalgamation of schools and I have a zero lack of confidence in our current governing body. Currently the WSP is unable to safeguard or protect the children never mind collating a further 400+ students on one site which is renowned for a culture of drugs, bullying, intimidation, sexual assaults and threatening behaviour.  They are not safeguarding our children. This is not an isolated incident. The executive head is not safeguarding nor acting on and fulfilling his role for our, children. This is not every child matters. This is not nurturing and protecting our children's mental health. The governers need to resign with immediate effect and an interim executive boardneeds to be actioned before we are looking at a child death and not just poorly managed school and governing body.  Without all the other information out there  in the public domain which the current governers and executive head fail to acknowledge such as poor transport access, not enough space, crowded classrooms, children going hungry etc etc. This is an ill thought out idea and quite frankly I would argue is a ludicrous proposal.


Eskdale School





It cannot be allowed to happen children need choice


Eskdale School







Eskdale School







Eskdale School


It’s never easy to understand why people sat in office, crunching numbers are the ones making big final decisions about children’s education. Yes it might save money, at what cost? Whitby has become a victim of it’s own success, we have a huge drug problem within schools and you want to put the schools together to create an even bigger problem?  Have you ever thought of closing down the school that seems to appear in the news for its drug problems? The oldest site? The site that costs the most money? Yes Eskdale needs a bit of TLC and Caedmon Sixth Form site would need a little rearranging but closing down Whitby School (Mayfield Rd site)would save a lot of money. Eskdale to stay as is and Caedmon to provide provisions for ages 11-18. Would this not work? Caedmon site has so much potential to be a fabulous school due to the space and fields surrounding it, you could expand and stil have a lot of outdoor space for all sports activities. It’s also tucked away from the main road making it safer for children to come and go. Mayfield Rd site is old, hardly any land (for sports) making no room for expansion. Eskdale and Caedmon sites have the safest sites when taking into consideration a child’s safety. Is this not an option to look into? Save the two sites that would potentially be the safest out of the three?  Has anyone looked into this option? Not only will you be keeping choice available in Whitby, you will also be choosing the safest option for the children. Not sure if you are aware of the drug problem Whitby has? It’s not going away anytime soon and amalgamating the two schools together I fear the drug problem will double. Whitby has been featured too many times on the news for drug related problems, don’t add to this problem by merging all the children together. Take a good look at the sites…Which one costs the most to run? Which site has the potential for expansion? Which site is the safest/accessible to get to? Think of all this when making this huge decision!



I worry for my grandchildren having to go to school where the traffic is horrendous now,,they should av choice,not told where they have to go....Born on the east,friends on the east...From a little primary school,to a school with 100s of kids isn't good for there mental of my granddaughters is set on going to eskdale next year,like her mam,nanna n aunties.why tell them where they have to go...its wrong...I fear for my grandchildren if they have to close eskdale..Kids should have choice,not to be told where they go.Give kids the choice,,dnt close eskdale.


Eskdale School





I risk obloquy, because I attended both Consultation Meetings earlier this week, and this is my second letter to Strategic Planning about the above proposal. I realise that this letter repeats some of the themes in my first letter but the strength of feeling in the town is such as I feel it is my duty to advise him of a potentially unpleasant situation hear in Whitby. Some of the comments in the meeting were unfair and too personalised. My congratulations to Councillor Wilkinson the handling the difficult evening meeting so well. I have also taken this step because far too many questions were left of answered at the ‘Consultation Meetings’ and the process to date by the Federated Governing Body, has been a masterclass in how not to manage significant educational change.

For the sake of clarity, I have divided my letter into two parts and numbered the questions and points I wish to make.

Part One – The Proposal

1.Four members of the Federated Governing Body that the decision to put the proposal to amalgamate the Whitby secondary schools to NYCC. When was this decision made? Where was this decision made? Do four members make quorum? Was the Clerk to the Governors present?

2.Good practise in the management of change usually involves important stakeholders (e.g. students, parents and teachers) before a proposed is tabled. The above proposal was announced at the start of the Spring Term and completely ‘out of the blue’.  Year 6 students and their parents/carers had chosen a secondary school and Year 9 students were in the throes of making decisions about subject choices at 14+.  The announcements included ‘the technical closure of Eskdale School’. So, no school for the year 6s; no courses for Year 9s and a void for everyone else. Is this fair on students and parents? How are the staff supposed to handle this?

3.At the Consultation Meetings the Executive Headteacher outlined the progression routes for students and an aspirational curriculum within a new amalgamated school on two sites. As far as I know, this was the first time that any stakeholder, other than the governors, had seen this information. It was predicated on the belief that student numbers in the sixth form could be significantly increased in the future. This belief flies in the face of a trend where increasing numbers of sixth form students have chosen to travel to Scarborough, Pickering, Guisborough and Teesside. In 2011/12, there were 324 students in the sixth form, now there are 136. Financial data for the six form was not available at the meeting but we were assured that an attraction range of courses could be offered. Will a newly amalgamated schooling with the really be able to compete with a UTC, TEC, Sixth Form College, and a range a specialist colleges elsewhere?

4.“The Federation currently operates two separate budgets. Operating two schools across three sites brings a significant financial cost.” (page 3 of NYCC Consultation Document) The Whitby Sixth Form occupies the Scoresby  Site buildings (former Caedmon School) but who manages/operates the sixth form budget? Is it sensible for 136 students to occupy the second largest set of buildings out of the three sites? At the first consultation many people were under the impression that the Sixth Form was being financially ‘propped up’ by money from the 11-16 budgets. At the second meeting it was stated categorically that none of the budgets for 11-16s was being used for the Sixth Form. However, we still do not know how healthy the Sixth Form budget is? I understand that £250,000 was provided by the Opportunities Fund and this was matched by NYCC. If this is correct, how has this money (£500k) been spent and what has been  the impact? Councillor A also indicated that £10 million had been successfully secured for the maritime hub.

5.For local people, the so-called 'amalgamation' of the two schools appears to be nothing more than a euphemism for the reorganisation of secondary education and post 16 education in Whitby. They are going to lose the 3G pitch they fought so hard for; they are going to lose the freedom to choose a secondary school and the cherished idea of keeping small schools open, wisely championed by NYCC for so long, appears not to apply in Whitby once you reach eleven years of age! What happened to, choice, diversity, and every child matters? The amalgam in this proposal seems little better than a 'temporary filling' - will it fall out before we reach home?

6.Discussions about one new secondary school in Whitby have been ongoing since 1972/3 when Whitby was last reorganised. I know from my work in Darlington that such an enterprise would cost between £25 and £30 million to achieve. If this money were to be 'found', I very much doubt that it would be built on the former Whitby Grammar School site because the access is very poor, it is wedged between two main roads, the playing fields are extremely limited, there is no access for buses or coaches, and importantly it is very close to the centre of an increasingly busy coastal resort. I am, therefore, staggered that the proposal by the Federated Governing Body is to move most of the the amalgamated school's population to this potentially hazardous, congested, and dangerous site. Even more concerning, is the fact that an even greater number of students will have to cross the Mayfield Road to access the playing fields and astroturf facilities. This not only puts the students at risk, but it places unnecessary pressure on teachers and support staff who must manage this movement. It also reduces the learning time for students in PE and Games at a time when the Government is, quite rightly, highlighting the need for greater investment and involvement following the success of women in sport.

7.The student populations of Whitby secondary schools have been smaller than the national averages for the last fifty years. Members of the Federated Governing Body seemed to be suggesting at the consultations that increasing the student population to be nearer the national average for schools would be a good thing. This is not necessarily the case. Much depends on how the school curriculum is organised and taught. I accept that it is easier to offer a broader range of subjects at 14+ in a larger school but many students thrive in a smaller population where they are known, valued, and cherished. In my opinion, meeting the needs of every learner is a much more important 'imperative' (page 3 Consultation Document) than developing a broader choice of options at 14+. In school, developing the learner's confidence and skills between the ages of four and fourteen is crucial. Examination requirements should not dictate the school ethos.

8.The proposal for the amalgamated school is firmly rooted in the current student figures for the area. It was suggested that the new housing developments would only attract about another sixty students. If this is the case, the aspiration for a larger sixth form population in the future seems even more doubtful. Admittedly, some houses remain unsold, and some contractors have moved to other sites for the time being. However, the economic climate will hopefully improve; house prices have reduced in the last few months; the Covid pandemic has encouraged some families to work from home and some of these will re-locate to the coast. We have also been assured that the new mine will bring a surge of workers and their families. The developers clearly believe this, because of the number of three and four-bedroomed houses being built-these are unlikely to be holiday homes. Will the amalgamated school on a split site be able to accommodate an influx of new students? Has any consideration been given to future-proofing the new arrangements?

9.This proposal has caused a lot of real concern and damage within the community. I know that many teachers are considering moving or retiring; some parents are considering moving and a significant number are applying to private schools. The possible closure of a school is always upsetting but there has also been a complete disregard for the fact that the schools are amongst biggest employers in the area. Other members of the community are concerned about the possible reduction in green space, the money which has been spent on the 3G pitch, the costs associated with the appointment of an Executive Headteacher and most importantly the loss of choice at 11+. The original timescale for the change was ridiculous and the amended date of September 2024 leaves little time for planning and sensitive briefing for students and parents - moving a student in the middle of a two-year examination course is not acceptable. I urge elected members to reject this proposal and require the Federated Governing Body to consult widely with all stakeholders before preparing a series of proposals with a completion/delivery date of September 2025. In the event of this not being possible, I would humbly suggest that an Interim Management Board be formed under the leadership of the Corporate Director for CYPS. The Board must include people with experience of the management of change, and a wide skill set so that the mistakes of the recent past are not repeated.

Part Two – Another Proposal

1.Develop two 11-16 schools on the Eskdale and former Caedmon School sites under the strategic direction of two separate Governing Bodies and two separate headteachers. The schools should be allowed to develop their own ethos and curriculum. A 'soft' partnership or 'confederation' could be formed so that human and material resources can be shared where appropriate.

2.The former Whitby Grammar School site (Normanby Site) should be 'put on the market' for sheltered accommodation and a range of affordable housing because of its proximity to the town, harbour, bus, and railway station. Hopefully, some of the money from this can be directed to the two schools? A lockable parking area for residents, play area, gardens and a small satellite hub for maritime studies/training and some vocational courses (Health and Beauty, Tourism and Hospitality and Care) under the direction of the TEC or UTC could be included, particularly for students who do not wish to travel to Scarborough or Teesside. Perhaps the promised £10million could also be used on this site?


In the ideal world, one brand new 11-18 comprehensive school is my preferred option. However, I do not believe that this is possible nor likely in the present economic climate. I think that my proposal would be more acceptable to the local community, particularly if the facade of the Whitby Grammar School could be retained. I honestly do not think that a large Whitby Sixth Form will ever materialise because of the competition in Scarborough and Teesside. Having said that, we do need to provide a limited facility for more vulnerable students who will be unable/unwilling to travel. Hopefully others will have even better and more acceptable proposals to offer.

Clearly, as a former Headteacher of Eskdale School I am very saddened that it is threatened once again with closure. However, I would be writing much the same if the former Caedmon School were threatened with closure.


Eskdale School





Once again the town is fighting to save Eskdale school. The proposed closure isn't something the parents or pupils want or the town needs but we are told it is necessary to save money. The 6-tier management, some being paid in excess of £100,000 a year, have worked out that £85,000 a year can be saved by closing the Eskdale site. Whilst falling people numbers is a fact, I don't agree with that assertion that they can ‘predict with certainty’ that this trend will continue. Did anybody predict Covid? I believe that the trend now is increasing people working remotely from home and choosing where to live can work. how's the opening up of the new mine in three years, bringing in an estimated 1000 workers and their families to the area being factored in? We heard from a minor at the consultation evening, how dramatically life changed when Boulby mine opened and its effect on local schools and the community. Apparently the new housing estate next stop Eskdale school has been factored in, bringing another potential ‘62’ new pupils. Logically I'm sure they would choose to go to Eskdale school which would probably stand alone financially then. There are many other housing estates being built around Whitby and I would imagine there is a strong possibility of pupil numbers increasing brother falling in the future. It is so wrong to burn our bridges for the sake of a management team failing the community by not exploring other options to balance the books. Closing Eskdale is of no benefit to anyone. Parents will suffer financially, starting with having to buy new uniforms. Logically it doesn't make sense, trying to transport children to already heavily congested main roads with no drop off zones or parking. Safety should be a concern. One school doesn't necessarily suit all. It can be overwhelming and impersonal, especially as many local children come from a rural community.  These children deserve a choice in their future, if they get bullied or don't settle well into their school, there will no longer be any alternative for them. Despite the inclusion pod at Caedmon, Eskdale supports a higher number of SEN children, who choose a smaller and calmer environment there. What will happen to these children? So what other options are there? Perhaps money could be saved on the Mayfield Road site by bulldozing the old ‘C’ block.  The school will have less empty capacity to worry about, money can be saved on heating and staffing the building which could be replaced by a much needed car park. Perhaps the school could generate an income in the summer from their car parking spaces to?  Perhaps the management should focus on where the money is disproportionately spent, ie management costs on the sixth form. For now, rather than waste money on renaming and repackaging the school with something for everyone, accept the limitations and concentrate on core subjects for sixth form. We can't compete with established specialist courses and colleges outside Whitby, or offer something for everyone. My grandson was in a class of three for sports science at six form I dropped out after a few months. Why fund under subscribed classes when money is so tight? Even if the same course was offered in Whitby  6th formers often choose to travel to a different College of their choice.  it seems that the obsession of offering wider choices to 150 sixth form students is at the cost of closing the Eskdale site to 400 younger children there will have no choice whatsoever in their education.  Costs saved on the sixth form will impact fewer children and whatever options are taken should allow for future changes in circumstances. I know other options will be less catastrophic than the closure of the Eskdale site and edge the management team to try harder. I hope someone reads them any letters you receive on this matter.


Don’t know

Don’t know




I worry for my grandchildren having to go to school where the traffic is horrendous now,,they should av choice,not told where they have to go....Born on the east,friends on the east...From a little primary school,to a school with 100s of kids isn't good for there mental of my granddaughters is set on going to eskdale next year,like her mam,nanna n aunties.why tell them where they have to go...its wrong...I fear for my grandchildren if they have to close eskdale..Kids should have choice,not to be told where they go.Give kids the choice,,dnt close eskdale.


Eskdale School





Im a year 5 student at east whitby primary school and i don't want eskdale to shut down because i would love to go there because it seems like a really good school. Another bad thing is i don't  I would like to have the choice to go to either school and i really hope eskdale doesn't shut down.


Eskdale School





Worried how it would work and the cost of new uniform


Eskdale School

Don't know

Have a new build



I think the proposed amalgamation is a terrible idea and will have a massive negative affect on children that attend each school. The idea of closing Eskdale due to a shortfall in capacity as opposed to the Caedmon site is nothing more than a lie. Caedmon had a far larger shortfall in capacity. The issues lie in the two sites that Caedmon currently has. The site that is proposed to hold the secondary age children is far less equipped therefore i think that site should be closed and the student should move over to the sixth form site that is better equipped. The send provision at Caedmon is poorer as. As a send parent this is a huge concern. The school will be far too big if it is amalgamated and the student numbers will be extortionate and this is not the choice I have made for my children. If a child is being bullied in either setting they will no longer have the option to move school and leave the bullying behind. This is a huge concern for many parent. Whitby needs the choice of having 2 schools.


Eskdale School







Eskdale School





About time! Whitby is too small to have 2 secondary schools and together they would form one average (not big) sized school. The Eskdale site is too small and the Caedmon site is sufficiently large to accommodate all. Also, 6th form provision must be retained in Whitby. Do what's right for our children.


Caedmon College Whitby





It is an excellent idea - it is about time we used our money wisely to benefit all pupils in one place rather than spread it thinly across 3 sites. It is a really positive opportunity for our children.


Caedmon College Whitby





The amalgamation is absolutely necessary. Nostalgia over the site of a school, or a (false) perception of ‘choice’ are meaningless compared to the vital need for all children to receive high quality provision. In coming together and pooling resources, children will have access to a broad, enriching curriculum. One school, one vision. The divisiveness of the current model must end. It is time to move on as one united front. Equally, for the well-being of our young people, we need to sustain post-16 provision. Without it, we are limiting life chances for local children. Less and less parents are choosing Eskdale and we can not allow a vocal, oft-vicious, minority dictate what is best.


Caedmon College Whitby





As a former parent I fully support the proposed amalgamation. It's about time it happened.

Former parent






I think this is the best way to keep most further education pathways open for Whitby students. If classes are too small, GCSE options will be limited due to small class sizes. If classes get smaller I'd worry that more niche options such as music, drama, and specialist technology GCSEs and BTECs might not be available. This can really limit the potential of students who deserve to have every door open to them. Amalgamation will help keep the options open for Whitby's teenagers

Former pupil of both






I do not agree with the amalgamation proposal.  I have read the proposal and attended the consultation meeting but I am not convinced that this is the best, or only solution.  I do not have the confidence in the governors that they have considered other options.  They say they have but this is a huge decision for the future of education in Whitby and the process needs to be considerably more open and transparent.  I feel like we are being dictated to rather than being consulted.  This is not a decision that should be rushed through.  Even using the figures provided this feels like a short term fix rather than a long term, sustainable solution. I am also very concerned that several of the governors are involved with YEAT too.  Surely this means that they have a vested interest in the outcome?  Also the parties involved have not been open with this information.  It doesn't inspire me with confidence or trust in them. I also question the appointment of the Executive Head, the amount he is paid and his effectiveness.  In the proposal it states "...the closure of the Eskdale site would result in an ongoing estimated annual net saving of £85,000..."  With respect, more than this could be saved simply by not having an Executive Head salary.  I am sure that two Heads could work together within the federation.  If both schools are running at a deficit where did the money come from to employ an Executive Head? Whilst on the subject of money, why was Mr # paid 'gardening leave'  Infact why weren't the Governors more considerate of the staff concerns regarding Mr # and why didn't they act more promptly?  Yet more reasons for me to question the competency of this governing body. Other concerns I have regarding the amalgamation proposal are: * Does the Caedmon College site have provision for break times (the field will not be accessible all year round) and meal times for increased numbers?  From what I heard in the consultation meeting there is already a problem with meal t


Eskdale School





I do not believe that the proposed amalgamation with deliver a better secondary education for the children in our area.  I do not believe that the governors are putting the needs of the children first.


Eskdale School





I do not want the proposed amalgamation to be successful.  I do not want to go to Caedmon College.  I am very worried about the problems with bullying, drug taking and bad behaviour.  That is one of the main reasons why me and my friends chose Eskdale when we left primary school.  It took me a long time to settle into Eskdale.  It seemed so big compared to our village primary school.  Now, in Y9, I am starting to feel more confident and have just chosen my options.  The thought of having to move again, to an even bigger school and at such an important time in my education is horrendous.  Please do not allow this to happen.


Eskdale School





I am not convinced that this is the best way to solve the problem.  Have the governors looked at other ideas and can they show us this information in detail?  Closing one of the schools is a huge decision and it seems to have been decided very quickly and by a very small number of people - some of who seem to have a conflict of interest.

brother of a pupil

Eskdale School





This is not for the best interest of the students or of Whitby. I have a daughter who is studying at Eskdale and in year 7, she has learning support needs as well as a lot of other students in Eskdale. This students would be lost in a bigger school surrounded by a lot more students in a bigger school will not help students like her stay in mainstream school. Eskdale school has its problems just like the caedmon school does. But the problem that has caused the lack of finances to support Eskdale is the new 6th form school that just doesn't have the students to fill it to capacity even if all of the students from both schools go on to study there it still will not be full to capacity. The children have had enough change over the last 3 years, school is supposed to be one of the places children feel safe and can grow with the support from teachers who work and get to know the students. Children need choices a voice they also need security, stability, and structure which they have not gotten for the last 3 years due to Covid and now the governors feel its the right time to rush through with another huge change for our already traumatised children. Change needs to be thought about and bought to Whitby education but not by closing a good school to move them to another school that we already turned down from attending. I also want to put out there that how are parents going to afford a new cost of a new uniform when we have perfecty good quality uniform at home that can be reused.


Eskdale School







Whitby sixth form





I am supportive of the proposal


Caedmon College Whitby





Having seen the statistics presented by the governing body, I feel the merge is necessary to ensure our children have the best chance at receiving a quality education.


Caedmon College Whitby





I am in total agreement with the proposal. It makes sense to combine the schools financially and can offer the GCSE years more subject choice.


Caedmon College Whitby


I didn’t attend the meeting because I’m in favour of the proposal. In hindsight i wish i had gone to show my support after hearing the comments from it. Maybe more encouragement to attend would have been useful.



The most important thing that must happen as a consequence of this latest debacle is that the County Council unequivocally rejects any suggestion that the 6th form should close to protect the illusion of choice at 11-16.  There may be a poverty of aspiration amongst some in the community, but to lose this opportunity for students who would find travel to Scarborough or Guisborough a barrier would be unforgivable. I also wish to register my support for the governing body, who have been placed in an invidious position by over a decade of abject failure by the Local Authority to get a grip of the ‘slow motion car crash’ it has presided over (not helped by the cuts to funding imposed by central government. None of this is, however the fault of the governors, and it is a shameful indictment of the system that a group of principled and public spirited volunteers should be vilified in their own community, whilst the officials who bear true responsibility largely hide behind them. The County Council has a moral obligation to do everything it can to acknowledge it’s failures in both the planning and presentation of the ‘hobsons choice’ amalgamation proposal, and set out plainly that this is not a decision of the governors, but the consequence of it’s failure to adequately fund or support education in Whitby.  On a practical level, amalgamation seems inevitable, and a case for this was always going to be challenging, but the levels of frustration and anger it has unleashed were entirely predictable, given the way it has been handled (and it’s not even as if there wasn’t a precedent for it)


Caedmon College Whitby


It is frankly quite difficult to identify credible improvements at this stage of the process, and difficult to see how the genie can be put back into the bottle without dragging out the misery for those directly involved.  It seems inevitable that every decision will be fought and appealed at every stage, so the quicker it gets to the final arbiter (the Secretary of State?), everything else is going to be a painful circus that further damages community relations and the education of the children caught in the middle of it (and the careers of the teaching staff).  So my suggestion is to ‘get on with it’ as swiftly as possible, and to be honest that the money simply isn’t there for anything else.  Get 100% behind the long term provision of 16-18 education in the town, and agree to leave no stone unturned in securing meaningful funding for the new school that the town should have had over a decade ago before it was cancelled by the austerity drive of the coalition government.  You will I am sure have gathered that I am absolutely seething about this matter - not as others are at the prospect of the closure, but because I am watching people who I care deeply about being pitted against one another and destroying friendships, and watching helplessly as another generation of students grows up watching the adults they ought to be able to rely upon making an utter mess of a critical point in their education. So my suggestion for improvement is ultimately a simple one - get a grip of this.



I am supportive of the proposal


Caedmon College Whitby





It's very sad that the town finds itself in the position it is in currently (again!).  'Supporting' the proposal does not really capture my feelings but I think it's the only option (given the figures) we have left to secure any chance of quality education for the young people of our town.  I have read/listened to many comments from a large number of locals of varying ages and everyone agrees that there is no ideal solution. I strongly believe the governing body have the best interests at heart of all concerned and it's incredibly difficult to see them facing such unfair, personal criticism.  There have been repeated failings by the local authority,  in my opinion, over recent years which have either led to or exacerbated the current situation. It has been extremely frustrating to see the existence of the sixth form questioned by parents of children in this town. We should be inspiring this future generation to be the best they can be and providing them with the limitless opportunities that they deserve. Securing a quality, varied sixth form offering is an absolute non-negotiable and I feel very strongly about this. I think there are lots of logistical things that need careful consideration before putting the two schools together to ensure the transition is smooth, impactful and least disruptive for all of the children involved. There have been a number of issues raised in the last few weeks concerning both schools. I feel for the staff across the three sites as these are tricky times and there are social issues in the town that the staff are working tirelessly to manage. The inevitable ill feeling in town has the potential to add to these issues (and probably already is). I hope this process is swift and handled with the delicacy it requires but, moreover, I hope that this proposal is supported and accepted so that we can begin to rebuild this town's relationships and develop a quality educational provision for our young people that the whole town can be proud of.


Caedmon College Whitby







Caedmon College Whitby







Caedmon College Whitby





Terrible idea, competition breeds excellence, by removing Eskdale School there's little doubt standards will decline in Whitby!


Eskdale School





You should not have too many Governors on the payroll who do not answer questions in public meeting at Caedmon School and close the 6th form instead of Eskdale School.


Not provided





I think it Eskdale School closes it will be a shame as it has been in much loved school for nearly 70 years. I was a pupil there and my children and grandchildren have gone there and loved it.

Past Student

Eskdale School





Terrible idea! You will end up cramming children in classrooms. Students that struggled will get left behind. Never mind the countless other problems you will cause!

Grand parent

Eskdale School






Grand parent

Eskdale School





I went to Eskdale along with my brother and sister. A great school, great stuff, not overcrowded. Thinking you're going to save money - rubbish! Amalgamation is a bad idea for the children and the future of Whitby


Eskdale School







Caedmon College Whitby














Caedmon College Whitby







Eskdale School







Caedmon College Whitby





I would like to know whether the governors' December meeting when this proposal was agreed was actually quorate? And if not, is the whole process actually legal?  The timescale is far too tight, even allowing the moving the proposed merger back to 2024. Such a significant change needs to offer alternative solutions and the decision should be made by an independent inspector.   With regards to the sixth form, I have a son in year 10 at Caedmon College and I am concerned that since the Sixth Form was set up in 2019, that there are not enough courses on offer in Whitby and he may be forced to travel daily, five days a week, for a better choice. Move the 6th form back on to the Normanby site and keep Eskdale and Caedmon open.  Will the results of the question 'do you support the proposals?' be released to the public? And if the majority of consultees say no, will you still press on with the merger plan regardless of how the majority feel? The recent consultation meetings in Whitby raised lots of queries and produced very few answers. This suggests the governors actually don't have sufficient confidence in the plan themselves, and the public certainly don't.  Eskdale needs to be kept open. And you don't need a federation head on a large salary!   All the opposition in the Whitby area among hundreds of people is too powerful to ignore - all these people cannot be wrong.


Caedmon College Whitby


The governors must have answers available for people when asked. There appears to be too much secrecy.



I'm in year 5 at West cliff school, and really want to go to Eskdale like my big sisters. I have told my mum if this goes a head I will go to another school, in Brotton.

Primary pupil.

West cliff school







Caedmon College Whitby





I am a parent of a year 7 student at Eskdale and a year 5 student at East Whitby. My daughter at Eskdale has settled in and has made new friends. She is happy and enjoys going to school every day. I also work as a HLTA at Eskdale so have access to the day to day teaching at the school. On a daily basis I witness outstanding teaching and lessons, students enjoy a variety of tasks that keep lessons fun and interesting. Eskdale has served the East side of Whitby and the valley schools successfully for the past 70 years, it provides parents with choice and if one school is not working for their child there is an other option for them to try. Eskdale has excellent links with primary schools and my daughter in year 5 looks forward to joining Eskdale at the end of year 6.  My daughter at Eskdale benefits from a calm learning environment, excellent teaching and varied opportunities for learning, she feels safe and valued.  So why would you close Eskdale? yes I appreciated there has been low numbers for one year but this is just one year. For the 2023 intake the numbers are higher, the school is on track and given the chance could become 'Outstanding', again. Eskdale has the highest capacity of the 3 schools. It clearly does not make sense to close the school, why should Eskdale be sacrificed because of low numbers at Caedmon and 6th form? To me there is a better solution - move the 6th form to the Caedmon site, surely this would solve to budget issues as the 6th form site could be closed, even sold or rented out. This would result in much less disruption for students, much easier for staff as they would be on one site. And ultimately leaves families with a choice and a secondary school on both sides of Whitby.  I fear that if the proposed amalgamation goes ahead that there will be large class sizes (not good for learning), stressed staff, unhappy students, over crowding, inadequate facilities, staff and students moving between two sites, a disaster! My child and lots of her


Eskdale School







Caedmon College Whitby & Eskdale School







School outside of Whitby





The reasons for the proposal are stated as: 1) Low pupil numbers - the largest decline in numbers is in the sixth form and it is widely documented that it this element of the Whitby town education provision that is failing on all parts and has been for several years. What our children need is a high quality well led secondary education. This should be delivered by offering them choice and a safe environment to study and develop. Neither of my children have or will access further education in Whitby as it simply does not offer the courses, facilities or opportunities that they require, and deserve. As parents we fully support them in this choice both financially and emotionally. Both our children had flourished at Eskdale school and have fulfilled and exceeded expectations within the nurturing environment and through the dedication and hard work of the teaching staff and leadership team. 2) Significant financial challenges at both schools - there is solid evidence to show that these financial challenges are firmly seated in the drain on finances of the sixth form college. I am furious to find out of the financial cost that Eskdale School had had to bear to keep the sixth form and also the ludicrous salaries of the senior management team of the Whitby Secondary Partnership.  3) An imperative to give the best education and curriculum to the young people of Whitby - This is almost laughable, the very fact that the proposal was first set to take place in September 2023 shows that the people proposing this change have no regard for the young people of Whitby's education, health and wellbeing (Also maybe they should remember that a large proportion of young people do not live in Whitby i.e. residents of the Esk Valley, traditionally the main catchment area for Eskdale School) and clearly they are many other agendas on the table here.  For there to be such strong evidence against all three reasons stated for the proposal alone should be reason to reject this proposal but wh


Eskdale School





As a student i do not support the closure of Eskdale school. I was given a choice , my friends were too, By closing Eskdale this would mean I would have to attend a school which is not fit for purpose. The building is old and there is not enough outdoor space ? Or areas to play sport.  The governors proposal does not offer any alternatives. Why can't we have two schools and dispose of the old Whitby school site on mayfield road. This would allow the old caedmon school site to be developed into a 11-18 which includes the sixth form . But also frees money up so Eskdale  School can be updated.  There is no reason why both schools could share specialist staff to develop children's learning and develop relationships to ensure each school is an outstanding school.  I am currently in Year 9 and NyCC or the governors have not taken in to any planning for my future and the stress it has caused me by informing me this far in to my education. Also my sister is in Year six and you have taken the choice away for her. By copying what nycc did in Scarborough with Raincliffee school in with Graham . This is now a failing school.


Eskdale School


I welcome NYCC to offer an alternative proposal than the one outlined in this proposal of closing Eskdale School



I was previously educated in Whitby , both my children at Whitby Community College. I do not support the closure of Eskdale School, I would welcome a new purpose built school with a Specialist SEN unit built on to the side of the new school . I would also welcome a behaviour unit , built in ti this new school. I would use caedmon college Whitby site as a sixth form site and dispose of the old Whitby school site due to it been unfit for purpose and no Hreenfield space for the children to play , socialise and participate in sport on. The children of Whitby deserve a new school with a new leadership team with vision and passion to educate the children to the highest level. Please take into account the problems I have seen with bullying at  Caedmon college. I would also like NYCC to view the disappointing level of students who attend the sixth form . The children of Whitby deserve an alternative proposal rather than to close Eskdale school and sell off the site. Keep Eskdale school and the fantastic sporting facilities and green field space. The children of Whitby should be allowed to have access to the outdoors. I do not support the closure of Eskdale school. Please look at alternative proposals .


Eskdale School





Sixth form has less than 150 pupils, there should be moved to Caedmon. It would make more sense than moving 400 + pupils from Eskdale.


Caedmon College Whitby





Reasons for amalgamation have not been fully explained in depth expansion is required and must be well published before final decision.


Eskdale School





Eskdale school is a fantastic school with a lot to offer. My children, my grandchildren and now my great grandchildren have attended. Children need choice! Bullying, anti social behaviour! Children in this town have left either school in order to get away from it. Where will they go if you join the two schools? I know a lot of people in this town and the majority have told me they will send their children elsewhere. You will have low pupil numbers then! To even think about closing Eskdale is a disgrace. Eskdale site and the old Caedmon site at the end of the new bridge should be kept open. Mayfield Road site needs to close. Keep children where they know. There are opportunities to turn the Mayfield Rd area into something new! Whitby has a strong community and its roots lie deep!


Eskdale School





I want my daughter to have access to the best education and experiences school can provide and I understand that this move is necessary in order to do this.  Both my children chose different schools in Whitby so I understand the want for choice, but I also appreciate the fact that students will get a better choice of activities and subjects with all resources pooled than they will trying to spread resources too thinly. Please make sure that there is work done to bring all students and staff together as one team though so there isn't a 'them and us' culture.  I think this work is wider than a few joint lessons / activities and more about respect and understanding difference and similarities and working towards a common goal.  Humans like to 'find their tribe' and the 'Caedmon' and 'Eskdale' tribes are quite strong so I don't know how easy this task will be but I feel it does need to be thought about with importance and not just an add on.  Maybe getting all students involved in naming the new school and deciding on branding / uniform colours would be a start to help with cohesion as a whole new unit, but definitely not the be all and end all.


Eskdale School





When we had two 11 to 14 schools in the town and then they merged together from 15 to 18, more children seemed stay on to do A Levels and succeeded well!  Since both school went to 11-16 and the sixth form was created with no real choice of courses, children are going else where for their A levels and next steps in their education. How can it be sustainable to have a sixth form with one teacher, teaching very few children in some cases 2 children in their lesson!  Yes something does need to be done for all the children of Whitby, but where are the other possible solutions! There seems to only be one idea, but surely a consultation would work better with a number of possible solutions which could then be actually discussed.  Both schools also have their problems with drugs, bullying etc but this isn’t isolated to Whitby, other areas also have these problems. Vaping is a nationwide issue - which is easily available for young people to get hold of and they don’t think it’s harmful or addictive these days due to the abundance of flavours available.  I don’t have the answer, but as a parent I want the best not just for my own children but for all the children of Whitby who deserve the best education!


Caedmon College Whitby


I feel that a decision has already been made and the consultation just has to be done!





Eskdale School


I understand the financial and educational reasons to rethink educational provision in Whitby although having attended the consultation meeting at Whitby Pavilion, I have been left with the conclusion that a short term saving of £85000 with no guarantee for the future is short sighted. Eskdale School is almost full to capacity and yet the Sixth Form in a separate building, having had money spent on it, is still not an attractive proposition to many Whitby students who prefer to travel elsewhere for their sixth form education where there is a much wider choice of courses at all levels that the Sixth Form at Whitby simply cannot offer. It would be a much better use of resources to move the Sixth form back to the Caedmon College Building and in some way, develop that to suit the needs of an 11-18 year old site rather than close Eskdale which provides a smaller, environment for students who struggle with large crowds, SEND or simply want a smaller learning environment. I find the way the consultation has come about, somewhat underhand with regards to the Governing Body who appear to be Empire Building for their own Academy Trust.



I am against the amalgamation of the two schools. I feel a choice of schools in Whitby is important. I also think 2 smaller schools offer greater care and support for students than one big school. We need to learn from amalgamations like at Graham school as this was not successful and caused the school to have huge behavior and safeguarding issues.


Eskdale School


Being clear and honest as this has been lacking throughout the process. There is a clear lack of concern for students, parents and staff. It is purely motivated by money and it appears some private interest of individuals which is very unclear and makes it feel very dishonest.



The safeguarding in both secondary schools are non existent there is no way it can improve by joining both together. Both sites are badly managed resulting in children’s safety and education suffering. Caedmon can’t even provide enough food at lunchtime for the students they have another 400 mouths to feed is impossible. No continuity from GCSE to 6th form as whitby doesn’t provide adequate 16+ education and yet money is ploughed into the site while both secondarys pay the price!


Caedmon College Whitby


Close WSF site and put the students back into CCW where they always were taught and use the money saved from that site to improve CCW and Eskdale management and property



I feel that this proposal has not been planned adequately. As parents we have had no information at all about what the amalgamated school would look like in terms of timetabling, how many students in each class/class sizes. Teacher and TA deployment. Safeguarding is another huge issue. There are significant problems around drug use and vaping in both schools which is not dealt with adequately. Compounding the situation will only make a bad situation worse. The mental health and wellbeing of the current students who will feel the impact of the merger has not been addressed. NYCC have had to step in to ensure CCW can actually feed the number of students they currently have - which shouldn’t be that hard but apparently is. The Normanby site does not have adequate outdoor space for sports and recreation while Eskdale and the Scoresby site have had massive investment. Maintaining the sixth form given the financial strains which the governing body are at pains to display retaining such a underutilised provision only highlights the ineptitude of the current WSP governance and leadership. No alternative options have been proposed and as such all choice has now been removed from the child and families of Whitby. It is not good enough and should this proposal be given serious consideration I would have to give serious consideration to sending my children out of area for their secondary provision. As high achieving students, at least one of whom has been flagged as having Oxbridge potential, I think you would agree that this loss, however small in the scheme of things, would be a huge loss.


Caedmon College Whitby


This isn’t a consultation. As parents we do not feel heard or valued. We find it deplorable that 4 governors all with very clear agendas and personal interests are pushing through a proposal without regard for those most affected. Numerous letters, emails and open letters remain ignored and the freedom of information laws are flouted. The lack of trust and the lack of transparency felt by the wider community is not something which should be overlooked.



Yes it is not considering our children's needs  or right to choose


Caedmon College Whitby


Don't make silly suggestions





Eskdale School







Eskdale School





Sadly needs to happen. I understand the emotion and upset. No school can function at a loss. I am concerned about the appointment of ## as a Governor. I am aware that he approached the RSC prior to Christmas to bring the school’s under his trust. It was turned down due to financial mess that was seen to be the LA’s role to sort out. It’s clear once this happens that Mr # will then approach again. So there is a conflict of interest. It’s clear that he is in this for the gain of his own trust at the end. The new school once formed should be retained under the LA if possible. Monies should be sought from the DFE to build a new site. A separate feasibility study should be conducted to see where the new school should be built. The present sixth form site if knocked down would be ideal. It’s sad, but financial viability does not allow separate sites. Eskdale has had a falling rope for 6 years. The building is outdated and expensive to both run and maintain. The new 3G pitch should continue as a community resource. Some of my colleagues are being very militant and purposefully stoking fires and unrest with the community. Parents are right to be concerned so explain how this will look, evidence the positives. The use of ‘local journalists’ to spread lies and libellous comments has been incredibly upsetting. The personal attacks on ##, ## and others have been disgusting. It has been embarrassing as someone who works in Eskdale and lives in Whitby to watch. The sooner it happens the better. This is about the kids, therefore let’s get a new school on par with other across the country. Give Mr # the opportunity to make this happen. Relook at the governing membership, remove Mr # to ensure all decisions are made in the best interest of Whitby and not his trust.


Eskdale School





I do not like the idea of the amalgamation proposal because i have chosen to come to Eskdale school. I like it and the teachers and they do a really good job and I feel safe and happy. I don't want to go to Caedmon.


Eskdale School







Caedmon College Whitby







Other School







Caedmon College Whitby





I strongly disagree with the proposal to amalgamate Caedmon College and Eskdale  school. Both schools are separate and unique and as part of a federation / partnership it is not acceptable for one school to seek to prosper at the expense of the other. The only way forward that would create harmony in our community would be to relocate the sixth form back onto the main Caedmon site. A number of years have passed since the previous consultation happened , £500,000 has been pumped into the sixth form and it has faired no  better. As I tax payer I say enough is enough. Just move it back , the students will receive the same education in the same town with the same subjects. It is outrageous that the WSP can afford an expensive executive head yet cannot afford to replace teachers. They have definitely got their priorities wrong. ! Students have made a choice which secondary school they wish to attend coming from countless primary schools in the area. There may be many different reasons for that choice,  who are they to deny them that right. From what I have read it appears that only 4 governors made this monumental decision.   Eskdale school has a lot to offer, it has large playing fields( could be of use should a new schoolever need to be built), it still retains its playgrounds(definitely advantage) a turning circle on school land, ( safety advantage) garden areas for those students who prefer a quieter space and of course a new very modern and expensive 3G pitch which anyone can see is in continuous use both during the school day and evening by students and the community alike.  Eskdale buildings may need upgrading however the cost is less than half of cost to other schools. I note that the cost needed to be able to accommodate/make the necessary changes all students should this proposal go ahead has not been disclosed but I'm guessing if this cost we're factored in it would come down in favour of Eskdale school staying open.  The disruption that joining these two scho


Eskdale School


The type box was too small to be able to easily scan what has been written.



After attending the shambolic public meeting I felt the need to raise my concerns. VJ student commented that the y11 year group have been let down by the current governors and I myself have had to pay for extra tuition for my son who is tacking his GCSE exams in June. I have communicated with the governors with no response. The governors are not transparent and seem to vanish when needed.I also cannot understand why they have only one option when I and others can think and put together three or more.Why have the governors not been to the council meeting showing how good their idea is which it is not. We need a independent group to help and sort this mess out.Why have the governors let this get this bad Eskdale was in the black when it joined the WSP if they actually are a part of it so wher is all the money going ? Why are they even thinking about taking the amazing sports facilities away from the students they all enjoy going up there and playing football at lunch time to get out in the fresh air this is good physical and mental exercise. On the evening the governors did not answer any of the direct questions I was very disappointed with their response which was nothing. I also went to the council meetings and the council were also totally agreeing with the people in the town who are all against this proposal. We need to stop this now and get a good new school with great facilities. My son is looking at 6th form and not even looking at the Whitby college nor are his friends so I suppose the 6th for will continue to drain the money from the two secondary schools. I can't understand how there are so many houses being built and the mine due to go into production in the next year,I think families will be moving here and then we will need the school places. I still wait like others to actually see the plan of this amalgamation as I don't think there is one. I am totally in disagreement with this proposal


Eskdale School


Yes stop it and get an independent committee to work with the town and school to get the best outcome and best facilities and best education for the young people in this town.



It is a ridiculous idea,  that will not be in the best interests of the students.  Especially students with additional needs.


Caedmon College Whitby





Yes, I feel this is the wrong thing to do for our children, my child is currently in year 9 and has already suffered so much disruption with Covid to them have them more school on the year they will be sitting their GCSE’s seems very unfair on them. Plus the amount of children that will be attending if the amalgamation goes head will be a nightmare for traffic at the school as it is ready will out adding an extra 300 kids to the mix. Our children deserve to be settled and happy in a school THEY have chosen to attend. Plus with all new new homes that are being built in and around Whitby surly Caedmon will eventually be too small.


Eskdale School





As Parents of a 7 and 9 year old at a primary in Whitby we feel we need to know and be involved in the process of amalgamating Eskdale and CCW. Our children won’t have a choice and will be made to attend the only school remaining. How will all students and staff for on one site? How will access be made safe? Traffic issues? The town centre at 3.30pm mid summer is busy already, how will staff and students get between the Scoresby and Normanby sites? What about the dinner system? CCW dinner times are too busy to cope as it is? We have friends who are staff at Eskdale, staff we want our children to be taught by. Will they have jobs? Will they be supported in the process? How? Our children love sport, the more students in each year group would mean stronger teams but less opportunities for more to be involved. PE staff already struggle to attend fixtures, Primary events also in the same position. Will staff be allowed to go to fixtures as more students means more classes and so more cover would be needed to release staff? Will the new school allow A and B teams to go? More students involved. What about the new 3G facility at Eskdale? Will students be able to use it during school PE lessons? How? The news currently highlights staff shortage in schools and subjects, Whitby has always struggled to attract staff to both Primary and Secondary schools, how will the new school attract? A better pay structure would help but schools are not going to be funded to support this. Is Whitby throwing all its eggs into one basket? What happens to the students who have relationship issues and decide to go to CCW and Eskdale because it’s suits them better. Eskdales caring ethos is well known, will this be created in the new school if staff don’t have jobs it won’t be? A lot of questions to answer and all in a short period off time. Will the primary heads be involved? They need to be to keep parents in touch with proposals.


Airy Hill

Don’t know

Have a clear layout of what’s happening in some detail. Amalgamation to the majority means what?



Low pupil numbers - the decline has been known for some time, why have NYCC officers/Councillors and school governors not proposed a long term plan for education in Whitby before now? They appear to have only considered Scarborough catchment area and totally ignored Whitby catchment area. This problem is also linked to the lack of social and “truly affordable” housing in Whitby, again Councils have failed to take action.  Significant financial challenges at both schools - this is not true, the financial aspect should have looked at the costs of the three separate sites, the sixth form is the most expensive to run, and will continue to be so. This proposal does not take into account all the other issues affecting the schools and the community, including transport and highway issues, lack of green spaces, playing fields and biodiversity, active travel and well being of the pupils.  Imperative to give the best education and curriculum to the young people of Whitby - the educational system in the Whitby Catchment area has been failing for some time, resulting in loss of most  sixth form, skills and adult training in the area. The level of bullying and drug taking highlighted at the Public meeting on 08/03/2023, and the appalling incident on 13th March appears to indicate a lack of Management control at the schools. The standard of education, skills training and welfare of the pupils has been below North Yorkshire and National levels for some time, and no plan of action appears to have been considered. The failure of the Governors to set up an adequate Governing Body following the formation of the The Whitby Secondary Partnership in 2019 and the very dubious decision taken by only four Governors to submit this proposal to NYCC Conclusion - An immediate and urgent review of education in the Whitby Catchment area is required, with a 10 year plan proposed following consultation between all relevant parties including parents and the community before any further decisions are




The information provided for the consultation was biased towards the proposal and did not give a true picture of education in the Whitby Catchment Area



I do not agree with the proposed amalgamation of Eskdale and Caedmon school. Families and children in Whitby and surrounding area should have a choice of secondary schools. Whitby can have two small secondary schools if the 6th form is moved to the Caedmon site. Surely this is the best solution to fix this financial crisis. Don't close the best school where students are happy and receive an excellent education. Surely that is stupid!


Eskdale School





Having attended one of the meetings regarding the amalgamation, looking at all the figures and statistics, and listening to the community of Whitby. I am heavily in opposition of the amalgamation. I, like many, feel that the proposal has been aggressively pushed and rushed without care and much consideration of the children immediately involved and the future children of Whitby.  I also question if the proposed amalgamation is even legal, given that we have been told that there were not the correct number of governors present to form a quorum. How can the future education of the entire Whitby community population be decided upon by just four people?  I feel that such an important and life-changing decision for so many people should be taken to an independent body of which no members have any affiliation or bias towards any of our Whitby schools. Only by doing this would be a fair way of making such an important decision that will affect so many people. Giving choice in education is integral to such a small community and the well-being of our children's mental health. Especially given the recent challenges to which the pandemic brought in both education and society.   To enable Whitby to have educational choice, and realising that government funding is not covering the cost of running Caedmon College Whitby, Eskdale school and the additional sixth form site. Could there be a solution to close the Eskdale site, move the Eskdale children into the current Scoresby sixth form site (which is not too far from Eskdale), and move the sixth form students back into the Caedmon College Whitby Normanby site? This would enable Whitby to still have choice of secondary education while still having access to a sixth form. It would also bring both schools closer in distance and share facilities and resources where needed, while still offering choice. The Eskdale site could then be given back into the care of the local authority.


Caedmon College Whitby





Children need choice. The town is growing, new housing developments are popping up every year. The town is big enough to accommodate 2 schools.


Airy Hill





It sounds poorly planned out and potentially very dangerous for safety of the children now and in the future. Lack of choice is a real concern


Whitby West cliff







Caedmon College Whitby


Prevent a large school with only 1 choice for children in the whitby area. Prevent large class sizes.





Eskdale School





I think our children and us as parents should have a choice of where we send our children to secondary school in town.

Parent of a child in primary school

West cliff primary school





Transition is going to happen during GCSEs education.


Eskdale School





I do not believe this proposal meets the problems. currently new houses are being built, a new application for 250 houses! Where will the children go to school. I believe the governors and the school management have not managed this with any thought and are taking the easy way out! I have looked on social media and it appears the whole process is not transparent.







The proposal in no way addresses the problems. There is a planning application for 254 more houses nearby. This will require More school places.







Dear Chair of Governors,     Regrettably the open meeting, which as you know I attended, whilst allowing detailed questions, did not (could not?) provide detailed answers and indeed, did not serve to install confidence in the Governing Body, who seemed extremely uncomfortable (rather then confident) about the whole situation. Further during that meeting, there were a number of slips from the platform, which reinforced the view of many in the audience, that the outcome of the proposal, either was, or would be a fore-gone conclusion.  All of this was very unfortunate, to say the least.  The decision making process, in so far as I can tell, given the limited details which have been published to date, has been rather unorthodox, lacks independent expert advice, and has been extremely fast moving.  The momentous potential weight of the proposal and the irreversible consequences should the proposal be passed and then fail; the fact that it has in effect been made by a wholly unrepresentative Governing Body, with it seems little or no experience of running a large business, outside of education; the narrow composition of the Governing Body comprising as it does of 6 teachers or retired teachers and two Co-opted Governors both of whom, somewhat mysteriously? resigned their nominated/elected posts only to be immediately Co-opted late last year, without those nominated and elected posts being re-filled; and without the Governor Body seeking (as it has the power under it constitution) to Co-opt up to a further six governors, in order to increase its skills base, are all questions which need to be properly answered.  These issues collectively; the secrecy behind/concealment of, whatever fact finding or expert reports were commissioned by the Governors, so that they were properly and expertly advised as to the matters; (as I assume that none of the Governors have direct experience themselves of closing a school?) and finally the fact that only one and not a number of alternative

Former Pupil and Clerk to Governors  who has little faith in either WSP Governing Body to NYCC

Eskdale School


I really haven't the time or energy to respond to this



It's ridiculous


Caedmon College Whitby





Consultation? The closure process has already been implemented, after failed attempts in the past. Eskdale is currently being closed by stealth, as staff leave they are not replaced. All in a three stage plan of action,1. Federate and take control, run Eskdale down 2. Close Eskdale, and then, 3.The end game, not mentioned in this proposal, Academisation, ‘Caedale Academy’     The approach here has been a consistent pattern, making decisions for and not with parents, producing the increased risk of unforeseen consequences. Choice is what parents have consistently wanted. For example, how many more students will leave the Whitby secondary education system altogether if there is no choice? Will there be the creation of a small new independent Eskdale school, should this one close? Certainly, one outcome is an observant proactive group of parents.  Already the original proposed timetable has been abandoned and rescheduled. What thought process occurred initially to think that this proposal could be achieved by Sept 2023? All smacks of a lack of planning or forethought and an inadequacy in governor and LA decision making. Has ‘correct procedure’ been followed? Serious concerns, over the inability to answer FOI requests, obstruction, governor meetings  incorrectly placed as confidential, indeed whether the federation has actually been lawfully established. My understanding is that moves are currently under way to forward a judicial review of the proposal.   Why close Eskdale but not the Whitby 6th Form Centre? Firstly, all past data going back decades, (when all students had the advantage of completing GCSE and 6th form courses on the same site), demonstrate that there were never enough students to support an independent 6th form. So on what evidential basis was it established?   Secondly, there has never been as much competition from other post-16 providers. Any student with the get up and go wishing to pursue a specialist course will only find such courses out of town.


former teacher, governor and stakeholder


I think that it is telling what the consultation doesn't say as well as what it does say.





Airy Hill Primary School





I am not in favour of the amalgamation


Caedmon College Whitby





My main concern is the children’s safety in and out of school. There are obviously problems at both schools and these need addressing and sorting. I just want to know how things are going to work if the school is all moved to prospect hill in regards to the children going in to and out of school with such a busy road to me this is an accident waiting to happen.


Caedmon College Whitby

Don't know






West cliff primary school







West Cliff







West cliff and Caedmon college





It’s a terrible idea


West cliff and Caedmon college





Having lived in Whitby all my life, the changes to the town have been little short of dramatic the obvious one been the expansion of the town with new accommodations sprouting up anywhere there is a profit to be made. I find it incredible based on the number of people moving into the town and the building of more housing in close proximity to the school that it should be closed cramming more children into Caedmon school,  I worry that the standard of education my twin boys will walk into on September 2024 will not  be sufficient to continue the great level education they have achieved at their current  school, so I find it ludicrous and a typical penny pinching exercise that will inevitably lead to Eskdale school being demolished sold off and another housing estate getting built making somebody pocket a huge sum of cash with little or no care to the ever increasing strain on the towns ability to provide a decent level of services to the residents who now feel let down by people’s greed.  Yours faithfully  #########.


West cliff primary school





No decision should be taken about the secondary school estate serving the Whitby catchment area until there is an agreed long-term forward plan in place. The Y&NY Climate Change Routemap aims to halve private car mileage by 2030 and requires a massive increase in technical training for both youngsters and adults: existing housing must be retro-fitted; agriculture and aquaculture 'greened'; bio-diversity enhanced; etc, etc. Real, not token, consultation and support from the local community will be essential to achieve the climate change targets.  The future local provision of education and training must be an integral part of the adaptation strategy.


Eskdale School





This is not a good idea. Please don't merge the schools. I have not met a parent or teacher in the area who is in support of this yet. The reason given for the proposal is poor at best and shouldn't have got this way. NYCC need to invest in both schools to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children in the area. Please consider the continued growth of Whitby and potential new families moving to the area with the high number of new houses being built.


Caedmon College Whitby





The governors now just showing the minutes of the meetings that were missing just shows how big this is. They are not transparent they have no plan everybody are against this decision and it should be stopped and an independent enquiry should be done to get things right and give the best to the children of the town  as it is them who we are thinking about. Why are there no other options? The Caedmon site is small it will be crowded there is congestion on the main road the staff will be under more stress moving from one site to the other with not enough parking on one site. Eskdale has the turning circle for the buses there is ample parking and overflow parking and 4 football piches they really have not thought any of this through. As a rate payer I am asking you to do this process properly and clearly stop this amalgamation and look at all the options and get it right.


Caedmon College Whitby



No the governors did not help by withholding the important information about the Financial situation of the school as Eskdale now have been shown to be paying for the 6th form and paying into the partnership which I don't believe even exists please look at all of the letters, petitions,councillors and groups who are all against this proposal. As you said in the town meeting it is not a done deal and you want the best for the children of the town.



It’s ridiculous I have a a few points on this matter firstly been the kids education bigger classes meaning the ones who struggle get left to struggle.. a lot of children get bullied and move school there is alot that have done this already then there going to be all back together…some children really struggle with anxiety how on earth will they cope in such a large setting for aslong as we can remember there has been a choice and you choose what is right for your child and that’s not the case anymore there just thrown in to where they are told to go and let’s hope they fit in


Caedmon College Whitby





There needs to be more options that have been looked at fully. I was at one of the consultation meetings and there were a few other options that were in theory ‘feasible’ options that just hadn’t been explored. I also am involved with the hiring of the 3G pitch, which is used by many groups in the community. The closure of Eskdale would possibly result in the closure of the pitch (plus the grass pitches used at Eskdale) therefore creating a loss of a facility used to get people active!


Caedmon College Whitby


No with the proposal. We just need other proposals too.



I am a parent of a year 7 pupil who attends Eskdale School. She has severe ADHD, autism and oppositional defiant disorder.    Firstly, I am aghast at the way parents were told about the plans. Parents and teachers were not consulted prior to the announcement.   The publicising of the consultation has been an absolute disgrace. There has been no mention any of the schools’ social media and only a couple of emails about the consultation and how to take part. My daughter has confirmed that herself and none of her friends have been asked to give their views. This is shocking as there appears to be a deliberate attempt to keep it quiet particularly as in complete contrast campaigners have done their best to share the consultation document far and wide. A young pupil wrote a song about the plans and those at the public meeting refused for it be played. She even spoke at the meeting. I believe the only person who took the young people’s views seriously at the public meeting was Councillor Annabell Wilkinson.   I sent an email and it took days to respond and my questions have gone unanswered.   Why have no other options been looked at or presented?   Secondly I am shocked and very, very concerned about the governors’ ability to take on the running of a ‘new’ school. They have withheld information that should have been in the public domain in the first place in case it prejudices the consultation and redacted much of it – these were minutes that should have been published in the first place. They have lied multiple times including at the public consultation (I attended both).   Again this meeting was not publicised by Whitby Secondary Partnership and many were unaware it was even happening. The lies included a complete denial that there was a drug problem at Caedmon (Mr #####) several days later a child ended up in intensive care after taking illegal drugs on school premises. Minutes from previous governors’ meetings show there was a serious problem going back to 2021. Mon


Eskdale School


I do not think it easy to understand the format was unclear and the button to click to have you say was placed in the middle of the document some parents were unclear how to have their say. No copies of the consultation were produced by the schools on paper, limited details and a link via email on a couple of occassions and no easy read document. Not everyone understands what a PAN is.



Who am I.   I am a former parent of 2 girls who attended Eskdale School, and a Grand Parent of 2 attending Eskdale with 3 others in the local educational system waiting their turn to move up.  I recently retired as head of information and Cyber security for the European Division of a Global company.    The key reason on moving to the area in 1998 for us, was the choice of secondary schools.(this was important as I had just left the RAF in High Wycombe taking a Cyber Security role in Middlesbrough and my work colleagues advised against Middlesbrough schools0.  Talking with Whitby locals, it was clear that the two schools promoted a healthy rivalry and pride in which school a child attended. As my career took me to larger international companies, mainly based in the South, I still kept the family home in Sleights preferring to commute myself, rather than move back down South, as both daughters were doing well educationally and were settled in School, and the area, and I did not want to move them    Both my daughters excelled in their educational progression, one being artistic and musical and the other being into academic subjects and sport.  Their abilities supported by Eskdale teaching staff led to both daughters going through Caedmon onto University and having successful careers since.   Why am I against this proposal.   The last attempt to close the school 7 years ago failed after Local resistance.  This latest attempt was The response from the executive head of Whitby Secondary Partnership to the current inadequacies of the secondary education system was to send out a letter to parents in January 2023 and request that NYCC close Eskdale School and merge its pupils with those from Caedmon College, and “the newly amalgamated school operate from Normanby and Scoresby sites”. It suggests that there be a short consultation period starting early February, before the merger by September 2023.  The proposal showed no investment or vision for the area and seems to be base

Grand parent

Eskdale School


There were no facts supporting the merger of the 2 schools, nor what the plans for the future of education in Whitby are.



The consultation document makes a very strong case for the amalgamation of the two schools in terms of pupil numbers and finance.  There is some limited consideration given to curriculum change but detail is lacking.  However there is insufficient consideration given to other aspects of potential concern to parents such as whether a smaller school might be better suited to some pupils, particularly those with specific needs. It would be helpful to have lists of potential advantages and disadvantages of the current situation as against the amalgamation. Parents may need to know current differences between the schools in terms of charging and other policies, pupil/teacher ratio, curriculum allocation, extra-curricular activities etc. The different philosophies and ethos of the two schools are also important considerations. The consultation document notes the current Ofsted grade situation for the two schools but makes no reference to what factors underpin the potential lower grades at the next inspection or to how amalgamating the schools would help in addressing the current weaknesses or what strengths might be impacted by the amalgamation. I understand that NYCC has instructed schools not to make individual comments with regard to the proposals but parents need more information than they currently have.  Not all parents may be aware of how to access support and guidance surrounding educational choices so more links to key providers are needed such as the DFE, Ofsted, Joseph Rowntree Trust, NYCC etc. I am sure many stakeholders will be in a similar situation to me in not having sufficient information to help them make a definitive decision about whether they are for or against the proposals.


Oakridge Community Primary

Don't know

See previous comments. Insufficient information is available to stakeholders to make a fully informed decision.



I do not support the proposal. Other options have not been considered, the governing body is at best incompetent and at worse corrupt. This will not enhance my daughters education. Traffic will be really bad hundreds of children having to walk along a busy main road for a mile and a half. Teaching will not improve. Larger class sizes, no areas for children to socialise at break, major drug and bullying issues at Caedmon management known for several years and are in denial! I have no confidence in the management shame on them! The whole consultation has been very badly managed with very little publicity of the public meeting and consultation document many parents are unaware including year sixes. Nycc should not be supporting the proposal it’s clearly been rushed and ill thought out. It needs to be stopped now


Eskdale School


Major lack of consultation to publicise the public consultation very few stakeholders included the form is not obvious as you have to scroll half way down document. No children consulted!



This proposal is floored in may ways.  It is being rushed through by a small group of governors who are unable to explain the reasoning behind the amalgamation or produce minutes of the meetings where decisions were made. Eskdale School is very successful in many aspects of the curriculum, especially with Special Needs children. It is only slightly below capacity. Caedmon School is a long way from capacity and there are a variety of problems within the school, including drug problems. Whitby School is well below capacity as the range of subjects is small and students can find the courses they want in nearby towns.  Surely the solution is to keep Eskdale as it successful and find a solution for Caedmon and Whitby School.  Three smallish schools like these have headteachers why would they need an executive head when the schools are close enough to hold meetings and cooperate together. Whatever has happened to the Phrase Every Child Matters? this must not just be about finance. in all the documents I've read recently only one professional, an ex head teacher from Eskdale mention the pupils and their eduction.




If we'd had minutes of governors meetings we could have understood the process better.



To whom it may concern:  I attended the consultation meeting with lots of hope and an open mind for what should be an exciting time for the education of my child but left disappointed and with no questions answered. I walked through the Spa doors not to be greeted by people wanting to hear my ideas but by four police and Spa security guards. Nobody greeted or asked if I was here for the meeting or generally made me feel welcome. I am sure North Yorkshire Police could have been better serving the community than attending a consultation meeting, especially with rural crime at an all-time high in the area.   Feeling intimidated and shocked that I was assumed to be some sort of criminal and not simply a concerned parent. Upon entering the room, I found 10 people sat up on a stage who didn’t appear friendly and like they wanted to hear the concerns being raised. Many of these people are paid for by myself and the residents of Whitby so surely they should listen to the publics options and set out a range of alternatives but unfortunately nothing.  I listened in the hope that the questions I had would be covered in the presentation but sadly none were answered. After the presentation, I raised my hand in the hopes that I may be able to ask my questions and it remained raised the entire time. This left me with the only option to write my views with the hope someone might bother to read and actually listen to me. Surely with everyone wanting the same the very best education for all it should be a transparent meeting looking at several options not just one.  My questions were very simple ones such as how many children can actually fit on each individual site. I don’t want to know just Eskdale and Caedmon College I want to know how many on the Scoresby site, Normanby site, and the Eskdale site. This information should very easily be available. I also do not want to know how many will fit onto the Normanby site after alterations to accommodate the extra children. Yet nobody wil


Eskdale School


There is a lot that could have been improved with this consultation. Data including budgets should have been sent out with consultation letters. Also there should have been other options available for the community of Whitby to decide what they actually want the education of Whitby to look like and not 4 governors with a biased view. This consultation should have come to the parents with clear options to discuss and vote on and not rushed like has occurred. I am very disappointed with this consultation and feel it is rushed and not in the children's best interests or the next generation of children.





Caedmon College Whitby





I think that choice should be available. I have concerns on going about our children attending such a large high school


Caedmon College Whitby





As a parent and also a former pupil of Caedmon and Whitby School I DO NOT agree with the amalgamation. The two sites, Eskdale and Caedmon, have ran, side by side, for many years. These two schools have worked very well, with all primary school children having choices of secondary schools in Whitby.   One school on each side of the river Esk has always been a great advantage too, regarding where families live. As we are a family living on the West side of town, I would always choose Caedmon because of its close proximity.   One large site/school is not going to work well. It will be too crowded and not appealing to our primary school children. It is daunting enough, starting secondary school, without having to double up on the numbers and amalgamate.   Please save Eskdale School and all it’s sports facilities including the 3G football pitches. These are used by all schools and all sports/football teams within our local community and beyond.


West Cliff Primary School





I think it is a really bad suggestion, that is being rushed through without proper investigation into different options.  It is said that the closing of Eskdale school will save £85k, but getting rid of the executive head will save £100k plus. Whitby is a standalone town in the middle of the moors, if our children are bullied, and cannot get on with the school there needs to be another option that is not 30 plus minutes away. There needs to be choice in Whitby. What happens when you shut Eskdale, they build more houses on the site, then those new houses and all those being built, bring families into the area and their children need schools. The new mine opening up will bring workers and families, where will these go to school, will you be proposing another build in the future? This proposal is being rushed through, it does not seem that any investigation into alternative suggestions has been looked into or costed.  How will all the children from Eskdale fit into caedmon site? It is completely impractical for them to use a 2-site location for their education, as a partner I would not be happy for them to move locations during the day. The dining hall at Caedmon is bursting at its seems currently how will it fit more children in? Where will new classes be built? None of this seems to be looked into or costed. I am completely against the shutting of Eskdale school


Caedmon College Whitby







Eskdale School





I’ve never heard anything so stupid in my life. Why should the children of Whitby not be given the freedom of choice. Have the people that have made this decision actually thought about it? Have they considered the impact on the children of Whitby? I very much doubt it. From what I’ve read in the last few weeks, it seems like no one has a clue. There seems to be lie after lie being told, questions avoided, answers unsatisfactory. They were wrong to try the 1st time and they are wrong again. The impact on the children will be devastating, throwing them all into one place, they will just become a number. The “let’s just put all the children into Caedmon” is a joke. The children that already attend Eskdale choose Eskdale for a reason. Why should that choice be taken away?. In my opinion the people making these decisions don’t have a clue, and certainly do not care about the consequences of their actions. The obviously do not have children in either school or children at all. They do not have common sense or a heart. It all just seems like mindless dribble coming from money grabbing idiots that don’t know their left from their right. The numbers don’t add up. The plans about buses and parking are ridiculous. The road that is already an accident waiting to happen really doesn’t need another few hundred kids adding to the mix. The kids that escaped 1 school because of bullying will be put right back into the thick of it, what do you think will happen in the long run, especially to that/those children’s mental health? The children stay at a school when they are happy there, when they feel right there. Putting them all together takes that away for everyone because you are changing things for every child in those schools. Are schools not meant to be about the children, at what point were the children actually thought about during these “meetings” that have been held without the public knowing. Bit wrong don’t you think? Bit shifty? Few lies? Oh yeah. Without a doubt! Wrong!


Eskdale School


The consultation was short, with figures etc fired at you with no evidence to back them up. Not enough time for enough relevant questions to be asked.



I work in a school in the Whitby area and have children who have gone through the education system.  I have no axe to grind but I do want a secondary education that we can be proud of for all students in our catchment area. A school on one or more sites should be the best possible community resource and I think that one school can offer more than 2 separate schools in terms of wider choice for our students. It will allow us to spend more money directly on our students and less on 3 sites, duplication of staff roles and duplication of resources.  Recruitment of school staff in Whitby is notoriously hard. Both schools have great staff who will move on to well deserved promotions elsewhere. People who are looking for the career progression that a larger school could provide. What a loss it will be to our school community when they leave, as they inevitably will.  I look at the experience and skills across both schools and it really feels like there is momentum building towards forming one great school. Individually we have gaps, struggle with long term absences and have talented people who are underused. Together we would have a staff who could cover all eventualities, a teaching body large enough to swallow short term staffing issues and provide more opportunities for talented people to blossom and progress.  I genuinely believe that we could create something that we would all be really proud of: One school that we would shout from the rooftops about. Students who have real curriculum choice because the school is big enough. A thriving sixth form that all staff from both schools take ownership of. Expertise shared easily to benefit generations. I also believe that, if we don’t take the initiative now, then it will be years before it happens, to the detriment of the whole community.


Caedmon College Whitby







Caedmon College Whitby





The proposal shouldn't have happened. It is illegal and need a judicial review. Those responsible for this proposal need to be held accountable. It will cause a major traffic issue and danger to children. Education and mental health will suffer for a generation that have already been hit hard by covid and home schooling. No solid answers have been given as to how the amalgamation will be handled without causing harm to pupils. Lies have been told. Our children are not a commodity, they deserve the very best this town can provide and keeping both schools will offer that. Where does this end? Primary amalgamations? Exacrly which school is west cliff planning to merge with as it spends a quarter of a million on a new dining and assembly hall when it is the only primary school with a standalone diner. I thiught schools were struggling financially?? Time for some honesty and for the wsp governors to resign before our children's future is ruined


Other primary school


A larger text box to be able to proof read with ease





Eskdale School







Caedmon College Whitby


Seems to have been no consideration of other alternative solutions to the problem with no explanation as to why, questions put to the board were not answered or the relevant chairperson did not seem to have the information which I feel is unacceptable when dealing with an issue which could affect this town for generations to come.



I am absolutely fully in favour. It should have happened years ago. The two current Whitby secondary schools are too small to offer the range of support and opportunities that the students of Whitby deserve.







I have one child currently in year 9 and one in year 4. I understand why they are proposing to amalgamate the schools, I don’t see how it’s viable to keep all 3 sites open. What I hope is that there are guarantees that there is going to be sufficient resources if the amalgamation takes place - room in classrooms, reasonable class sizes, qualified teachers , no problems with catering, safe pick up/ drop off points for parents …


Caedmon College Whitby





The governing body is not a legal federation in the eyes of the dfe therefore the amalgamation should not take place. Money from 11-16 education has been diverted away to the 6th form and to pay for an unnecessary exec head, while Eskdale is left with no head of science and other departments depleted. Its mismanagement and will only get worse.


West cliff school





It's wrong eskdale is a brilliant school when left to its own ethos, the governors have never understood that and have tried to make it a mini caedmon. WHERE is the money coming from if they close eskdale? The primary schools??? They have taken everything from Eskdale and treated the brilliant staff horribly.

Ex pupil

Eskdale School





Illegal make up of governors, only 4 made the decision, the federation is not recognised by DfE, there is no care for the children this is money based. No honesty, or transparency. No accountability. The governors have no answers unless it's from a script. There is no plan it's wishful thinking. Millions of pounds have been wasted since 2019 on a pipe dream 6th form. Hundreds of thousands of pounds has been diverted away from Eskdale to bank roll the federation ie caedmon staff and the 6th form. Eskdale has been used as a cash cow, now that's run dry it's of no use. Amalgamation is a quick fix that covers the mistakes. Our children deserve better they deserve a long term fix which is about the education not covering up for people in a position of trust. The children have been let down and this proposal will let down thousands more.


West cliff,  Wooden horse nursery & ex Eskdale x2





It's ridiculous, selfish, and most definitely not in the best interests of the children and their education, its a money making scheme for them and so they can build houses because we all know they have a relationship with the proposed company who want to build shockingly priced houses that we dont need for outsiders, they or you do not cate about the children or community i don't even think you should have turned old caedmon into a sith form and whitby school into caedmon,all schools wete fine and substantial the way they were, maybe you should consider going back to that, but you wont you just want to line your pockets with money cause of pure greed.


Caedmon College Whitby


Yeah grow up and think of the kids, there education and the fact of all the accidents this will cause with such busy roads to cross, and believe me there will be accidents, could you live with yourselves if a child lost there lufe cause of your stupid proposal, think about that and if you think you can then your in the wrong job to start with.



Re: Proposal to amalgamate Caedmon College and Eskdale School from 1 September 2024 resulting in the closure of Eskdale School, Whitby. 

We would like to request an immediate full and transparent review of the future of education in the Whitby catchment area before any decision is made and a school closure is considered. The evidence to support the present proposal does not demonstrate that this has been carried out prior to submitting the above request. We fully understand the financial constraints on running and maintaining three school buildings, but the reasoning behind the closure proposed is flawed to say the least. The long term plan must ultimately lead to one purpose built, energy efficient school, if the maximum amount of funding is to be retained for educational purposes. 

Whitby is the ninth largest town in North Yorkshire, an urban settlement situated in a sparsely populated rural area with very limited educational and skills training for the over 16's, and very limited free public transport for school aged children. We wish to ensure a fully informed proposal can be made by the council, governors, parents and the community, prior to any school closure being recommended if this is deemed necessary.

We are somewhat surprised that the same suggestion for closing Eskdale school has been submitted

once again as this was overruled on the previous two occasions (cira 2010 & 2016). Why in all this

time have North Yorkshire County Council and the School Governors, with the help of the

community, not prepared a plan for the future of sustainable education in this catchment area


·         The decline in school numbers has been known for some time

·         The age of the buildings (1912, 1953 & 1963) means they are expensive to maintain and difficult to heat

·         Educational standards in this areas are below the North Yorkshire and national levels

·         Virtually all skills and adult education has now ceased in Whitby & District

We would urge the Executive team reviewing the above proposal to visit all the schools in Whitby and assess for themselves what is required in the short term, but bear in mind the long term needs of this area if we want to make North Yorkshire a success.

We would ask for the following points to be taken into consideration when making a decision:

1.Where is the Council/governor’s long term plan for education and skills training in the Whitby catchment area, including the possibility of academisation of the schools?  The present proposal appears not to have fully considered all options, the facts and figures presented are questionable and the lack of consultation and communication has been appalling and appears to make a mockery of the new NY Council’s proposals to “Let’s Talk” and work with communities.

2.Will this proposal and the lack of a long term plan have a detrimental effect on parents, who may deide to use alternative schools outside Whitby, thus losing further pupils?  Will this also lead toa loss of qualified teachers because of the uncertainty of the future for education and skills training in this area?

2. What are the Council and our MP doing to ensure fair funding is available for education and skills training in North Yorkshire, particularly in the more deprived areas such as Whitby catchment area? there has been a total lack of funding in this area for many years demonstrated by the old school buildings, failing educational standards and financial issues, and a lack of skills and adult education.

3. The failure of Governing body to comply with the NYCC and Government guidelines, following the formation of the Whitby Secondary Partnership in 2019 and their own revised “Instrument of Government” Effective from 20th September 2022 is of major concern. The lack of communication and transparency should have been apparent to NYCC, and again this fails to engender trust in this organisation and therefore brings into question the validity of the proposal.

4. The documented financial and pupil population evidence did not appear to stand up to questioning. The figures should have been clearly presented for all three sites to determine which site should close, as Eskdale site does not appear to be the problem, but the cost of running a sixth form with only 130 pupils is a massive issue. The forecast did not include additional costs of running a split site school, the costs of employing more skilled teachers for the sixth form, all the future recruitment will be extremely challenging due to the cost of buying or renting properties in Whitley, nor did it include costs for travel between schools etc.

5. Where is the health and wellbeing assessment for all our young people, including SENS pupils for this proposal? This is of KEY Important following the difficulties experienced in education during the COVID-19 outbreak and the effect this will have on educational standards for a number of years to come. The proposal has also failed to consider the negative effects of a split site such as lost pupil/teacher time & health and safety issues resulting from school transfers which involve crossing one major road through Whitby.

6. The closure of a school could have massive impact on green spaces and access for the community to playing pitches in Whitby. What assessment has been made to ensure all new legislation covering playing field's, green spaces, biodiversity and climate change have been considered, as the present proposal does not retain the best sports facilities from the three schools, and those used by the Community groups?

7. Has a review being carried out on the validity of the Maritime Hub, and whether this money will be better invested in educational and skills training (including a Maritime Academy) Benefiting all local people, keeping young people in our local schools and utilising an existing school building? This money could be used to start an Academy commencing with the sixth form, and the maritime and fishing training, allowing the skills training to be built up over a number of years and could incorporate suggestions from point 12. The Executive Head suggested a seven year plan was needed, would the sixth form continued to be viable throughout a seven year programme to increase skills training or would this result in another school closure. The site considered best for this facility is the Caedmon – Normanby site, allowing the Scoresby site with the better sports facilities to be utilised for the 11-16 year old pupils.

8.  Has an assessment been carried out with regards to increased traffic congestion if the present proposal is progressed and the lack of safe walking and cycling routes throughout Whitby & District?  Are the risks reduced with alternative proposals?

9. Has an assessment been made on the risks to the Esk Valley train line for the community if further children opt out of Whitby schools?

10.  Has the  effect of the changes proposed been reviewed against the York and North Yorkshire’s Route Map to Carbon Negative which includes fifteen minutes neighbourhoods, distance to learn, reduction in car usage etc?

11. Has digital connectivity to our catchment area and schools been reviewed to ensure full advantage can be taken of future technology such as metaverse training with regard to sixth form, skills and adult training?

12. Whitby has a lack of community halls, schools are very under-utilised, therefore can they not be multi-purposed to provide further community facilities, start-up hubs, development units etc?

13. The change of name for any school should only be carried out when the "Long Term Plan for Whitby Education" has been finally agreed to ensure future changes such as academisation is not then proposed. The cost of living crisis is affecting many parents and to add to the financial strain through changing school uniforms is totally uncalled for at this time.

We look forward to hearing from you.


Whitby Community Network





I write as a permanent resident of Whitby but without any personal interest in the school. My children are adults, and my grandchildren live and are educated many miles from Whitby.

I have however had a professional interest in Whitby schools because, until 2022 and for four years, I was Chair of the North Yorkshire Coast Opportunity Area, a social mobility initiative funded by the Department for Education and which sought, with some modest success, to improve educational and other outcomes for children on the coast.

The financial challenges facing Whitby schools became well known to me and to the Opportunity Area Board. We were particularly concerned that the extreme financial challenges facing the secondary schools in Whitby, exacerbated by unusually low numbers of children joining the Caedmon Sixth Form from Eskdale, threatened the existence of a sixth form in Whitby. My Board were clear that a flourishing sixth form was crucial if Whitby children, in larger numbers, were to fulfil their educational potential.

Accordingly, my Board made its biggest capital investment in the four years of its existence to re-locate the sixth form in a new site between Eskdale and Caedmon and North Yorkshire Council generously matched that investment.

But four years later the financial challenges facing the schools have not eased and it appears very clear that failing to make this amalgamation will result in a poverty of curriculum for Whitby children from 11 to 18; may once again threaten the existence of a sixth form in Whitby; and lead to Whitby having two poor, possibly inadequate, secondary schools rather than one good (and potentially outstanding) school.

I consider it vital for the children of Whitby that the amalgamation takes place. The only caveat I would offer is that some of the income - which will proceed from the sale of the Eskdale site - should be used to improve the facilities at the sixth form site. It needs further investment to make itself attractive to more children contemplating their 16-18 futures.







I wish to respond to the current consultation about the merger of the above schools. I live in the town but I’m not a parent. I was however previously a governor of Whitby Community College. And I know something about parental influences on school selection, the research thesis for my PhD, obtained in XXXX studied that phenomenon.


My research taught me that the emotion around the future of secondary education in Whitby is not untypical. Parents across England and Wales often hold opinions and prejudices about secondary schools which are not informed by current evidence. Here in Whitby, the passion of some Eskdale parents who want to retain Eskdale as a separate school is touching. But it is not informed by some stark realities:


•           Whitby cannot continue to have two secondary schools, each of which is significantly under-utilised. The most optimistic assumptions about growth in pupil numbers will not remove the under-utilisation of spaces which is currently at more than 40%;

•           If the three site arrangements continue, then it will only be possible to achieve financial stability with significant reductions in staffing, which will inevitably lead to poorer outcomes for children; and

•           the governors’ commendable and necessary ambition to deliver a broader curriculum cannot be achieved when two schools are being operated across three sites;


High quality secondary education is vital to the future of Whitby children. Regrettably, the choice here is between having;



•           two 11-16 schools, and a small shared sixth form, each of which will probably deteriorate in terms of Ofsted judgements and outcomes for children. The sixth form may have to close; or 

•           or one financially stable 11-18 school with a broader curriculum, able to attract more subject specialists, and with the potential to become an outstanding school.









Eskdale School





I understand the frustration of parents when their children have to go through such a traumatic process of moving schools.  Having read the proposal it does, however, seem a sensible proposal for delivering a better curriculum and to reduce finances



Don't know




NYCC needs to do a consultation on the needs of the whole area for schooling, adult education and training that needs to involve the whole catchment area, closing Eskdale is a short term decision for financial reasons caused mainly by the sixth form College having so few pupils. No account has been given for the reduction in private car use as has just been announced as one of NYCC main objectives for the whole area. NYCC (or whatever NYCC is now being named!) needs to look at all the needs of the whole area of which education is an important consideration but not one that should be looked at in isolation of all other local needs. It would make sense to put in for a "Project Adjustment Request" to the levelling up board to amalgamate the proposed maritime centre on Endeavour Wharfe (which will only sink as there is no solid ground for it to be built on to a depth of at least 60') with the existing schools to utilise the existing school buildings and not to knock down Eskdale school which will happen if it is closed, reusing buildings rather than rebuilding is another aspect that the government is encouraging to reduce carbon footprints across the UK.  Congestion on the main road into Whitby at arrival and departure times outside the old Sixth form College is bad enough at the moment (queues all the way back to beyond Four Lane ends roundabout) but will become intolerable if the schools are combined onto 2 sites. It is stated that there will be no more buses and cars caused by the amalgamation this is true, but what is not said is that all the vehicles will be concentrated on one site and not split as the case is at the moment. Pupils are not being given any consideration especially after having just come out of "covid", they need choice for a lot of reasons, has anyone researched how close the average distance is between such schools in the UK is if a pupil needs to find a new school, if being at the school they are at becomes unacceptable to them for whatever reaso


Looking at education for not only Whitby but for the whole catchment area including down the valleys





Because of the surplus places, both in the two secondary schools and in the catchment area primary schools, and the consequent effect on budgets, the conclusion that the amalgamation must go ahead is unavoidable. However, the blame for the current crisis rests with the LEA for not anticipating the problem and avoiding the drift that appears to have been taking place for many years. The decline of the sixth form and the loss of students for both academic and vocational subjects to other towns, is a problem which needs a solution, so far not specified in the consultation documents. I feel very strongly that the timing of this amalgamation for parents and students is terrible, as this cohort has suffered badly through Covid and lockdowns and the current cost-of-living crisis. If the consultation results in amalgamation, special funding should be put in place to assist parents with the costs and pressures of transition. Also, further discussion should take place about the site selection and sustainability of the buildings. It is my view that  future generations of young people growing up in Whitby should be entitled to expect better, both in terms of teaching and learning, but also to be taught in a new, purpose-built, energy-efficient secondary school fit for the twenty-first century.

NYCC Councillor, representing Whitby Streonshalh division.

NYCC Councillor, representing Whitby Streonshalh division.





Numbers of pupils attending school in Whitby has been declining for many years, I believe that amalgamating the schools is the best way forward to continue to provide the best education for our children. Our children deserve the best education opportunities like children else where in the country - rather than being in financially restricted schools. The ideal long term solution would be for a new school to be built on the sixth form site where there is plenty of room, thus the sixth form building(which is in the best state of repair)  could be maintained whilst a new 11-16 building would be built to complement the towns educational offering. You only have to cross over the county boarder into Redcar & Cleveland to see endless new build schools - do our children not deserve such an environment to receive their education in? However, that being said and acknowledging that it isn’t likely to happen, my son’s secondary education journey has taken him through Caedmon College and on into Whitby sixth form and I can only praise the staff for their dedication and the level of education they have provided him with. A prime example being how they dealt with the Covid school closures - their forward thinking outlook to IT ensured they already had the capacity to deliver online lessons/tutorials, supporting the students through difficult & uncertain times - both for students working from home and those who went into College. Such was their embedded use of Google classroom/chrome books they were able to provide devices for all students who needed one - ensuring no one was left isolated at home. They were even able to loan devices out to other schools in the town helping them support their students. There was always staff in College each and every day, their dedication was remarkable. That dedication and support came at a vital point of my son’s education keeping him focused and engaged with his studies. When it came to choosing a sixth form he did look at his options, but was a


Caedmon College Whitby





I have thought long and hard before submitting my views. In 2016 I was part of the march to save Eskdale, and brought a group of East Whitby children to sing their protest song at the consultation meeting. The feeling of community spirit was incredible and the 'fight' was shared across students, parents, community - and staff. However - this time feels very different. The group fighting for choice in Whitby have many of the same - valid - points as before. But....the finances, as in many schools, just don't add up for the school structure to continue as it is. I can see that it is time for change. Having been on a governing board which federated 2 local primary schools a few years ago, I have seen the financial and professional benefits which then give a much better deal for the students. Eskdale & Caedmon coming even further together, as one school, should ideally create a fantastic opportunity for Whitby to consolidate and move ahead with it's secondary offer. no point since the announcement in January have the staff of the 2 schools been brought together to seek their opinion, advice, logistical knowledge, etc, etc on how this merger could work in practice. Instead, there is a feeling that they are being kept deliberately apart and are discouraged from talking to each other. If some of this professional discussion had already occurred, Mr ##### and the governors would not only have been provided with some of the answers to questions asked at the consultation meetings but also would have been more likely to have a supportive staff who were onboard with the proposal in the audience to shout for them too. This is a huge missed opportunity for a) treating staff with the respect they deserve, b) valuing their input, c) realising that as the people who will have to make this work on the ground from Sept 2024 surely consulting them beforehand would be beneficial to the whole process, d) as a consultation involving all stakeholders why miss out this argua

Parent of Y9 (Eskdale) & Y5; spouse of Eskdale teacher; primary teacher & Chair of Governors.

Eskdale, East Whitby Academy, & Fylingdales & Hawsker primary schools (Heritage Coast Federation).

Don't know




Firstly NYCC and the governing body of both schools need a full and independent governance investigation lead by an independent regulatory company such as Bevan Britain’s as procedures, policy have not been followed by either the governing body of the school (where there are several conflicts of interest) and NYCC.  This needs to be done as a matter of urgency and their findings published and disclosed to the public.    Both NYCC and the governing body have behaved in an appalling and embarrassing manner.  The education system in Whitby has been beyond repair for some years, lack of funding,  lack of strategic leadership on NYCC part as well have created an unsustainable system of two secondaries.    I am a parent of children who will be in the next five years accessing secondary provision in Whitby.   I am also a middle leader in a local special school and have been a teacher  for the last 18 years.  Five of those years I had the pleasure of accessing both primary and secondary schools in Whitby and the surrounding areas as part of my role at NYCC so feel like I got to know the locality well.    I am not against the amalgamation of both schools at all.  I fell that this is what needs to happen eventually as two schools in a small town are not sustainable.    My issue is the quality of provision.  I feel that the next generation of children deserve better than what Whitby has to offer at present.  The. buildings on both sites are not fit for purpose and will need a significant amount of wasted investment.  The quality of teachers given the recruitment crisis on the coast is a significant worry!  As a teacher its an expensive area to live in and we just aren’t and can’t attract staff to the area when house prices are so elevated and more recently the rise of interest rates making it impossible for young ECT’s and more experienced staff to afford a family home in the area.   Whilst I have said I am not against the amalgamation what I am against is the lack of future p


Lythe School





Having attended both public consultation meetings, I was so say the least flabbergasted at the lack of vision and the complete lack of consideration for both the students and parents of Whitby and the surrounding area. To label this meeting as a consultation was a complete misrepresentation and comprised of a presentation by the governors of WSP trying to justify their decision. IT WAS NOT A CONSULTATION!  I would request that due to the reasons below that North Yorkshire should reject the proposal by the Governors of the WSP to close Eskdale School, and instead discuss with ALL parties concerned a long term plan for the students and parent of Whitby that will see them have the top class education provision in the area that they deserve.  Firstly, WSP governors seem unable to provide evidence of considering any other option when clearly other alternatives exist, and these should be equally considered.  Secondly the governors have been less than forthcoming in providing information to support there proposal, which begs the question of what they are trying to hide. Have they really looked at all options and CONSULTED ALL RELEVANT PARTIES, which I would have thought would have been a prerequisite for any proposal.  It is clear from the continuing decline in numbers of students attending Whitby 6th form, that to continue with this provision as it stands is the biggest cause of the financial situation that WSP finds itself in. The governors have provided little if any information on how they propose to make this a viable provision in the future and attract the numbers of students required to make this sustainable.  IF a limited number of 6th form courses are deemed necessary then there should be sufficient space on the Scoresby site to facilitate this alongside the 11-16 provision. Alternatively if this is not possible, make use of the old St Hilda’s school directly over the footbridge which would be a quicker and safer alternative to students/staff, than having to cross




Can I suggest somebody looks up the word CONSULTATION. This was not



I do not agree with the proposed amalgamation of Eskdale School and Caedmon College which would result in the closure of Eskdale School. I do not agree because I think that it would reduce the amount of opportunities available to the pupils who attend due to the number of pupils on the amalgamated site. I worry about the safety and security of a site which already has issues with traffic and car parking, and the effect which this will have on pupils moving around the site and being able to safely arrive and leave the site at the beginning and end of the school day. I feel that the procedures around safeguarding would be harder to support in a school of the proposed size. I feel that the sixth form would not attract  any more students if the amalgamation was to proceed as students would still seek a broader, more experienced sixth form education, outside of the town as they have been doing for years and having it supposedly under just one name will make very little, if any, difference to pupil numbers. Eskdale is a unique school, it offers support to the children who attend there with it's own character, making children proud to attend there and of the young adults which they are growing into. It would be a real shame to lose such a valued educational establishment, which does the best for the children who attend there, to try to make all the children attend just one site.


Eskdale School





I do not want the joining of the schools to take place, I want Eskdale School to remain open.


Eskdale School





We moved to the area in 1998 due to my husband's work after leaving the military.  Work was in Middlesbrough but one of the key deciding factors for choosing to live in this area was that our 2 daughters would be able to attend Eskdale school.  We had visited the school as part of our decision making process on where to live and even when my husband's work took him down south, we chose to remain living here whilst he travelled each week, so that our girls could continue their education at Eskdale.  Both our daughters thrived at Eskdale under the headship of Mr #######.  One daughter was very artistic and musical and the other keen on academic subjects such as history and English, and at Eskdale their strengths were encouraged and any lesser abilities nurtured.  The ethos at Eskdale was one of a caring, family centred school, with Mr ####### knowing all his pupils by name and indeed their parents too. At that time there was a healthy rivalry between Eskdale and Caedmon schools and this rivalry encouraged excellence academically, in sports and creatively and indeed Eskdale was recognised for various achievements both locally and nationally.  We now have two grandchildren attending Eskdale with a further three to hopefully follow in their footsteps.  Our grandchildren's parents chose to stay living in Whitby so that their children could attend Eskdale school.  We fully supported those who fought so hard to prevent Eskdale's closure when the previous attempt at closure was made, and now here we are again.  Choice is important. We understand that there is a huge issue surrounding the quality of secondary education in Whitby which needs careful consideration with options properly researched and considered rather than a knee jerk reaction of 'let’s sell Eskdale, that will solve all the problems'.  Both Eskdale and Caedmon currently have their own problems, which, it is very apparent, the leadership from the top down has failed to address.  Lumping both schools togeth


Eskdale School


Transparency from the Governors and hierarchy, well thought out information and planning and consideration given to all options available.



I feel both schools need some help from NYCC as Eskdale in particular has very few staff currently.  My daughter is at Eskdale and tried Caedmon out to see if she wanted to move schools. She decided to go back to Eskdale and I feel for children to have a choice is the right thing. Both schools do have issues as I think most people in Whitby know but amalgamation is not the way forward. I cannot understand why we have a "super head" Mr ###### as such an astronomical cost to the schools but we don't have funding for more teachers. It upsets me to think that this all comes down to money when we waste vast sums on this "head" of both schools.  The governors need some serious looking into as the opaque way things have been dealt with are quite frankly shocking. I do hope the right decision is made but quite honestly I haven't much faith in the system anymore. Thankyou for reading this piece.


Eskdale School





This proposal is not in the best interests of the children of whitby. Especially those children who have transferred from Caedmon to eskdale because of bullying. These children will be forced back into a school where they will be unhappy and more than likely suffer because of it. The traffic that will be caused because of the merger will be catastrophic on an already busy junction, and pose a higher risk to the children's safety. Instead of spending money on a new school, why can't the funds be used to support two smaller schools that already exist and give our children a better choice of education.


Eskdale School





I am totally against this i vote to keep eskdale as my children will be attending in the future









Eskdale School


I object to the merger in its current form for the following reasons: - it’s done for the wrong reasons ie financial and not because it will deliver for current and future children - The decision (to consult) has been a rash one, without asking stakeholders for their ideas first, therefore stakeholders and the community feels “bulldozed “ into this as it looks like a “done deal” - The amalgamation will lead to job losses and therefore setting staff from both schools against each other as they are competing for the same jobs. It will therefore be an almost impossible task to build a happy school community while huge amounts of frustration, anger and disappointment are around. In the meantime, many of the best staff are likely to leave before Sept 2024 to escape this poisonous atmosphere, leaving a skills gap in an area where highly qualified/able teachers are difficult to recruit anyway.  - The proposed new school will feel much too big (bigger than average in England) for 11 year olds coming from very small (much smaller than average) village schools. It will feel very impersonal and intimidating to children as they’ll among over 1000 strangers! - There will not be enough capacity (actual physical space, playing fields etc on Normanby site) even if there are sufficient number of school places (on paper!) - The proposed new school will not be a new school but a take-over in all but name by CCW, seeing that Eskdale school has been forced to adopt many of the same admin procedures for some time now.   Reasons to keep the status quo: - Eskdale is a highly valued caring school which has a proven track record looking after particularly vulnerable children and those with SEND needs. The smaller school environment suits those children better - Eskdale pupil numbers were due to pick up after the departure of a very unpopular headteacher, easing predicted pressures on the budget - unless money is made available for a a proper new school with new premises on a site with



One school is going to be far too big. Eskdale is a fantastic school and should be saved







Save eskdale School for the current and future generations of Whitby children, listen to the community







I want to attend Esdale school and the thought of one big school together with all the bullies is a real worry to me







Yes I do I think it's wrong and not meeting the needs of children at all


Eskdale School





This proposal is so wrong. If NYCC and the governors had not wasted so much money paying for an Exec Head, who was there to replace a bullying and wholly incompetent Head put on gardening leave, in addition to a tribunal payout for a scapegoated employee, an Interim Head and an Acting Head then maybe we wouldn’t be in this financial mess. You ignored the previous Head’s bullying and incompetence for years and we are still suffering the consequences. Some of the very people who refused to help us (governors and NYCC HR) are now making decisions about our future, when they have proven themselves incapable of safeguarding children or staff. They are completely untrustworthy. It’s funny how NYCC can carry out a safeguarding review of both schools after public comments in a meeting and yet when we were begging for help and flagging the previous Head’s bullying and incompetence, neither the Governors nor NYCC engaged with us in any meaningful sense. The 6th form continues to fail, despite us being ordered to promote it at every opportunity, because the children want choice and quality. There are highly competitive alternatives a few miles away, so unless you plan on bettering what they offer, it’s never going to be a huge success. It is wrong to sacrifice one school to prop up this failing enterprise. The proposed amalgamation will do nothing to solve the problems in Whitby.


Eskdale School












I don't believe that Eskdale & Caedmom should be amalgamated. I was an Eskdale student 2014-2019, and the only reason Eskdale was a choice for me was because I was heavily bullied in primary school, and NOBODY else from my year group was going, mostly because we were. I was on the Westside so Caedmom would have been th closer choice by far, but we chose what was in my best interest. The schools both have their own unique points that make them a good school. Eskdale has a fantastic music and drama sector, that I was massively involved in. When I was a student we were the first year that was kept on post year 9, and the school felt crowded by the time there was 7-11 in there. I couldn't even imagine how packed an amalgamated site would be. Way too many pupils in one space. It's also a concern for wellbeing I think, teachers need smaller class sizes , not only for them teaching & the safeguarding, but so 1:1 relationships can be formed, one of the only ways a teacher can notice a difference Inna student, weather it be from home problems, mental health issues etc will be from knowing & remembering them, so they can identify what is abnormal. If teachers have double the students this won't happen and more studenys will fly under the radar unsupported. This will obviously affect attendance etc so it's bad for everyone involved. There's also the concern of the previous college site having more pupils in it (the original sixth form building on Mayfield), I never attended this school but I was apart of the taxi route that went there, and parking was a nightmare. The chaos caused to Mayfield road with all the coaches ( there would be double the coaches if you amalgamate) is a massive risk to drivers, and all pedestrians which 90% of which are children, who maybe haven't developed their road safety skills yet. The site blocks up a main road & main exit route for Whitby, whereas Eskdale has a better road infrastructre in place to cope better with the traffic. Don't amalgamate.

Previous student, Whitby local.

Eskdale School


You need to use multiline boxes instead of text boxes for this form. I configure these for a living and using this website isn't the nicest experience, use a range of field types instead better suited to the info you need .



This should not go ahead. It is not in the best interests of the children of our town. It will cause traffic chaos too, will governors take personal responsibility should a child be killed in a traffic accident as a result of a merger???


West cliff





The plan isn’t thought through. Children have not been put first. Our town has fundraised for the 3G pitch. Caedmon is not an appropriate site. Kids need choice.


Eskdale School







Eskdale School





Yes. I am certain something needs to be done with education in Whitby. The proposals by the Governors are NOT the solution; they merely put a sticking plaster on a gaping wound. What needs to happen is that 3 or 4 different ideas are put forward, coated, discussed and THEN put forward for public interaction. We CANNOT have a short term solution that will see us all back in the same position from 2027. We MUST future-proof education in Whitby. That MIGHT NOT include a 6th Form. The amount of money that would need to be invested to get the 6th Form anywhere near the likes of Prior or Scarborough 6th Form, is vast. If there is that money already available, then why hasn’t that been used already? If that money is going to come from the sale of the Eskdale site, why hasn’t that been discussed and ring-fenced? Why hasn’t the figure included a new build? All that will happen is the money sent straight to North Yorkshire Council to plug their enormous deficit, and the scraps, if any money at all, will be left for the schools to continue to decline. The Eskdale site is the ONLY place where that can happen. It has the best outdoor facilities and space. It also has the best access. The future development of either of the other sites is difficult at best due to access or nature of the site. I honestly and passionately feel that this decision by the Govs is the wrong one. For the benefit of all involved, this process needs to be stopped and a PROPER plan put in place. The impact that this decision has had on staff is immense. We are trying our best whilst wading through treacle with clown shoes on. It is so hard to keep morale high and our chins up when decisions are being made on our future careers and we’re not allowed to have a part in it. The Govs have spoken to us as a staff twice. Both times we were left with more questions than answers. It feels like they don’t have any either. Please, from the bottom of my heart, see sense. This cannot go ahead in its current form.


Eskdale School


I don’t understand how you have let it go ahead in its current form. This is not a consultation. It is one, half hearted idea that been made as a knee jerk reaction. A proper consultation puts forward the costings for a RANGE of ideas, with their pros and cons clearly identified and possible solutions thought through. This does not meet those requirements.



The year should the amalgamation go ahead I will be in my final year at school sitting my  GCSE and worried that be force to move school and have change teachers will affect my grades , I am  happy at eskdale school


Eskdale School







Eskdale School





I am a parent of a sen child I am very concerned about my child if this amalgamation takes place! My child will not cope in a massive school with thousand Students! Whitby needs choice one school does not fit all seeing what happens in other area merging schools had failed! Why is this one so differentt why do we need one school when two schools irks quite well! Why have all these headteachers what do they all actually do apart from take big fat pay checks home! Reduce the management put that money back into the schools! They are building hundreds of houses in Whitby what’s going to happen in a few years time when the school is full to capacity!! We need more facts and figures about why this is a good idea and why now!


Eskdale School







Eskdale School


1. Why was a decision taken by four governors counted as legal. That is not a quorum especially as two share the co chair. The federation is not registered and therefore these governors should have no jurisdiction to call for amalgamation. 2.Tthere are known drug and bullying problems at Caedmon school which have gone on for many years and this has never been addressed by Senior Management. More than I originally realised after listening to the pupils who spoke at the open evening meeting. One had had broken bones an another had been sexually assaulted. 3 We chose Eskdale School because of the ethos of the school. It has VERY CARING and passionate staff who really look after the welfare of the children there. In my experience with two of my grandchildren, this was not the case at Caedmon, where their answer to special needs was either isolation or detention. Never did they think out of the box.One of my grandsons suffered badly with his mental health because of this .Eskdale is very precious to our local community and the children are one happy family and are nurtured there. Please do not detroy our childrens lives by closing this wonderful school. 4.I am very concerned about the pick up and drop off points one of which is on one of the busiest main roads coming into Whitby. An accident waiting to happen!!! the back entrance is so congested the residents are up in arms now so it will be much worse with 400 more students. 5.There is a massive lack of outdoor space at Caedmon so how are they going to accommodate the extra 400 students? 6. If the students have to use both sites for lessons at least 20 minutes per lesson of learning time lost over 38 weeks. That is a unacceptable!! 7. Knowing the present governors I would expect that they will try to academise to fill their own pockets, that means no Ofsted Inspection...No good for our children. 8.NO CHOICE...IS NO COMPETITION   ... THAT GIVES POOR OUTCOMES!!!!!! 9.We all know that the sixth form is a financial drain on



I understand there are financial implications around running the two sites however the proposal lacks key details that help people make a proper informed decision about this.   Firstly - what are the differences between the two schools, what are their characters? Why do people move their children from one to the other?   Strengthening the curriculum is important but again there is no detail on what this would actually mean.   The decision would take away people's choice and just one head would mean just one school ethos in the town and it's surrounding areas.  There is currently no decision on the playing fields at Eskdale and again this is a key consideration - this resource is well used, including by the village primary schools.   I also feel strongly that the consultation has been focused on whitby and this will impact children across a number of outlying villages - there has been no meetings about this outside of town at all. I also understand that schools and academy trusts have been advised not to get involved in the consultation - they are really important partners in our education landscape and will have better insights than a lot of people about what is needed to create a thriving secondary school system.


Oakridge Community School

Don't know

Engage with the key partners and allow them to have their say as a interested and expert stakeholder.  Engage better with the primary schools outside of Whitby.  Give further detail about what the proposal entails.





Eskdale School


I chose Eskdale school because it was smaller and the teachersxwere all really nice. I icanecgrom a small village school and was made to feel really safe and I' am really happy at Eskdale l



The whole process has been a sham. Proposal made by only 4 people of WSP which isn't even  a legally constituted Governing body. The few questions that were answered at the Public Consultation were all lies and most are confirmed now the confidential minutes have finally been released 3 says before the Consultation deadline.

Grandparent / tax payer to NYCC

Eskdale School


Tell the truth .



I feel I am under informed to be able to comment much about it. As a parent of children in a feed school I don't feel there has been much effort made to help inform me about the pros and cons. This makes me feel cynical about the motivations for the proposed changes.



Don't know

I feel that those involved in the proposals and consultation could be making more effort to help people like myself understand what is being proposed and why. Like myself most of us are very busy and have very little experience with the education system apart from our own time in school and that of our children. For me personally my children are still only a few years into their school careers and my focus has been on making sure they are comfortable, engaged and confident with it. I do not have a good grasp of what is coming next and you are now asking me to make decisions about how that may change in a significant way. It seems unfair to expect me to be able to digest this and be happy with my own stance.  I would expect much more public (parent) engagement.  I look forward to it.



I strongly disagree with this proposal to amalgamate these two schools. I have watched closely how this proposal has been moving forward and it is clear that this consultation process has not been fair as clearly things have been hidden and continue to be so given that the minutes from Whitby secondary partnership having  been so heavily censured. What is being hidden that could affect the proposal decision, is it that actually keeping Eskdale school open would actually be the sensible thing to do!  At the consultation meeting it was stated that none of Eskdales money was used for the 6 th form , clearly new information shows differently and infact £30,000 went there with further £70,000 going to the WSP , that explains why Eskdale hasn’t had their head of Science position replaced. Also if the schools were so badly in debt then why employ a single member of staff on a salary of £100,000 plus? It is a fact that student numbers had temporary slipped at Eskdale due in part by management problems and how the situation was then handled by the governors , however given the amount of new housing being built in the Whitby area its common sense to assume that student numbers will rise. Closing Eskdale school will go against everything the community fought for both in 2015/16 and currently. I believe it has a part to play in educating students of secondary age in Whitby, as a medium size school it suits the needs of many including many SEND kids. It has a playground , fields and all weather newly built 3 G pitch and garden areas which provide a quiet area for those students who need that. It also has a turning circle which allows students to alight from buses into the immediate safety of the school grounds. It has the added benefit of an over flow car park.  Facts and figures have been banded around but actually they appear not to tell the whole story ,there is no mention of the costs to upgrade Caedmon college to accommodate the extra students they not been shown to the pub

Relative and former student

Eskdale School





The amalgamation should not go ahead for the following reasons:  1) Children need a choice - college aged students can travel to Scarborough or Teesside but those who are 11-16 should not have to. The 6th form provision is failing to attract students and the current and projected numbers could be accommodated within Caedmon and close one of their sites leaving a choice for the town and surrounding areas. Children chose their secondary school based on people they wanted to avoid - throwing them back together is going to be damaging for mental health.  2) Governors should be removed and replaced now and the process stopped. They have no right to do this as the WSP is not legally recognised and they are not fit for purpose.  WSF is running a French A-level for the Chair of Governor's daughter and one other student (who spoke at the public meeting) whereas other courses could not run due to low numbers! This is a hideous abuse of power. If the governors, NYCC and the LADO had acted on staff concerns regarding systematic bullying and aggression happening in Eskdale over the last 4 years then they would not have had to pay out the previous head teacher his gardening leave, the uplift for the Deputy Head wages and for an additional head teacher to be in school 2-3 days a week for two terms.  They suspended a member of staff and had a lengthy legal battle - is this the reason for Eskdale being chosen to be closed to claw back some of that expense? The governors also brought in an Executive-Head in a term earlier than the post was advertised for on a massive wage that is an insult to staff on the ground who are in his words 'wearing many hats'! This is due to staff leaving and posts not being advertised. These are the reasons for the significant finance concerns and if they admitted the Exec-head post was a mistake and allowed two heads to do the job they are employed to do then both schools could start to balance their books. A recent example of a concern is the mess with t


Eskdale School


Give all stakeholders the opportunity to discuss ideas before you as a council had accepted to consult on such a proposal.  Due diligence has not been done by our incompetent volunteer governors and the damage to students, staff and families is devastating. Waiting until June is torture for all involved.





Eskdale School





I completely understand the financial reasons for the proposal. Initially I was concerned about the two secondary schools coming together to form one school, however after attending the public meeting I am convinced this is the right & only option for education in this town. It's clear that things cannot continue as they are, as the student numbers are no longer high enough to sustain two 11-16 schools.   Caedmon Year 9’s have already seen a positive change following this announcement in relation to new GCSE/BTEC options being added to the curriculum from the next school year - this is great to see.  The proposal also allows for the 6th form college to stay in its current position. Allowing these young adults the opportunity to move to this site is a perfect way to prepare them for the transition to University & beyond. They are no longer children, so to separate them from the 11-16yr old students, treat them in a way that is respectful to them as young adults. I also believe the town needs this provision as not all 16 year olds want to travel to another town in order to continue their education & I think it's very unfair if they are forced to do that. Education should be available to all students regardless of age in a town the size of Whitby.   As a fairly rural community, with lots of small schools in the villages surrounding Whitby, I think separating the 11-16yr old students from the 17-18yr olds is also the right thing to do for them. Some of the village schools have around 30 children in total attending, so when these children move to secondary education, the experience will be a daunting one for them due to the sheer volume of students at a secondary school. If 17-18yr olds were also at the school I could imagine this to be a very frightening experience for them, which for me is another reason for keeping the 6th form college on the other site. I believe having a school for 11-18yr olds in such a rural setting is the wrong thing to do.  I do appreciate why s


Caedmon College Whitby





I think they should be a immediate halt to this amalgamation proposal, and independent inquire it to how governor have carry out this proposal,  is it even legal ? Whitby secondary partnership don't not seam to existed on the D o E government website  and Eskdale and ceadmon are school in they own rights and have no links with each other on the government website? The governor have not answered any of concerns of parents students staff or local residents ,  just a few of said concerns list here , taking away students choice , road safety ,  children welfare,  the moving students halfway through Gsce  with no guarantee they will have same teacher , bullying,  drugs , school meals   ,  parents having to buy a whole new school uniform ,  the lack of sports facilities play fields at the proposal new school  and would children be expected to cross Mayfield road to assess sport facilities ? , and put nearly 1000 students in school not fit for purpose , why is a unsubcribed ( 136 students) sixth form  be afford the  luxury of a school building that can hold up 500 students ? At the cost to  11 -16 education it a total waste  money that should going to pay for much needed teachers,  why has this been allowed to happen?  Have governor explored other option ? Our  children have missed so much school due to covid and have to  be home school ,   In ideal  world a new  purposes  built school build on the outskirts of town would solve all the problems of whitby secondary school needs  ,


Eskdale School





I have so many concerns. I attended the meeting on march 8th hoping to have a detailed explanation of the plan and how it would be executed to its best to provide the children of Whitby with the best opportunity for great education and school experience. I eft with no knowledge of anything more than it would save £85k a year. my son has autism. He has had 1:1 throughout primary and has come along leaps and bounds with that help. He struggles with over crowdedness, noise and classroom environment, i.e the structure of classroom life. I have concerns as to how he will be included in a class environment with the new proposal. When the governors were questioned about this all that was repeated was that there was a sensory room. Now a sensory room is great however I have no use now that is going to be of any help to children with asd or anything else where they struggle with crowds , noise etc… at what point in the day would it be acceptable for them to be in the sensory room, how big is the sensory room, how many can go in it at once? What about when there are classroom changeovers, that is when these children are exposed to noise and crowds… are they to go to the sensory room to avoid this ? If they can’t cope in the classroom are they to go  to the sensory room. Will their be t.a’s provided in class ? Or will these children be removed from the classroom to be taught somewhere else or is this sensory room the back up plan to calm and relax them but they won’t be getting educated ? I have no idea as no outline plan or information was provided. I would like to know how they are going to feed all the children when children spoke up about how they don’t always get food because they run out. As when the school was how it used to be where it catered for 14-18 yr olds and hand abigger population to that of today the children were allowed to leave the premises  to  be fed.  please use common sense keep Eskdale & old caedmon. Providing sixth form section at caedmon site choice!


Eskdale School





Context: Resident, Parent of # school aged children, Employee of Eskdale School    Background: As a former student of the Whitby Education System, I am fully aware of the shortfalls that the transition from either Eskdale or Caedmon to Whitby School had on the young people's education. You were easily lost in the system, mainly due to the lack of relationships with teaching staff. No one knew who you were, your background or your capabilities. You left Eskdale School as a known individual and entered Whitby School as a number. When Eskdale School extended its age range to 16yrs I was overjoyed, knowing that my own children had a more stable finish to their secondary careers. The transition point at KS4 always had a detrimental impact.  As an employee of Eskdale School I have worked under # different head teachers, the ### of them was a narcissistic #### who was supported by the governing body to bully and victimize both staff and students. I was bullied by this ####, gave evidence to an “independent” panel and was then informed that myself and other staff were lying, to then demand action be taken and the ##### was put on “gardening” leave, a colleague that was unfairly dismissed be given a payout and the whole despicable and devastating experience be swept under the carpet and now this amalgamation is proposed to wipe out the whole affair. It is appalling!  I attended the public meeting and was dismayed at the lack of planning and clarity on the proposal. I have no confidence in the governing body and do not believe that they have taken any due diligence on any other proposals. If this was in the best interests of all children Whitby and its community then greater public awareness and discussion should be had.   Members of WSP were also part of the Eskdale governing body who still have not acknowledged their failings to safeguard staff and students.  Low pupil numbers. Eskdale School was a thriving school that was oversubscribed. After the change in age range famil


Eskdale School


If the question relates to the documentation provided regarding the consultation, then no it was not providing any clear plans with time scales and logistics. If it relates to how to complete the form then yes it did undertsand.




Grandparent and former pupil

Eskdale School





Proposal to Amalgamate Caedmon College Whitby and Eskdale School

I ask that you delay, reconsider and find an alternative to the decision to be made by NYCC until a full and meaningful assessment has taken place with teachers, parents, governors and the local community as they are all affected by this major proposal. The strength of feeling in the town must not be ignored. There is considerable opposition to the proposal and for a very good reason – it will not work and will not benefit the young people of Whitby. 


I have to admit to being very disappointed and alarmed at what appears to be a reluctance by the Governing Body to provided information and minutes of meetings that could help the general public to understand why the decision was made.

There seems to be many inconsistencies in the answers given at the consultations regarding the allocation of funds to the 6th form and drug abuse in the schools.


I now understand that there are no official documents held regarding the setting up of the Federation between Eskdale School and Caedmon School. Surely, if this is correct, then the proposal from the Federated Governing Body cannot be legal ??

Why wasn’t the proposal put forward by all of the Governing Body instead of 4?


The original proposal in January with an implementation date for September 2023 seems unprofessional, arrogant and ‘not thought through’. Any large organisation or business would never implement such a major proposal with such a short time scale. When the opposition became apparent the date was quickly changed to September 2024. –  Maybe the Governing Body had not anticipated the strength of the opposition – but they should have.

The process to date by the Federated Governing Body, shows how not to manage significant educational change in Whitby with a short so called ‘Consultation’ period.  When the date was changed to September 2024 the Consultation period should also have been extended.


It makes no financial sense for 136 6th form students to occupy the second largest set of buildings out of the three sites, which also has the best sporting facilities. They are receiving the equivalent of private education. I am told that at the first Consultation Meeting many people were under the impression that the Sixth Form was being financially ‘propped up’ by money from the 11-16 budgets. However, at the second meeting it was stated categorically that none of the budgets for 11-16s was being used for the Sixth Form. However, from uptodate information it would seem that Eskdale is contributing towards the 6th form. . I do not believe that a 6th form school in Whitby can compete with other specialist colleges outside Whitby.

How much is allocated per pupil in the 6th form as opposed to pupils in year 7-11 and how much does it cost to fund the 6th form?


It would seem that the ‘amalgamation’ of the two schools is actually ‘reorganisation of secondary education and post 16 education’ in Whitby. To announce in January 2023 that this major restructuring would take place in September 2023 seems ludicrous. Total restructuring must be given much more time and investigation.


Students will lose the freedom to choose a secondary school. I know many pupils who have moved schools within the town because of issues that have not been resolved.

What will happen if there is no choice? Will they end up disillusioned in a huge school? Or will they have to travel 21 miles out of the area for 11-16 education. Pupils must come first. If you live in a large town then there would be another school nearby, but the nearest school would be 21 miles away – this is not acceptable.  KEEP CHOICE


I am shocked that the proposal is to move most of the amalgamated school’s population to a congested, and dangerous site. There is no safe place to cross. An even greater number of students will have to cross Mayfield Road.. Have you seen what it is currently like on Mayfield Road (a very busy main road), especially at school times, coaches and cars dropping off pupils – chaos is not too strong a word? I travel on that road every morning and there is always a traffic jam. 


Members of the Federated Governing Body seemed to suggest at the Consultations that increasing the student population to a large school would be a good thing. I do not agree. Although a wider range of subjects at 14+ can be offered in a larger school many students thrive in a smaller school where they are known, valued, and cared about, particularly students with special educational needs. Meeting the needs of every learner is important.


This proposal has caused real concern and anxiety within the community. I have been told that many teachers are considering leaving. Many members of the community are concerned about the possible reduction in green space, the money spent on the 3G pitch, the costs associated with the appointment of an Executive Headteacher and most importantly the loss of choice at 11+.


I ask elected members to reject this proposal and require the ‘Federated Governing Body’ to consult widely before preparing a series of proposals with a completion/delivery date of September 2025. I would suggest that a Committee be formed to include people with experience of the management of change in education, with a wide skill set so that the mistakes of the recent past are not repeated.


My Suggestions:


1.         Have two 11-16 schools, one on the Eskdale Site and one on the Scoresby site (former Caedmon School).  A partnership could be formed so that resources could be shared where appropriate. I have been a Governor at Caedmon School and at WCC. When I was a Governor at Caedmon we met as a Joint Governing Body with Eskdale to share ideas and knowledge.

2.         Provide additional accommodation at the large Scoresby Site for 11-16 and separate 16-18 accommodation. This is the largest of the sites and has the best access and considerable parking.

3.         The former Whitby Grammar School, (my school from 11-18), (Normanby Site) could be sold and used for whatever is the best purpose..  Some of the money from this sale could then be allocated to the two schools for the necessary building work.



I think that the current proposal is a very short-sighted view on what is needed in Whitby.  A long term solution needs to be found that satisfies both the financial concerns and the education of future generations in Whitby. We do not want a short term fix.  I do not think that a large Whitby Sixth Form will ever happen because of the competition from the courses offered in Scarborough and Teesside. I do hope that you will listen to what local people have to say, listen to all the arguments and opinions, make the right decision for the future of education in Whitby. Make sure it is future proof.







Keep choice in Whitby & Save Eskdale School  - response attached as a separate document due to size.- This response is included in full as part of Appendix 5







We need one good school in a town this size. By financing two, we are not gibing pupils the suppport they require. We need one 11-16 school and a sixth form. Too much of our time and meagre budget is spent providing a "choice" for parents when in reality the diffrrence between thr schools is so small they are effectively the same. We work with the same families in a small town and already share staff. We need a bold move,a positive vision of an outstanding school with clear aims thwt everyone can support. Enough of thee squabbling about who went to which school decades ago. Our students don't mind. They just want a decent chance at studying subjects they enjoy with teachers who are not permanently frazzled or under attack from their colleagues over the bridge. Time to speak with one voice for the children of Whitby.


Caedmon College Whitby





Yes, move Eskdale to the old Caedmon site which will then become 11-14. Move the 6th Form which cannot be funded at current levels to the old College site which will become a 14-19 school. These two sites will be called Eskdale 11-14 and Caedmon College 14-19. This will ensure capacity on both sites. In addition, there needs to be a root and branch restructuring of the management structures. There are at least 40+ management roles across all three sites currently. This includes duplicate roles and numerous heads of departments and other roles. If this were a private company they would be bankrupt. It needs to start with classroom teaching and TAs. Lastly there needs to be a new set of governors and a fresh start.


Eskdale School





Keep Eskdale open, you can do this with small primary schools? Close the 6th form been tried not working and is a complete money pit. Too many managers across all three sites again money being wasted.


Caedmon College Whitby





Although out children are home educated, we feel it is abhorrent to have only one choice of secondary school in an ever growing town. To do this as a way to sell off land for houses is disgraceful and a slap in the face to all the students who chose YOUR SCHOOL as their education. Instead of focusing on improving results, the adults involved just seemed to find it easier to give up and give in to financial gain, over the needs of local families.


Home education





I object to the merger in its current form for the following reasons: - it’s done for the wrong reasons ie financial and not because it will deliver for current and future children - The decision (to consult) has been a rash one, without asking stakeholders for their ideas first, therefore stakeholders and the community feels “bulldozed “ into this as it looks like a “done deal” - The amalgamation will lead to job losses and therefore setting staff from both schools against each other as they are competing for the same jobs. It will therefore be an almost impossible task to build a happy school community while huge amounts of frustration, anger and disappointment are around. In the meantime, many of the best staff are likely to leave before Sept 2024 to escape this poisonous atmosphere, leaving a skills gap in an area where highly qualified/able teachers are difficult to recruit anyway.  - The proposed new school will feel much too big (bigger than average in England) for 11 year olds coming from very small (much smaller than average) village schools. It will feel very impersonal and intimidating to children as they’ll among over 1000 strangers! - There will not be enough capacity (actual physical space, playing fields etc on Normanby site) even if there are sufficient number of school places (on paper!) - The proposed new school will not be a new school but a take-over in all but name by CCW, seeing that Eskdale school has been forced to adopt many of the same admin procedures for some time now.


Eskdale School


The information is lacking in detail about the actual plans for the future. When further information was requested at the consultation meeting the reply was usually “to be decided”.  This is not good enough. Decision which will have a profound impact on the future of children and young people in whitby should be made when all the facts are available and not blindly, simply hoping it will be alright.



I think the proposed amalgamation is going to be catastrophic in terms of problems with school attendance and mental health issues. By removing the option of an alternative choice, children struggling with bullying or other issues don't have chance for a fresh start. This could mean many more students staying home, becoming socially isolated, depressed, anxious and may in time be reliant on medication instead of going out in the world and enjoying a life rich with career and relationships. This will end up costing the council more long term than the 1 % saved by this amalgamation.


Eskdale School







Eskdale School







Local Primary School





As a local resident I have concerns about the traffic that this will cause.   I live on St Andrews Road and at school pick up and drop off times the area is chaos and unsafe.   Cars are parked on residential estates, children are everywhere and what's worse is the buses. They block the junction at the St Andrews/Mayfield Road junction and use this as a turning space. I am surprised there has not been an accident and adding more pupils into the school will only make this worse.


Caedmon College Whitby





Going on the information that is currently being release from minuted WSF governors  meeting how can it not be in the public interest not to release the full script regarding the discussions that had taken place. To say that it might alter the outcome of the proposal makes me feel that actually it was not an obvious choice to close Eskdale . It also seems incredible that the DFe have no knowledge of the WSP , how on earth can that be and what other things have been missed. Stop this proposal and let’s have a proper discussion about what exactly is going on with children’s education in Whitby. Every child really Should matter.

Partner of staff member and former pupil

Eskdale School





I believe it will be very bad for both schools.children don’t need the stress of this proposal, and going off evidence from other schools local , including scarbrough, it doesn’t work and causes more harm than good.  My child often doesn’t get lunch due to long cues and not having time to have break. The children need a choice of schools. There also seems a lot of secrecy and transparency about the whole thing.


Caedmon College Whitby



For truth and transparency, and with governerd who are wanting the best for the children,as well as it being a money saving choice. Disgusting and wrong



Don’t agree as leaves no choice of secondary school, my daughter has just moved over to Caedmon as was having problems at Eskdale, so if this closes the problems will follow her


Caedmon College Whitby





Don’t agree as leaves no choice of secondary school, my daughter has just moved over to Caedmon as was having problems at Eskdale, so if this closes the problems will follow her


Caedmon College Whitby






My grandson loves Eskdale. He has always struggled at school and a another move to a new school with bigger class sizes will be detremental to him. These children are our future but they seem to matter the least in this merger.


Eskdale School






Parent of two ex pupils

Eskdale School





I do not agree with the proposal, it’s a rush i though out idea by people that have not looked into other options to help the financial strain, this needs qualified people to make decisions about our children and education.  The children have suffered massively over recent years due to Covid and have lost crucial educational time and I cannot understand why this proposal would have been brought forward in the period affecting the same children s education.  The figures used are predicted years in advance, this is it such a rush job, the planning should take years not months.  Why has my child been offered and shown a school that was potentially closing, the parents and public have been misinformed and


Eskdale School


The questions asked by the public at the open meeting  were not answered and I felt our thoughts and suggestions are not countable. ,



We all need choice  My children will not be going to Caedmon school


Eskdale School





I strongly disagree with his closure.  Parents need choice students need choice . All my children made their choice two to Caedmon one to Eskdale. My youngest has special needs and Eskdale was by far the best place for her to flourish. .

Teaching assistant

Eskdale School





Has an ex student of Eskdale I think it would be really hard for students like myself with special needs.  I was born deaf and attended a small primary school.  So going to a small school like Eskdale was perfect for me. I


Eskdale School





Children should have a choice you cannot put aload of kids into one school for a start it's going to be over populated not enough staff it will lead to bigger classes which don't work health and saftey for a start will fail more bullying just ridiculous this proposal it shouldn't happen and it needs stopping


Eskdale School





I think it would be good for the Town to look at education and how to best support its students including those with SEN.


Eskdale School


I just think it's the right time to look at how to best support all secondary children. Issues like bullying and drugs need to be looked at and improved and a schools need to find a way of promoting a positive learning experience with a warm and friendly ethos that makes children enjoy being in school as at the moment I do not feel school is an enjoyable place for many student





Caedmon College Whitby


My concerns are as follows:- Why has a decision  been allowed to be made by 4 governors of a federation that is not even legal?especially as the majority of those four have a vested interest iN the schools to eventually become an academy which is blatantly obvious to any onlooker knowing their history. My grand daughter attends the sixth form but my older one had to go to sixth form college in Scarborough to take her preferred course. there are  not enough courses on offer in Whitby, although I believe some are getting one to one courses and others one to two. How is that viable and is this to the detriment of Eskdale School who have to contribute financially to the sixth form. It not what you know but who you know!!! I live behind Caedmon school and I watch the students vaping behind the science labs and on their way to school past my house. I have also witnessed drug dealing at the bottom of the back path over the years and have informed the police about this. Unfortunately this problem has never been adressed by the school management team. Bullying is also an issue at the school which I sadly have witnessed. The pick up points at Caedmon are dangerous to say the least especially on the main A171 road which is the busiest road into the town centre. Where I live cars come to pick up their children and completely block the road now. What on earth will it be like if there are another 400 students in the equation? Whitby is desperate for Social Housing and the Caedmon College site would be ideal for this, encouraging young families to stay in the town and therefore having a new generation of children for the future of our town. My ideal would be to incorporate the current sixth form with Caedmon College on the sixth form site where there is more than adequate outside space for sports and new buildings and also incorporate the new Maritime school which has been given £10,000,000 for a new build on a flood plain - beggars belief!!! Keep Eskdale School as a 11-16 school





Eskdale School







Eskdale School







Eskdale School





I attended Eskdale school and it provided with an excellent education to allow me to go on to complete sixth form . I have offers to complete a degree in September . I feel my sisters should have the choice which secondary school they attend. You would be taking away my sister who is starting year 7 in September by closing Eskdale. The governors knew about the closure as stated in there public minutes . But the governing body allowed the leadership team to show potential students around. It is also sad that siblings were offered places at CCW even though there sister or brothers attend Eskdale. Please can the NYcC dispose of one of the old Whitby school site and put the sixth form and caedmon on one. And allow Eskdale to continue operating as a seperate school. All children cannot safely fit in one site. Please can you think of all children and not a quick fix.

My sister attend Eskdale and my other sister will in sept 23

Eskdale School







Eskdale School





It should not be happening it another short term fix for long term problems

Ex pupil

Eskdale School





The consultation I biased and this is not the best for the children of Whitby







The mismanagement from WSP towards the education of eskdale student is criminal. They have taken vital funds away for an ego boost of a sixth form


Eskdale School





Whitby had had 2 schools serving both sides of the town for 70 years, it might not work else where but it works here.


Eskdale School





Children need to come first, this is not happening, they can't cope with the problems now. This proposal will destroy children educations







Additional information on behalf of Whitby Community Network 1. Consider 11-19 education at Scoresby site, with help from new funding stream  • A £1.8 billion investment for the 2023-24 financial year to improve the condition of the school estate across England. This builds on over £13 billion to upgrade school buildings since 2015. • Alongside this, 146 colleges will benefit from the final phase of the £1.5 billion Further Education Capital Transformation Programme, to upgrade buildings and transform campuses. 2. Take part in research: Apply to be one of the research schools taking part due to remoteness of area E-spaces secures Innovate UK Edge grant to expand testing of its AI-powered teaching and assessment platform E-spaces, the AI-enabled teaching and assessment platform, has been awarded a Research and Technology Organisation (RTO) Grant by Innovate UK EDGE. E-spaces will use the grant to partner with Digital Catapult North East Tees Valley (Digital Catapult NETV) on the practical application and development of its BETA product in schools and colleges.  Alongside designing the research, Digital Catapult NETV will also facilitate partnerships with various education providers in the region to trial e-spaces’ software. Gateshead College, a sixth-form college in Gateshead, Newcastle upon Tyne, will be one of at least five schools or colleges taking part in the research.


All senior schools


Lack of imforation particularly accurate financial information for all three premises



If I can't go to esksdale I will leave Whitby and go somewhere else that suits me, one size does not it all and Caedmon does not fit me.

Perspective pupil






I am concerned over the genuine reasoning for this proposal. It appears to not have been thought out at all past a 5-10 year period. In fact on their maths I believe we will be back in the same situation I  the next 10 years, resulting in another closure of a building due to the decline in numbers. I agree that financially and on paper that a building needs to close, however I cannot understand the reasoning for it to be eskdale school. I believe that 2 sites operating in competition is what's needed to revitalise the towns education. 1 school of 11-16 and 1 school of 11-18. Re focus our post 16 education on core subjects that encorporate adult education along with apprenticeship in areas that benefit the town such as plumbing, electricians, catering and hospital management , fishing, farm management and agricultural. Driving business and support back into the town. I am disappointed to see that no primary schools, or parents of primary school children were consulted on this process. These are the future of Whitby s education. Questions have not been answered,no proof has been put forward. And only 4 governors made this decision!




The link on the website was not clear.





Eskdale School





We chose eskdale for a reason and my son is settled there. He is thriving being in a small school ,to uproot and force him to a big school he doesnt want to attend is just not fair


Eskdale School





Why is there no information given about all the dodgy dealings and missing money


Eskdale School





Traffic is already a nightmare leaving my home and going up Mayfield road at school times. This is a very dangerous merger as it will increase traffic and also the number of pupils walking down that street







This is a terrible idea. This generation have suffered enough education loss with covid. Now you take away more opportunities to cover your own mismanagement. There are other options and children deserve better








Think it's a ridiculous proposal there are many many other options but they have been thrown out the window. The increase of traffic will be dangerous to the children that have to walk to school. Bullying is a big issue currently which will only get worse same as the drug and vape problems in both schools which we have seen can have serious consequences personally I think the 6th form site should be closed as the amount of children that attend is very little as they go out of town for better choices. Unless the land at eskdale is in the pipeline to be sold to Barrett housing


Eskdale School





I was looking forward to secondary next year but now dreaad it as don't know what's happening and my friends are upset they don't get to go to eskdale. I don't want a school with 1000 kids


West cliff





The children need choice, if they aren't happy at the new school what happens. There future needs more thought than the governors and nycc have given it... no more quick fixes







I am currently a student at year 8. I am happy here and enjoying my lessons. I like the teachers and the this at my school. I chose to go here because it felt like a community. I would seriously reconsider asking to move out of town for my school if they were to merge. I have nothing against caedmon, I just like the idea of a big school.


Eskdale School


They should have spoken to the pupils at school and explained it to us.



I have big concerns about the proposal as I don’t believe all options have been explored fairly and shared with the community, students or school staff. I completely understand and agree with the fact that there needs to be change in Whitby and agree that 3 sites is expensive. However, I don’t believe that the options have been explored fairly. It is coming across extremely bias and feels as if, there is a plan to just get rid of Eskdale, rather than because Eskdale School is the best site to close.   In the consultation it was mentioned that there wasn’t enough space to move the Sixth Form into the Caedmon site. I don’t understand this or agree. How can there not be enough space to move 100 young adults, rather than 400 young vulnerable children. The Sixth Form is a very expensive site to run, shown by your figures, however, it is being used by only 100 sixth formers. The courses at the Sixth Form are extremely limited with students not getting the number of hours needed. Whitby Sixth Form doesn’t offer many courses and the majority of students don’t want to stay in Whitby, they want to go to Specialised colleges in Guisborough, Middlesbrough, Redcar and Scarborough. They want to explore somewhere new with well developed courses. It doesn’t make sense to force 1000 vulnerable young, hormonal children to go to one school together, because of young adults who would prefer to go elsewhere. I completely recognise that there is a need to have a sixth form in Whitby, but it can be kept with traditional courses and merge with Caedmon in one site. Therefore there would only be 2 campuses in Whitby and still give children and future children the option of different secondary schools and a sixth based out of one of those schools with traditional courses.   I don’t think Caedmon College is the best place for the amalgamation to happen for numerous reasons including but not limited to the location and outside space available. As many people have mentioned Caedmon is on a  busy


Eskdale School





We owe our young people more than WSP governors have been allowed to do over the past few years. This is not about which school is better - this is about choice for students, about strengths and positive learning experiences that will build foundations for their future. We fought for two 11-16 schools to give choice and now because of mismanagement by the Governors we are now going to deny future students those choices and consequently basic human rights.  The reasons given for the proposal are rooted in concerns over surplus places. Eskdale School has realised 73.8% of its published admission number (PAN) whereas Caedmon College realised 51.2% of its PAN. These were also affected by the drop in numbers last year as a direct result of Mr ##### (Former Eskdale Headteacher) headship and parents distrust in his administration. They have already risen again this year after his departure, so why has Eskdale been chosen for closure over Caedmon? A totally biased approach. In addition they are trying to manipulate numbers for Sept 23 - parents of year 6 pupils are going to think twice before sending their children to a school that might only be in existence for a year and will involve a further move as will parents of current year 9 students who may have to move half way through their GSCE courses! This is low level tactics at increasing Caedmon numbers to say the least if the outcome is not predetermined as NYCC education are keen to confirm?  There is no evidence that an amalgamation will solve the financial problems that the Governing Body have allowed to exacerbate over a prolonged period of time. The simple fact is the running of the 6th form is haemorrhaging money and nothing has changed over many, many years and the Governors have done nothing to stop it! They also have to accept that students want choices and have the right to take up the wider range of courses on offer outside of Whitby. The Federation have tried over the years to stop the movement of students and have not managed to do so -


Eskdale School





I am concerned about the serious issues surrounding drugs, in both schools and that of time management with lessons moving forward. I don't like  the idea of having to to trrrravel between the two sites for my education, this will loose time. And the roads are not safe.


Eskdale School


This should have been a topic up for descusions with the students within the school. There was no respect shown towards us



We moved from Leeds to give our kids the chance to be educated in an environment they felt supported in. Not lost up in 100’s and 100s of other children.


Caedmon College Whitby





There are so many issues with this alleged consultation it is difficult to know where to start. When I was first approached to support the parents/community members, having been involved in responding to the first consultation seven years ago, I couldn’t possibly anticipate the web of deceit, secrecy and legal irregularities that was about to unfold. Firstly it is not a consultation it is one proposal that was decided at a meeting that had half of the governing body attending and there is no evidence on minutes etc who actually voted and whether it was even a legitimate meeting as three of the governors on WSP are staff. No evidence has been given by WSP governing body as to what other options were considered- when asked at the meeting about these alternatives the governors said they would produce the evidence- they never did which presumably means that there were no alternatives considered. These should have been minuted anyway? A core component of professionalism is competency.  If you aren’t really sure what you are supposed be doing or what you are supposed to know, ask someone, then set about correcting the problem- this has not happened, particularly with the 6th form issues - there has been no self improvement over at least 12 years. 6th form numbers have consistently been dropping in the period covered by the information presented at the meeting by the governors. From 324 in 2011/12 to 140 in 2022/23 - that is a drop of 60% over a period of time when the 11-16 student population has only dropped by 13%.  Whether or not Eskdale are paying towards the 6th form, this lack of students in a large site is not financially viable!! However despite protestations to the contrary by ##### (Co-Chair of WSP) that Eskdale has not contributed anything to the 6th form, confidential minutes would suggest otherwise? If the 6th form population had dropped in line with the 11-16 population there would have approx 282 students this year which is a conservative loss of over £650k, 7.5 times t


Eskdale School





